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Terminology [[cmud_terms]] 
There are many terms used throughout this documentation that might be a bit unfamiliar to you. This topic defines various terms used in CMUD.

A short name assigned to a script. Typing the name of the alias in the command line will run the script. Created using the #ALIAS command.

A clickable area on the screen that can execute a script. Created using the #BUTTON command.

A "Class" or "Class Folder" is a collection of "Settings". Classes are used to group similar settings together so they can be moved, copied, enabled, or disabled as a group. Created using the #CLASS command.

A "Direction" is a single letter that corresponds to a exit in a room on the MUD game. For example, 'n' is the Direction for the "north" exit from a room in most English games. Directions can be changed and customized to support different languages. Directions are used by "Paths" to quickly travel from one location to another in the MUD game.

A script assigned to a specific keyboard key combination. When the key is pressed, the script is executed. Created using the #KEY command.

Similiar to a "Class", a "Module" is a collection of Classes and other settings. Think of this as a "super-class". The settings within a module can be made accessible to external "Packages" using the Published option for the Module. A Module is also similiar to a "Window" but without the visual window component. Created using the #MODULE command.

A collection of "Windows" and "Modules". A "Package" is normally a self-contained collection of settings that perform a specific purpose. Think of a "Package" as a "black-box" that adds a specific feature to your MUD session. Each MUD session has at least one "Package" that contains the default session "Window" and any associated "Settings". Packages can be published and shared with other users using the Shared Package Library.

A "Path" or "Speedwalking Path" is a shorthand notation for moving from one location to another on the MUD game. It consists of a series of "Directions" indicating which exit to take from each room along a defined path. Created using the #PATH command.

Represented by an icon in the initial selection screen displayed when you first run CMUD. Each session icon corresponds to a particular MUD game that you are playing. A "Session" contains a list of "Packages" that are loaded, along with a saved screen "Layout". For advanced users, a single Session can actually contain multiple windows for playing multiple characters on the same or different MUDs at the same time.

Settings are a collection of scripts used to help play your MUD game. They can consist of Aliases, Triggers, Buttons, Macros, and other elements.

Status Bar
The Status Bar is normally displayed just above the main command line within a "Window". The contents of this bar can be customized with "Status Bar" script elements. Created using the #STATUS command.

Status Window
A fly-out window normally located on the right edge of the main window that contains user-defined information. The contents of this window can be customized with "Status Window" script elements. Created using the #STWIN command.

When text is received from the MUD that matches a specified pattern, a script is executed. Created using the #TRIGGER command.

Executes a script when a predefined event occurs or the #RAISEEVENT command is used. Predefined events include OnConnect, OnDisconnect and OnRoomEnter.

Like "variables" in other programming language, it contains a value. A variable can contain a simple value, such as a string or number. Or it can contain complex values such as database records, arrays, COM objects, or user-defined functions. Created using the #VARIABLE command.

A visual window on the screen that contains its own "Settings". A Window acts like a visual "Module" except that a Window cannot be published. All settings within the Window are normally private to that Window. Created using the #WINDOW command.
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