Package Overview
Packages are a very important new feature in CMUD. They provide a way to bundle your settings and scripts and save them to a file or share them with your friends.
zMUD Users: Packages are similar to *.MUD settings files in zMUD, but are much more flexible. In zMUD you could only have ONE inherited settings file. With packages, you can have multiple "inherited" settings.
Think of CMUD Packages literally as a nicely wrapped package that you want to mail to a friend. Inside the nicely wrapped package are all of the scripts (aliases, triggers, buttons, macros, etc) that you want to send your friend.
Presumably you want to send this Package of scripts to a friend because your scripts perform some sort of useful function. They might be a set of scripts for playing a certain type of character on a certain MUD, or they might be a general purpose script for adding a new chat window to an existing MUD session.
The main rule about Packages is that they should be self-contained. Advanced users can learn how to split functionality between multiple packages, but for most users, a package contains everything that it needs to perform it's function...all of the aliases, triggers, macros, etc.
As mentioned above, a Package is also a file stored on your computer's disk. Each package is stored in a file with the *.PKG file extension. Internally, these are SQLite 2.8 database files. Each *.PKG file contains ONE package.
The default session package
When you create a new MUD session from the initial startup screen in CMUD, a default package file is created for you. By default, CMUD creates a subfolder with the name of the MUD you are playing, and in that subfolder it creates a *.PKG file with the same name as the folder.
For example, if you are creating a new character session on the "Medievia" MUD, then the default package is stored in the "CMUD\Medievia\Medievia.pkg" file.
As you play this MUD session, any aliases, triggers, macros, or other scripts that you create will be stored automatically in this package. You never need to specifically Save anything. CMUD always keeps your package file up-to-date by saving in the background.
One of the main design goals with CMUD was to eliminate "corrupted settings", which was a common problem with zMUD users. By storing your scripts in a database file (the package file) and keeping this file up-to-date in the background, CMUD ensures that your settings are always saved in a standard format that is much less likely to become corrupted. Even if your computer crashes or the power goes off, you will only lose a couple of minutes of work.
Changing your default session package
To determine where your session's default package is being stored, select the "Edit Session" action from the main CMUD startup screen. Then click the Files tab. The Filename field at the top gives the name of your Package file. You can click the Browse button to open a different package file for this session, or just enter a new file name.
If you enter a *.MUD settings file from zMUD, then CMUD will load that zMUD settings file and automatically convert it to a *.PKG Package file with the same name and located in the same directory.
On this same screen you will see a list of "Packages". This allows you to load multiple package files into your session.
So you always have at least one package file loaded into your MUD session: the primary package listed in the FileName field. But a session can actually load as many different packages as you want. |