CyricDT Beginner
Joined: 19 Jul 2006 Posts: 19
Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:14 pm
Pueblo issue |
Hello, I run several different mud codebases, and the majority of them are pueblo enhanced. I can use the pueblo client and see all the images, hear all the sounds, etc. However, I cannot with Zmud. I have pueblo turned on in Zmud, as a matter of fact, I have all the boxes except debug checked under the mxp general. I see nothing. What do I need to do to get Zmud to recognize pueblo?

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:04 pm |
Make sure the Auto Pueblo detection is turned on in the MXP page of the zMUD Preferences. And make sure the MUD is displaying the correct Pueblo enhanced string, which zMUD looks for to turn on Pueblo emulation. Also keep in mind that zMUD only emulates basic Pueblo stuff, so if your MUD is getting really fancy, then it might not all work in zMUD.
CyricDT Beginner
Joined: 19 Jul 2006 Posts: 19
Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:58 pm |
well, this an example of the string...
</xch_mudtext><img xch_mode=html><img src="http://deathstouch.homelinux.com/pueblo/dt3.gif"><br><img xch_mode=text>
what's funny is that when it comes up on the screen, it does nothing, but if I paste it to the command line and hit enter, it works......
Also, this string works just fine in Cmud. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 1:43 am |
Sounds like zMUD isn't detecting the initial Pueblo string sent by the MUD that activates the Pueblo emulation. I don't remember the exact string that zMUD is looking for, but I'll try to take a look at the source code when I get a chance. But zMUD has an internal trigger that looks for a certain string from the MUD telling that it's Pueblo-enabled, and if the Auto-Pueblo preference is enabled, then this trigger turns on the special MXP mode that handles Pueblo stuff.
I know that many people use zMUD on many different Pueblo MUDs and the Pueblo emulation has been implemented for several years and I've never gotten any support issues like this before. So I'm not sure what makes your MUDs different from other Pueblo MUDs.
Nice to hear it works in CMUD, though I'm not sure why it would work in CMUD and not zMUD. |
CyricDT Beginner
Joined: 19 Jul 2006 Posts: 19
Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:41 am |
It's a codebase called Rogue 2.5b3, a rom derivative. It may not be detecting Pueblo at login, because there is an image that is supposed to come up then, but I dont see it in Cmud. When I walk into a room with an image, though, I get it. Zmud and Cmud mxp settings are the same, so I dont know what the deal is.
CyricDT Beginner
Joined: 19 Jul 2006 Posts: 19
Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:22 am |
as a followup, I have talked with the guy that maintains the codebase, and here is what he had to say...
Quote: |
During the handshake zMUD identifies itself to the
server as zMUD not rogue. Even if zMUD processes
Pueblo enhancements, that does not mean the MUD is
sending them.
When you copy/paste, zMUD is using what I think is
called inline commands. Basically it's parsing what
your sending and formatting up pueblo stuff.
Another answer may be that RogueMUD is filtering out
the pueblo commands because it has detected you as
zMUD.. this would explain if you were seeing Pueblo
enhancements as plain text (for example <img
Best way to find out if it is doing this is to log in
your immortal with telnet client (plain text) then
create a newbie character with zMUD and enable pueblo
however you were doing it before.
Snoop the newbie, and have the newbie look at a room.
If you see something to the effect of "<img
src=asdfj>" then the mud is processing the pueblo
code into plain-text.
Some background on that is that < is HTML code for
less-than or the < symbol. You use it in an HTML file
when you want to display the symbol but do not want it
to be interpreted as an HTML tag.
So naturally if the MUD is processing text from a
source.. lets say a room description that contains the
lessthan or greaterthan symbol, it will change it into
HTML/XML code and then send it to the client (if the
client is using an HTML/XML extention, otherwise the
MUD does no special processing
. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:54 am |
Something else to use for your testing is the #PUEBLO command in zMUD. That is the command executed when the auto-detect trigger fires. This is the command that actually enables the Pueblo emulation within zMUD. So you can try just typing the #PUEBLO command on the command line and see if it starts processing the tags.
CyricDT Beginner
Joined: 19 Jul 2006 Posts: 19
Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 12:43 pm |
no, that didnt do anything. As for myself, it's fine, I am liking Cmud more and more as I use it, but my concern is for the current/future players of the mud. Alot of people use Zmud, and alot of people either cant afford, or wont pay for a new mud client. Is there perhaps a different string I could code the mud to send that would work, or is this the correct one?
btw, I tried the snooping suggestion in the above quoted text. I saw tags for everything in the room...so I take that to mean that Zmud is not being recognized as a pueblo client by the mud, and is sending everything in plain text. Although, the mud does tell me Pueblo Enabled! at login, so I am really at a loss now. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:03 pm |
If the #PUEBLO command doesn't do anything, then it's a problem with what the MUD is sending somehow. You can use the command:
#DEBUG test.txt testraw.txt
to turn on debug mode in zMUD. The testraw.txt will contain the dump of raw data send to and from the MUD. So you should be able to see any handshaking, and also see the raw data to see what the MUD is sending.
zMUD and CMUD use the same MXP/Pueblo parser, so if it works in CMUD then it should also work in zMUD, so I'm still at a loss for this. But you can compare the results of the #DEBUG command (which also works in CMUD) to see what the difference is and if the MUD is somehow sending anything different.
You will definitely want to figure out what this difference is. There will be more zMUD players than CMUD for a while and since zMUD works fine on other Pueblo MUDs, it seems like it has to be something different with the code base being used.
Edited: OK, I looked at the source code in zMUD. The trigger pattern used to auto-detect Pueblo is:
^This world is Pueblo (*) enhanced
and it then issues the #PUEBLO command. This trigger is enabled if the "Auto Detect Pueblo" option in the MXP preferences is turned on. This trigger should be in the System/Pueblo trigger class.
When the #PUEBLO command is executed, it sends the string: PUEBLOCLIENT 2.01 to the MUD (followed by a CR and LF as per the telnet protocol). This happens only if the "Enable Pueblo protocol emulation" is turned on in the Emulation preferences page.
As far as I can tell, CMUD does the same thing. But look at the debug logs and see if this string is being sent, and then see if the MUD is getting it. |
CyricDT Beginner
Joined: 19 Jul 2006 Posts: 19
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 12:00 pm |
ok, I am not sure what I am supposed to be seeing when I use the #DEBUG command. I have been seeing the raw pueblo text the whole time with Zmud, in Cmud it doesnt show me anything.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:18 pm |
The #DEBUG command doesn't show anything. If you do:
#DEBUG test.txt testraw.txt
and then connect to the MUD and let it do the Pueblo stuff, then when you exit zMUD you can look at the testraw.txt and it will show the raw bytestream to and from the MUD. So you can see exactly what is being recieved and what is being sent.
zMUD sends the "PUEBLOCLIENT 2.01" string directly to the network socket. So the only way for it to get displayed in zMUD is if the MUD echos it back. So somehow the MUD isn't accepting this string correctly. |
CyricDT Beginner
Joined: 19 Jul 2006 Posts: 19
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:13 pm |
ok, now I am totally confused. Zmud is sending back Pueblo Client 2.01, yet all I get when I go to a room with an image is the raw text. Cmud, did NOT return Pueblo Client 2.01, yet I DO see the images.....
This is from Zmud:
Quote: |
in ( 5) 07/23/06 08:15:20:859 : <IAC><SB><86><IAC><SE>
in* ( 81) 07/23/06 08:15:21:062 :
<IAC><WILL><91><IAC><WILL><90><IAC><WILL><86>This world is Pueblo 1.10 enhanced.
Would you like ANSI color? (Y/N)
out ( 3) 07/23/06 08:15:21:062 : <IAC><DO><91>
out ( 3) 07/23/06 08:15:21:062 : <IAC><DO><90>
out ( 19) 07/23/06 08:15:21:062 : PUEBLOCLIENT 2.01
in* ( 1328) 07/23/06 08:15:21:359 :
<IAC><SB><91><IAC><SE><ESC>[6z<!-- Setup MXP elements --><VERSION><!ELEMENT Ex '<send hint="Go">'><!ELEMENT Exit '<send exits hint="Display Exits">'><!ELEMENT RName FLAG="RoomName"><!ELEMENT RDesc FLAG="RoomDesc"><!ELEMENT RExits FLAG="RoomExit"><!ELEMENT Prompt FLAG="Prompt">
<ESC>[0;33mPueblo Enabled...<ESC>[0;0m
Greeting #1
[*] ___ ____ ____ __ __ ____ [*] ROGUE: ROM With Attitude [*]
[*] /#/ ) /#/ ) /#/ ) /#/ /#/ /#/ [*] All rights reserved [*]
[*] /#/ < /#/ / /#/ _ /#/ /#/ /#/-- [*] Copyright(C) 2000-2001 [*]
[*] /#/ \(#(__/ (#(__/ (#(__/#/ (#(___ [*] Kenneth Conley (Mendanbar) [*]
[*] Expression of Digital Creativity.. [*] scmud@mad.scientist.com [*]
[*] This MUD based on Rogue v2.4 Alpha by Kenneth Conley [*]
[*] Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael [*]
[*] Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer. Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, [*]
[*] Furey, and Kahn. Original ROM 2.4 copyright 1993-1998 by Russ Taylor. [*]
By what name do you wish to be known?
out ( 48) 07/23/06 08:15:21:359 : <ESC>[1z<VERSION MXP=1.0 CLIENT=zMUD VERSION=7.21>
This is from Cmud
Quote: |
in ( 5) 07/23/06 17:04:29:899 : <IAC><SB><86><IAC><SE>
in* ( 81) 07/23/06 17:04:30:134 :
<IAC><WILL><91><IAC><WILL><90><IAC><WILL><86>This world is Pueblo 1.10 enhanced.
Would you like ANSI color? (Y/N)
out ( 3) 07/23/06 17:04:30:134 : <IAC><DO><91>
out ( 3) 07/23/06 17:04:30:134 : <IAC><DO><90>
in* ( 258) 07/23/06 17:04:30:462 :
<IAC><SB><91><IAC><SE><ESC>[6z<!-- Setup MXP elements --><VERSION><!ELEMENT Ex '<send hint="Go">'><!ELEMENT Exit '<send exits hint="Display Exits">'><!ELEMENT RName FLAG="RoomName"><!ELEMENT RDesc FLAG="RoomDesc"><!ELEMENT RExits FLAG="RoomExit"><!ELEMENT Prompt FLAG="Prompt">
out ( 48) 07/23/06 17:04:30:462 : <ESC>[1z<VERSION MXP=1.0 CLIENT=CMUD VERSION=1.03>
out ( 3) 07/23/06 17:04:32:868 : y
in* ( 4277) 07/23/06 17:04:32:977 :
Greeting #1
[*] ___ ____ ____ __ __ ____ [*] ROGUE: ROM With Attitude [*]
[*] /#/ ) /#/ ) /#/ ) /#/ /#/ /#/ [*] All rights reserved [*]
[*] /#/ < /#/ / /#/ _ /#/ /#/ /#/-- [*] Copyright(C) 2000-2001 [*]
[*] /#/ \(#(__/ (#(__/ (#(__/#/ (#(___ [*] Kenneth Conley (Mendanbar) [*]
[*] Expression of Digital Creativity.. [*] scmud@mad.scientist.com [*]
[*] This MUD based on Rogue v2.4 Alpha by Kenneth Conley [*]
[*] Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael [*]
[*] Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer. Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, [*]
[*] Furey, and Kahn. Original ROM 2.4 copyright 1993-1998 by Russ Taylor. [*]
By what name do you wish to be known?
Maybe for some reason Cmud recognized the xch_mode element and Zmud doesnt??I have noticed that it isnt in Zmuds list of elements in preferences. |
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