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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
Posts: 152
Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 1:29 am   

and the status window
I'm using the <send> tag in my status window to cast spells, but i'm running into a snag with spells that require 2 words. The syntax im using is:

<send "'cast bless'">@bless</send>

I found if i dont use the ' inside the "", that it only sends cast by itself. Now, how would i go about sending something like

cast 'godly embrace' ?

Oh, and the reason for the variable within the send is because im coloring it with other triggers. I think i have that part figured out pretty well, just having trouble with the sending part itself.

Thanks, as always.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 2:03 am   
I can't get it to send cast only when I don't use the single quotes. Here's what I test with:
#MXP <send "cast bless">testing</send>

When I click on the link it correctly sends cast bless. Also, I can get it to send the single quotes too if needed with no problem:
#MXP <send "cast 'godly embrace'">testing</send>

Perhaps the problem is that the double quotes are being stripped when you set the status window definition. Try using %concat and %char(34) to make sure they don't get stripped out before they get to the status window.

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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 4:45 am   
Thanks for the reply, Kjata. The #MXP command never really comes into play with what im doing here. You're right though, it works flawlessly when the status window isn't involved. As far as the %concat and %char, well wouldn't you know it...the status window has no problem displaying any other special char. It's just when spaces or ' come in to play.

If anyone is still willing to dig deeper into this, here's something to try that illustrates my problem wonderfully. Enter the following into your command line:

#stw <send "cast 'godly embrace'">GodlyEmbrace</send>

When you click the resulting status window link, all that is sent should be cast by itself. So, how can we 'force' zMud to send everything between the "" literally?
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
Posts: 152
Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 5:16 am   
Ahh, got it. Just has to uncheck strip " quotes, under options for the script parser. Now i just wonder if this will foul up anything else i've got. Time will tell!

Thanks again to Kjata and anyone else that took the time to think this over.
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