adamandkate Wanderer
Joined: 14 Oct 2009 Posts: 57
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:14 pm
gmcp in mudkemia |
hi. im trying to work out how to map better using gmcp. is there a way to do this using gmcp. my main issue is that when i enter a room from swimming it doesnt create exits. i have to swim, then hit the direction to make the room.
what would be ideal would be swim east, and that would create the room and exits.
also my prompt looks like this...
1056h, 340e, 0f, 1397m, 0g xb A:50% -
char.vitals gives me
hp=1056|maxhp=1056|ep=340|maxep=340|ap=500|maxap=1000|mp=1397|maxmp=1397|nl=68|string=H:1056/1056 E:340/340 M:1397/1397 A:500/1000 NL:68/100
what i really want to capture is the balances (xb). any way of doing this? |
MattLofton GURU
Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 4834 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:41 am |
1)we're gonna need to see a lot more detail to work this one out for you, if someone in Midkemia didn't already help you out. Should always work off the assumption that very few other players play the game you do, particularly if you aren't determined to be a scripting giant among men.
2)From what I see (again, need more detail), balance info isn't sent via gmcp. That's not likely true (the char package typically is much larger than just the vitals section), but if it turns out I was right you can just do it the old-fashioned way by making a pattern-type trigger on the prompt. |
_________________ EDIT: I didn't like my old signature |
Cuda Newbie
Joined: 24 Aug 2010 Posts: 1
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:37 am |
my prompt (config prompt all)
^(%d)h, (%d)e, (%d)f, (%d)m, (%d)g (*) A~:(%d)~% ~-(*)$
capture hp etc with gmcp, but bal/equil etc with:
#if (%pos( x, %6)) {equil = 1} {equil = 0}
#if (%pos( b, %6)) {bal = 1} {bal = 0}
#if (%pos( p, %6)) {prone = 1} {prone = 0}
#if (%pos( d, %6)) {deaf = 1} {deaf = 0}
#if (%pos( r, %6)) {mounted = 1} {mounted = 0}
#if (%pos( @, %6)) {spellshield_on = 1} {spellshield_on = 0}
then build a custom prompt for each class with all the variables I need and #sub it in |
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