GeneralStonewall Magician
Joined: 02 Feb 2004 Posts: 364 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:59 pm
[3.29b] BUG? rdesc tag not being treated as MXP. |
On Aetolia the rdesc tag in room descriptions is apparently no longer being recognized as an mxp tag. I believe the issue is likely the GMCP message sent at the beginning of the line.
Here's the raw output:
Code: |
<IAC><SB><201>Room.Info { "num": 2120, "name": "Beacon Street between shops", "area": "Enorian", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "69,-5,-13,0", "map": "www.aetolia.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=69&building=0&level=0 23 9", "details": [ "shop" ], "exits": { "e": 5494, "s": 2121, "w": 6844, "nw": 2119 } }<IAC><SE><ESC>[36mThe stars twinkle in the clear night sky.<ESC>[37m <ESC>[4z<RDesc>The formerly diagonal street is knocked further askew, large slabs of overturned marble altering the direction of the road. On either side, merchants continue selling various types of wares, though a calmer atmosphere prevails as fewer choose to set up shop amid the debris. Some of the trees, still furnished with blue and gold blossoms, are uprooted by the same tunneling marring the streets. To the north the city's gates stand, set into the towering walls that protect the citizens of Enorian from danger that lurks outside the Beacon of Light. An open plaza is located slightly to the south, in a similarly destroyed state.<ESC>[4z</RDesc><ESC>[33m A sewer grate looms darkly beneath your feet.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m Adraj, merchant of Enorian is here, whittling a small figure.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m There are 2 peacemaker of Enorians here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m A bright-eyed missionary serenely patrols the streets of Enorian.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m An argent intercessor is poised here, hefting an ancient-looking halberd in her glowing hands.<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><201>Char.Items.List { "location": "room", "items": [ { "id": "11512", "name": "a sewer grate" }, { "id": "67537", "name": "a gigantic black worm" }, { "id": "100790", "name": "Adraj, merchant of Enorian" }, { "id": "36397", "name": "a peacemaker of Enorian" }, { "id": "156168", "name": "a peacemaker of Enorian" }, { "id": "150979", "name": "a bright-eyed missionary" }, { "id": "98418", "name": "an argent intercessor" } ] }<IAC><SE><ESC>[33m You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.<ESC>[37m<CR><LF> |
And here's what I see in the main window:
Code: |
The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. <RDesc>The formerly diagonal street is knocked further askew, large slabs of overturned marble altering the direction of the road. On either side, merchants continue selling various types of wares, though a calmer atmosphere prevails as fewer choose to set up shop amid the debris. Some of the trees, still furnished with blue and gold blossoms, are uprooted by the same tunneling marring the streets. To the north the city's gates stand, set into the towering walls that protect the citizens of Enorian from danger that lurks outside the Beacon of Light. An open plaza is located slightly to the south, in a similarly destroyed state.</RDesc> A sewer grate looms darkly beneath your feet. Adraj, merchant of Enorian is here, whittling a small figure. There are 2 peacemaker of Enorians here. A bright-eyed missionary serenely patrols the streets of Enorian. An argent intercessor is poised here, hefting an ancient-looking halberd in her glowing hands. You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale. |
Also, a bit of a side question, but is there a command to show what MXP mode you're currently in? |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:48 pm |
You need to go into the MXP Preferences page and look at the tag definitions sent by the MUD. "RDesc" is not a standard MXP tag...it is a custom tag defined by the MUD itself using an <!ELEMENT> tag when you log into the MUD.
There isn't any command to determine what "mode" you are in because the MUD can change the MXP mode within the line of text. For example, the ESC[4z is temporarily putting MXP into Secure mode for the next tag.
The issue of using GMCP with MXP is that the GMCP data is processed first, causing the room to be created. The MXP RDesc flag issues a #TAG command to tag the room description. However, since GMCP has already created the room before CMUD sees the MXP RDesc flag, it is not able to set the description. In fact, it will probably cause the description of the *next* room to be set to the description of the previous room.
My suggestion is that you create a MXP Trigger for the RDesc tag and then use the %roomdesc function to set the room description of the current room when in map mode. If there is a way to make GMCP work better with MXP, I'll look into it. But I'm not sure this is something I can do before the public release. |
GeneralStonewall Magician
Joined: 02 Feb 2004 Posts: 364 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:15 pm |
The rdesc flag is being properly defined, and I'm not actually trying to use the tag for anything, it's an issue that it's not hidden like it should be.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:44 pm |
That's why I need to see the actual ELEMENT definition sent from the MUD. If CMUD receives the ELEMENT definition, then it should hide the tag. The fact that the tag is not being hidden means that CMUD does not recognize it as a valid tag.
If there is a way to use the MXP RDesc on Achaea, let me know and I'll try it on my test account. I don't have any test account on Aetolia. |
GeneralStonewall Magician
Joined: 02 Feb 2004 Posts: 364 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:47 pm |
Code: |
<ESC>[4z<VERSION><ESC>[4z<SUPPORT><ESC>[4z<!ELEMENT RNum ATT="id" FLAG="RoomNum" EMPTY><ESC>[4z<!ELEMENT RName FLAG="RoomName"><ESC>[4z<!ELEMENT RDesc FLAG="RoomDesc"><ESC>[4z<!ELEMENT RExits FLAG="RoomExit"><ESC>[4z<!ELEMENT Prompt FLAG="Prompt"> |
It's properly listed under MXP elements in the preferences, too. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:50 pm |
I just tested this here and the RDesc tag was not displayed for me. Check your MXP Preferences. Try enabling the "Force remote MXP" option. And make sure the Debug MXP option is disabled.
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