albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:57 am
A wonderful collection of scripts for The Last Sunrise. |
As long as you remain available for conversation, the game does allow for automation scripts to be used (as of Feb 2022). I've put together tools to mine, craft, teach, quest, and level. There are also the handy capture triggers which move what people are saying to a separate window. You can find these scripts in the package library where you should be able to easily install them, but I'll include several of them here also. They are designed to be used without any knowledge of its internal workings; however, learning how can add to their reach, for example, adding more mobs for the quest bot to locate.
Capture Chat:
Code: |
<class name="chat" id="87">
<trigger priority="250" id="88">
<pattern>{You tell %w '*'|You reply to}</pattern>
<value>#cap chat
#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="310" id="89">
<pattern>%w OOC: '</pattern>
<value>#cap chat;#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="800" id="90">
<pattern>~[(%w )%s~]*%w: '*'$</pattern>
<value>#cap chat;#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="810" id="91">
<pattern>~[(%w)~]*: '*'$</pattern>
<value>#cap chat;#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="850" id="92">
<pattern>answers '</pattern>
<value>#cap chat;#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="860" id="93">
<pattern>questions '</pattern>
<value>#cap chat;#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="1030" id="94">
<pattern>You pray unto the high heavens '</pattern>
<value>#cap chat;#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="1900" id="95">
<pattern>A voice from the heavens booms all around you, saying, "*"$</pattern>
<value>#cap chat;#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="2180" id="96">
<pattern>* tells you '*'$</pattern>
<value>#cap chat;#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="2190" id="97">
<pattern>* replies, '*'</pattern>
<value>#cap chat
#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="2350" id="98">
<pattern>%w whines '*'$</pattern>
<value>#cap chat;#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="2840" id="99">
<pattern>^(%w) tells the group '*'.</pattern>
<value>#cap chat
#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="2860" id="100">
<pattern>~>(%w) tells the group '*'.</pattern>
<value>#cap chat
#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="1690" id="101">
<pattern>auctions '*'</pattern>
<value>#cap chat;#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="2120" id="102">
<pattern>Arena %1</pattern>
<value>#cap chat
#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="7850" id="103">
<pattern>~[ %w%s~] * '*'</pattern>
<value>#cap chat;#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="32090" id="104">
<pattern>%w says oocly, '%1'</pattern>
<value>#cap chat;#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="32100" id="105">
<pattern>You say oocly, '%1'</pattern>
<value>#cap chat;#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="38430" id="106">
<pattern>%w yells '</pattern>
<value>#cap chat;#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
<trigger priority="38500" id="107">
<pattern>%w gossips '</pattern>
<value>#cap chat
#gag 2
:chat:#sayp %time( hh:mm)</value>
</class> |
Last edited by albo on Thu Feb 03, 2022 7:05 am; edited 8 times in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:02 pm Teaching |
Teach a character warrior skills, and blademaster. Use alias iteach for all skills and forms, or the alias iteachwarrior for only the core warrior skills and all the blademaster forms.
Code: |
<class name="teaching" id="1">
<alias name="iteach" id="2">
<value>#FORALL @skills {teach %1 ~'%i~'}</value>
<alias name="iteachwarrior" id="4">
<value>#FORALL @skillswarrior {teach %1 ~'%i~'}</value>
<var name="skills" type="StringList" id="3">
<value>sword|ancient knowledge|anklelock|awareness|bash|butcher|common|dreamwalking|divineg race|fortify|headbutt|inner sight|judothrow|lore|net|recall|second attack|shadow|sneak|spy|sunburst|superkick|suspicious|tracking|armor use|break|enhanced damage|enhanced strength|quickness|relax|stamina|dodge|handtohand|kick|parry|shield bash|shield block|tattoo|third attack|guard|critical damage|critical punch|critical strike|dirtkicking|disarm|fourth attack|sidekick|bind|blind fighting|brute strength|cloaking|fast healing|flamevoid|first aid|path finding|precision|rage|hide|targeting|counter|decoy|fortitude|hunt|iron grip|meditation|riposte|weaponsmaster|rescue|riding|sap|whirlwind|withdraw|assassinate|barricade|blademaster|fifth attack|grapple|hthmaster|regeneration|rally|doubleslice|axekick|backfist|forearm|kneethrust|sixth attack|spinkick|sweepkick|berserk|focus|struggle|advanced armor use|blacksmith|brawl|curing|detailing|detecttrap|disguise|forge|gathering|gemcutting|gemmine|jeweler|leatherwork|mine|objectrepair|reinforcement|removetrap|settrap|skinning|smelting|tanning|teach|trapmaking|advanced weaponsmaster|Moon Over Water|Strike the Spark|Apple Blossoms in the Wind|Lightning of the Three Prongs|Hammer and the Forge|Boar Rushing Downhill|Grapevine Twines|Tower of the Dawn|Tower of the Night|Twisting the Wind|The Heron Spreads Its Wings|Cat Dances on the Wall|Cat on Hot Sand|The Kingfisher Takes a Silverback|Leaf Floating on the Breeze|Stones Falling from the Cliff</value>
<json>["sword","ancient knowledge","anklelock","awareness","bash","butcher","common","dreamwalking","divineg race","fortify","headbutt","inner sight","judothrow","lore","net","recall","second attack","shadow","sneak","spy","sunburst","superkick","suspicious","tracking","armor use","break","enhanced damage","enhanced strength","quickness","relax","stamina","dodge","handtohand","kick","parry","shield bash","shield block","tattoo","third attack","guard","critical damage","critical punch","critical strike","dirtkicking","disarm","fourth attack","sidekick","bind","blind fighting","brute strength","cloaking","fast healing","flamevoid","first aid","path finding","precision","rage","hide","targeting","counter","decoy","fortitude","hunt","iron grip","meditation","riposte","weaponsmaster","rescue","riding","sap","whirlwind","withdraw","assassinate","barricade","blademaster","fifth attack","grapple","hthmaster","regeneration","rally","doubleslice","axekick","backfist","forearm","kneethrust","sixth attack","spinkick","sweepkick","berserk","focus","struggle","advanced armor use","blacksmith","brawl","curing","detailing","detecttrap","disguise","forge","gathering","gemcutting","gemmine","jeweler","leatherwork","mine","objectrepair","reinforcement","removetrap","settrap","skinning","smelting","tanning","teach","trapmaking","advanced weaponsmaster","Moon Over Water","Strike the Spark","Apple Blossoms in the Wind","Lightning of the Three Prongs","Hammer and the Forge","Boar Rushing Downhill","Grapevine Twines","Tower of the Dawn","Tower of the Night","Twisting the Wind","The Heron Spreads Its Wings","Cat Dances on the Wall","Cat on Hot Sand","The Kingfisher Takes a Silverback","Leaf Floating on the Breeze","Stones Falling from the Cliff"]</json>
<var name="skillswarrior" type="StringList" id="5">
<value>sunburst|path finding|ancient knowledge|divine grace|stamina|regeneration|fast healing|armor use|meditation|advanced armor use|sword|second attack|critical damage|critical punch|critical strike|third attack|flamevoid|precision|rage|brute strength|fortitude|quickness|inner sight|blind fighting|weaponsmaster|enhanced damage|enhanced strength|dodge|parry|shield block|fourth attack|counter|iron grip|riposte|fifth attack|sixth attack|advanced weaponsmaster|blademaster|Moon Over Water|Strike the Spark|Apple Blossoms in the Wind|Lightning of the Three Prongs|Hammer and the Forge|Boar Rushing Downhill|Grapevine Twines|Tower of the Dawn|Tower of the Night|Twisting the Wind|The Heron Spreads Its Wings|Cat Dances on the Wall|Cat on Hot Sand|The Kingfisher Takes a Silverback|Leaf Floating on the Breeze|Stones Falling from the Cliff</value>
<json>["sunburst","path finding","ancient knowledge","divine grace","stamina","regeneration","fast healing","armor use","meditation","advanced armor use","sword","second attack","critical damage","critical punch","critical strike","third attack","flamevoid","precision","rage","brute strength","fortitude","quickness","inner sight","blind fighting","weaponsmaster","enhanced damage","enhanced strength","dodge","parry","shield block","fourth attack","counter","iron grip","riposte","fifth attack","sixth attack","advanced weaponsmaster","blademaster","Moon Over Water","Strike the Spark","Apple Blossoms in the Wind","Lightning of the Three Prongs","Hammer and the Forge","Boar Rushing Downhill","Grapevine Twines","Tower of the Dawn","Tower of the Night","Twisting the Wind","The Heron Spreads Its Wings","Cat Dances on the Wall","Cat on Hot Sand","The Kingfisher Takes a Silverback","Leaf Floating on the Breeze","Stones Falling from the Cliff"]</json>
</class> |
Last edited by albo on Thu Feb 03, 2022 6:33 am; edited 4 times in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:25 pm A little autocrafting for forge and blacksmith. |
This one does need to be adjusted and cannot operate very well without taking a look at how it is works. You'll need to change the type of item, and the recipe and you'll need to store your crafting lockbox name.
Code: |
<class name="trainingCrafting" id="1">
<class name="aacraftingVariables" enabled="false" id="2">
<var name="unrefinedIron" id="3">0</var>
<var name="unrefinedTitanium" id="4">0</var>
<var name="unrefinedCopper" id="5">0</var>
<var name="unrefinedPlatinum" id="6">0</var>
<var name="unrefinedSilver" id="7">0</var>
<var name="unrefinedGold" id="8">0</var>
<var name="smeltTheCopper" id="9">0</var>
<var name="smeltTheGold" id="10">0</var>
<var name="smeltTheIron" id="11">0</var>
<var name="smeltThePlatinum" id="12">0</var>
<var name="smeltTheSilver" id="13">0</var>
<var name="smeltTheTitanium" id="14">0</var>
<var name="refinedCopper" id="16">0</var>
<var name="refinedGold" id="17">0</var>
<var name="refinedIron" id="18">0</var>
<var name="refinedPlatinum" id="19">0</var>
<var name="refinedSilver" id="20">0</var>
<var name="refinedTitanium" id="21">0</var>
<var name="craftingLockboxName" type="Literal" id="39">_none_</var>
<class name="aacraftingFunctions" enabled="false" id="22">
<func name="recordOreCounts" id="23">
<value><![CDATA[#IF ($b = iron && $c = unrefined) {unrefinedIron = @unrefinedIron + $a}
#IF ($b = titanium && $c = unrefined) {unrefinedTitanium = @unrefinedTitanium + $a}
#IF ($b = copper && $c = unrefined) {unrefinedCopper = @unrefinedCopper + $a}
#IF ($b = gold && $c = unrefined) {unrefinedGold = @unrefinedGold + $a}
#IF ($b = silver && $c = unrefined) {unrefinedSilver = @unrefinedSilver + $a}
#IF ($b = platinum && $c = unrefined) {unrefinedPlatinum = @unrefinedPlatinum + $a}
#IF ($b = platinum && $c = refined) {refinedPlatinum = @refinedPlatinum + $a}
#IF ($b = copper && $c = refined) {refinedCopper = @refinedCopper + $a}
#IF ($b = gold && $c = refined) {refinedGold = @refinedGold + $a}
#IF ($b = iron && $c = refined) {refinedIron = @refinedIron + $a}
#IF ($b = silver && $c = refined) {refinedSilver = @refinedSilver + $a}
#IF ($b = titanium && $c = refined) {refinedTitanium = @refinedTitanium + $a}]]></value>
<func name="whichOreToSmelt" id="24">
<value>#IF (@unrefinedIron = 5) {#VA smeltTheIron 1}
#IF (@unrefinedTitanium = 5) {#VA smeltTheTitanium 1}
#IF (@unrefinedCopper = 5) {#VA smeltTheCopper 1}
#IF (@unrefinedGold = 5) {#VA smeltTheGold 1}
#IF (@unrefinedSilver = 5) {#VA smeltTheSilver 1}
#IF (@unrefinedPlatinum = 5) {#VA smeltThePlatinum 1}</value>
<func name="smeltTheOre" id="25">
<value>#IF (@smeltTheIron = 1) {#sendraw smelt iron unrefined
#VA smeltTheIron 0
#VA unrefinedIron 0}
#IF (@smeltTheCopper = 1) {#sendraw smelt copper unrefined
#VA smeltTheCopper 0
#VA unrefinedCopper 0}
#IF (@smeltTheGold = 1) {#sendraw smelt gold unrefined
#VA smeltTheGold 0
#VA unrefinedGold 0}
#IF (@smeltThePlatinum = 1) {#sendraw smelt platinum unrefined
#VA smeltThePlatinum 0
#VA unrefinedPlatinum 0}
#IF (@smeltTheSilver = 1) {#sendraw smelt silver unrefined
#VA smeltTheSilver 0
#VA unrefinedSilver 0}
#IF (@smeltTheTitanium = 1) {#sendraw smelt titanium unrefined
#VA smeltTheTitanium 0
#VA unrefinedTitanium 0}</value>
<func name="raiseForge" id="26">
<value><![CDATA[#IF (@refinedGold >= 2 && @refinedIron >= 3) {#sendraw forge breastplate gold gold iron iron iron refined}]]></value>
<func name="recordOreRemoved" id="27">
<value><![CDATA[#IF ($a = iron && $b = unrefined) {unrefinedIron = @unrefinedIron + 1}
#IF ($a = titanium && $b = unrefined) {unrefinedTitanium = @unrefinedTitanium + 1}
#IF ($a = copper && $b = unrefined) {unrefinedCopper = @unrefinedCopper + 1}
#IF ($a = gold && $b = unrefined) {unrefinedGold = @unrefinedGold + 1}
#IF ($a = silver && $b = unrefined) {unrefinedSilver = @unrefinedSilver + 1}
#IF ($a = platinum && $b = unrefined) {unrefinedPlatinum = @unrefinedPlatinum + 1}
#IF ($a = platinum && $b = refined) {refinedPlatinum = @refinedPlatinum + 1}
#IF ($a = iron && $b = refined) {refinedIron = @refinedIron + 1}
#IF ($a = titanium && $b = refined) {refinedTitanium = @refinedTitanium + 1}
#IF ($a = copper && $b = refined) {refinedCopper = @refinedCopper + 1}
#IF ($a = gold && $b = refined) {refinedGold = @refinedGold + 1}
#IF ($a = silver && $b = refined) {refinedSilver = @refinedSilver + 1}]]></value>
<class name="aacraftingTriggers" enabled="false" id="28">
<trigger priority="87810" enabled="false" id="29">
<pattern>With a final blow of the bellows, you have reached your goal and refined your ore</pattern>
<value>smelt iron unrefined
smelt gold unrefined
smelt titanium unrefined
smelt silver unrefined
smelt platinum unrefined
smelt copper unrefined</value>
<trigger priority="73230" enabled="false" id="30">
<pattern>You get a (%w) ore of (%w) quality from a lockbox with the name Kakarot on it</pattern>
<value>@recordOreRemoved(%1, %2)</value>
<trigger priority="87830" enabled="false" id="31">
<pattern>You need 5 pieces of the ore</pattern>
<value>smelt iron unrefined
smelt gold unrefined
smelt titanium unrefined
smelt silver unrefined
smelt platinum unrefined
smelt copper unrefined</value>
<trigger priority="88040" enabled="false" id="32">
<pattern>%p(%d)%p a (%w) ore of (%w) quality</pattern>
<value>@recordOreCounts(%1, %2, %3)</value>
<trigger priority="88120" enabled="false" id="33">
<pattern>You have crafted a breastplate of gold and iron</pattern>
<trigger priority="88240" id="34">
<pattern>Could not locate all of the ores</pattern>
<trigger priority="88250" id="35">
<pattern>You have crafted a sword</pattern>
<class name="aacraftingAliases" id="38">
<alias name="raiseforge" id="36">
<value>#class {aacraftingFunctions} (1)
#class {aacraftingTriggers} (1)
#class {aacraftingVariables} (1)
#sendraw {%concat("get copper",@craftingLockboxName)}
#sendraw {%concat("get copper",@craftingLockboxName)}
#sendraw {%concat("get platinum",@craftingLockboxName)}
#sendraw {%concat("get platinum",@craftingLockboxName)}
#sendraw {%concat("get platinum",@craftingLockboxName)}
blacksmith sword copper copper platinum platinum platinum offbalance</value>
<alias name="raiseforgeoff" id="37">
<value>#class {aacraftingFunctions} (0)
#class {aacraftingTriggers} (0)
#class {aacraftingVariables} (0)</value>
</class> |
Last edited by albo on Thu Feb 03, 2022 6:58 am; edited 3 times in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:06 pm Kore Runs |
This chunk here will keep on running Kore. There are aliases to turn it on and off, and it uses the hunt skill to determine when to start another visit through the area.
Code: |
<class name="Level-TLS" id="21">
<class name="aakoreruns" enabled="false" id="1">
<class name="aakorerunslook" enabled="false" id="2">
<trigger priority="10470" id="3">
<pattern>You receive (%d) experience points.</pattern>
<value>#class aakorerunskill 1
#class aakorerunswalk 1
#ALARM "lookAfterDeadMob" {+2} {look} aakorerunslook</value>
<trigger priority="10480" id="4">
<pattern>%1 is here, fighting %1</pattern>
<value>#class aakorerunskill 0
#class aakorerunswalk 0
#suspend korerunsbot</value>
<trigger priority="10540" id="5">
<pattern>No-one around by that name</pattern>
<value>#alarm norepop {+8} {hunt retain} aakorerunslook</value>
<trigger priority="10550" id="6">
<pattern>You couldn't find a path to them from here</pattern>
<trigger priority="11420" id="7">
<pattern>They aren't here</pattern>
<value>#class aakorerunswalk 1
#class aakorerunskill 1
<trigger name="norepop" priority="484390" id="8">
<value>hunt retain</value>
<class name="aakorerunswalk" enabled="false" id="9">
<var name="korerunsnow" type="StringList" id="10"/>
<var name="korerunspath" type="StringList" id="11">
<value>.7n|.7n|.3s3e|.4e|n|.2s|e|n|n|.2n2e|.2ese2s|.2sws2w|.2w3ne|n|.2s|e|n|n|.s2en|s|.6w|.6w|.5s|.6s|buffup;fortify;suspicious;hunt retain</value>
<json>[".7n",".7n",".3s3e",".4e","n",".2s","e","n","n",".2n2e",".2ese2s",".2sws2w",".2w3ne","n",".2s","e","n","n",".s2en","s",".6w",".6w",".5s",".6s","buffup;fortify;suspicious;hunt retain"]</json>
<trigger priority="10430" id="12">
<value>#ALARM "korerunsbot" {+3} {#exec %pop(korerunsnow)} aakorerunslook</value>
<class name="aakorerunskill" enabled="false" id="13">
<trigger priority="10490" id="14">
<pattern>One of the lord's retainers is here keeping an eye on the lord's lands.</pattern>
<value>#class {aakorerunskill} (0)
#class {aakorerunswalk} (0)
#suspend korerunsbot
kill retain</value>
<trigger priority="10500" id="15">
<pattern>Joni Shagrin, once Senior Bannerman of the Guards, is here with a blood stained bandage around his temple</pattern>
<value>#class {aakorerunskill} (0)
#class {aakorerunswalk} (0)
#suspend korerunsbot
kill joni</value>
<trigger priority="10510" id="16">
<pattern>A grey haired experienced soldier stands here next to a saddled horse holding a long, steel-tipped lance</pattern>
<value>#class {aakorerunskill} (0)
#class {aakorerunswalk} (0)
#suspend korerunsbot
kill soldier</value>
<trigger priority="10520" id="17">
<pattern>A former squadman straightens his sword belt</pattern>
<value>#class {aakorerunskill} (0)
#class {aakorerunswalk} (0)
#suspend korerunsbot
kill squad</value>
<trigger priority="10530" id="18">
<pattern>A bluff faced, stocky man with thick gray hair sits at a writing table</pattern>
<value>#class {aakorerunskill} (0)
#class {aakorerunswalk} (0)
#suspend korerunsbot
kill lord</value>
<trigger priority="15220" id="19">
<pattern>A saddled horse looks prepared for a campaign</pattern>
<value>#class {aakorerunskill} (0)
#class {aakorerunswalk} (0)
#suspend korerunsbot
kill horse</value>
<class name="GlobalLevelingUtilities" id="22">
<class name="GLU-Aliases" id="26">
<alias name="turnkorerunson" autoappend="true" id="23">
<value>#class aakoreruns 1
#class aakorerunswalk 1
#class aakorerunskill 1
#class aakorerunslook 1
hunt retain</value>
<alias name="turnkorerunsoff" autoappend="true" id="24">
#class aakoreruns 0
#class aakorerunswalk 0
#class aakorerunskill 0
#class aakorerunslook 0</value>
<class name="GLU-Triggers" id="27">
<trigger priority="11660" id="20">
<pattern>You are SUBDUED, and begging for mercy.</pattern>
<value>#class aakoreruns 0
#class aakorerunslook 0
#class aakorerunswalk 0
#class aakorerunskill 0
#ALARM "levelingSubdued" {+95000} {recall
<class name="GLU-Variables" id="28"/>
<class name="GLU-Functions" id="29"/>
<class name="GLU-StandFlush" id="30">
<trigger priority="9610" verbatim="true" id="31">
<value>#ALARM "standBackUp" {+2} {stand} GLU-StandFlush</value>
<trigger priority="9640" id="32">
<pattern>%1 walks up and socks you in the nose</pattern>
<value>#ALARM "flushEyes" {+2} {flush} GLU-StandFlush</value>
<trigger priority="12370" verbatim="true" id="33">
<value>#ALARM "standBackUp" {+2} {stand} GLU-StandFlush</value>
<trigger priority="17040" id="34">
<pattern>%1 spits in your eye!</pattern>
<value>#ALARM "flushEyes" {+2} {flush} GLU-StandFlush</value>
Last edited by albo on Thu Feb 03, 2022 7:19 am; edited 2 times in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:16 am Run Drones |
This is for running the drones in OOC Land. A couple aliases will turn it on and off, and if it gets stuck it tries to go back to the beginning and start over.
Code: |
<class name="Level-TLS" id="57">
<class name="GlobalLevelingUtilities" id="3">
<class name="GLU-Aliases" id="4">
<alias name="turndronerunson" autoappend="true" id="1">
<value>#class aadronesrun 1
#class aadronesrunwalk 1
#class aadronesrunkill 1
#class aadronesrunlook 1
dronespathnow = @dronespath
<alias name="turndronerunsoff" autoappend="true" id="58">
<value>#class aadronesrun 0
#class aadronesrunwalk 0
#class aadronesrunkill 0
#class aadronesrunlook 0
dronespathnow = @dronespath
<class name="GLU-Triggers" id="7"/>
<class name="GLU-Variables" id="9"/>
<class name="GLU-Functions" id="10"/>
<class name="GLU-StandFlush" id="11">
<trigger priority="9610" verbatim="true" id="12">
<value>#ALARM "standBackUp" {+2} {stand} GLU-StandFlush</value>
<trigger priority="9640" id="13">
<pattern>%1 walks up and socks you in the nose</pattern>
<value>#ALARM "flushEyes" {+2} {flush} GLU-StandFlush</value>
<trigger priority="12370" verbatim="true" id="14">
<value>#ALARM "standBackUp" {+2} {stand} GLU-StandFlush</value>
<trigger priority="17040" id="15">
<pattern>%1 spits in your eye!</pattern>
<value>#ALARM "flushEyes" {+2} {flush} GLU-StandFlush</value>
<class name="aadroneruns" enabled="false" id="16">
<class name="aadronerunswalk" enabled="false" id="17">
<var name="dronespath" type="StringList" id="18">
<trigger name="aadronerunsExitsLoop" priority="18890" trigontrig="false" id="19">
<value>#ALARM "dronesrunbot" +2 {#if (%numitems( @dronespathnow)="0") {
#exec %pop( dronespathnow)
} {#exec %pop( dronespathnow)}} aadroneruns</value>
<var name="dronespathnow" type="StringList" id="20">
<class name="aadronerunsslook" enabled="false" id="21">
<trigger priority="11400" id="23">
<pattern>%1 is here, fighting %1</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot</value>
<trigger priority="11410" id="24">
<pattern>They aren't here</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 1
#class aadronerunskill 1
<trigger priority="10290" id="25">
<pattern>You can't see a thing!</pattern>
<trigger priority="11540" id="26">
<pattern>%1 is resting on the ground</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot</value>
<trigger priority="10540" id="27">
<pattern>No-one around by that name</pattern>
<value>#alarm norepop {+10} {hunt drone} aadronerunslook</value>
<trigger priority="10550" id="28">
<pattern>You couldn't find a path to them from here</pattern>
<trigger priority="52310" id="31">
<pattern>* drone has arrived.</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 1
#class aadronerunskill 1
<trigger priority="11390" id="32">
<pattern>You receive (%d) experience points.</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 1
#class aadronerunskill 1
#ALARM "lookAfterDeadMob" {+2} {look} aadronerunslook</value>
<class name="aadronerunskill" enabled="false" id="35">
<trigger priority="18960" id="36">
<pattern>%1 is here, fighting %1</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot</value>
<trigger priority="34210" id="37">
<pattern>a massive alien drone is resting on the ground.</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill massive</value>
<trigger priority="34210" id="38">
<pattern>An abnormally large alien drone looms over you</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill drone</value>
<trigger priority="34210" id="39">
<pattern>This alien drone hasn't yet reached full adulthood</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill alien</value>
<trigger priority="34210" id="40">
<pattern>Concentrated acid drips from both sets of this drone's jaws</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill drone</value>
<trigger priority="34210" id="41">
<pattern>This tiny larval alien trails droplets of blood.</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill larval</value>
<trigger priority="34210" id="42">
<pattern>An alien drone races across the ceiling.</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill alien</value>
<trigger priority="34210" id="43">
<pattern>An alien drone moves subtly along the darkended walls</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill alien</value>
<trigger priority="34210" id="44">
<pattern>A vicious alien drone spaps its double-jaws</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill vicious</value>
<trigger priority="34210" id="45">
<pattern>A Predator Chieftain awaits the return of his hunters.</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill chieftain</value>
<trigger priority="52230" id="46">
<pattern>Long, spindly legs are slowly emerging from this open egg!</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill parasite</value>
<trigger priority="52250" id="47">
<pattern>a juvenile alien drone is resting on the ground.</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill juvenile</value>
<trigger priority="52270" id="48">
<pattern>This marine opens fire on anything that moves!</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill marine</value>
<trigger priority="52290" id="49">
<pattern>This alien drone hisses aggressively at any who approach.</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill alien</value>
<trigger priority="52330" id="50">
<pattern>a sinuous alien drone is resting on the ground.</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill sinuous</value>
<trigger priority="52350" id="51">
<pattern>Bent light camouflages this tall figure as it searches for prey.</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill predator</value>
<trigger priority="52390" id="52">
<pattern>A six foot oddly human looking beast with wings and claws</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill deamon</value>
<trigger priority="52400" id="53">
<pattern>A massive statue that looks almost to real</pattern>
<value>#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#suspend dronesrunbot
kill deamon</value>
<class name="gotlost" id="54">
<trigger priority="98280" id="55">
<pattern>Alas, you cannot go that way.</pattern>
<value>gt recall
<var name="toDronesStart" type="StringList" id="56">
<trigger priority="11660" id="60">
<pattern>You are SUBDUED, and begging for mercy.</pattern>
<value>#class aadroneruns 0
#class aadronerunslook 0
#class aadronerunswalk 0
#class aadronerunskill 0
#ALARM "levelingSubdued" {+95000} {recall
Last edited by albo on Thu Feb 03, 2022 7:34 am; edited 2 times in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:38 am Quest Bot |
Saving the best for last, but it is much too much to post here. This is one you can only find on the package library. If you have CMUD though, you have the package library and you'd just search for The Last Sunrise and finding my scripts after that should be easy. I'd recommend installing them like that anyway.
Last edited by albo on Thu Feb 03, 2022 7:46 am; edited 3 times in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:41 am Sixth Section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:59 pm; edited 1 time in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:52 am Seventh Section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:59 pm; edited 1 time in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:56 pm Eighth Section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:00 pm; edited 1 time in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:05 pm Ninth Section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:01 pm; edited 1 time in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:08 pm Tenth Section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:01 pm; edited 1 time in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:30 pm 11th section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:02 pm; edited 1 time in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:32 pm 12th Section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:03 pm; edited 1 time in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:33 pm 13th Section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:10 pm; edited 2 times in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:34 pm 14th Section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:04 pm; edited 1 time in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:36 pm 15th Section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:04 pm; edited 1 time in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:39 pm 16th Section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:40 pm 17th Section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:41 pm 18th Section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:06 pm; edited 1 time in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:44 pm 19th Section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:07 pm; edited 1 time in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:45 pm 20th Section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:07 pm; edited 1 time in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:46 pm edited |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:48 pm 21st Section |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:09 pm; edited 2 times in total |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:51 pm This one is for a script for running a few of the popular places.. |
edited: read original post
Last edited by albo on Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:09 pm; edited 1 time in total |
norder Newbie
Joined: 30 Aug 2009 Posts: 2
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:11 am Incomplete? |
I followed all of the instructions to the letter, and some parts of it seem to function from a cursory glance.. but it seems incomplete somehow, specifically I wondered about goquest and startquest as they appear in the triggers but I don't see any defining aliases for them. I do not know if that is the problem or not. Anyone who can answer some questions or take a peek at it would be appreciated. Thanks.
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