Command Reference
[Command Reference] [Function Reference] [Predefined Variables] [Expressions]
Each command should be preceded by the Command character. The default command character is # but can be changed in the Preferences dialog. You can abbreviate each command using the letters shown in boldface.
Loop Structures #number repeat following text number times
REPEAT repeat commands a given number of times
LOOP execute command several times in a loop
FORALL loop through a string list and execute command for each item
UNTIL execute commands until expression is true
WHILE execute command while expression is true
LOOPDB loops through key values in a database record
LMAP loop through rooms on the map
PRIORITY execute list of commands without processing MUD input
ABORT abort further parsing of the current loop or program block
Conditionals IF perform a conditional test
CASE select a command from a list
Triggers ACTION create or display a trigger action
TRIGGER create or display a trigger action
ALARM create an alarm trigger
TEMP create a temporary trigger
ONINPUT create a command input trigger
REGEX create a unix regular expression trigger
STATE change the current trigger state
Trigger related commands COLOR change color of the last line of text
CW color the matched word on the last line
PCOL color part of the line
GAG remove last line from screen
UNGAG prevent the line from being gagged
GAGON turn on gagging of text
GAGOFF turn off gagging of text
PSUB substitute text in part of the line
T+ turn on a class or specific trigger
T- turn off a class or specific trigger
CLASS enable or disable a class
Create/modify settings items ALIAS create or display an alias
PATH save or display the current path
GVARIABLE assign a value to a global variable
MATH perform complex math and expression parsing
ADD add a value to a variable
GAUGE create a graphical gauge button
STATUS set the definition of the status bar
STW set status window definition
TAB add word to tab completion list
RENAME rename an alias, variable or path
MENU add a speed menu item
DIR add a direction setting
SUSPEND pauses an alarm or wait trigger
RESUME unpuases an alarm or wait trigger
Remove settings items
DELCLASS removes a class and deletes settings
UNMENU remove a speed menu item
UNDIR remove a direction setting
UNTAB remove a word from the tab list
KILLALL delete all aliases, macros, trigger actions, tab-completion words
Tick Timer
TS set the time or origin of the timer
T? display time remaining in timer
File Commands FILE open a file for reading and writing
READ read and execute a script from a file, or read a record from a file
WRITE write a record to a file
ERASE erase a file from the disk
RESET reset the file back to the beginning.
SEND send a text file to the MUD prefixed by a command
TYPE display all or part of a text file to the screen
LOG start a log file or toggle logging
FTP perform file transfers using FTP
IMAGE display an image in a popup window
Debugger Commands BREAK causes a breakpoint, which stops execution of script and loads the debugger
WATCH adds an expression to the debugger Watch List
UNWATCH removes an expression from the debugger Watch List
Automapper commands CONFIGURE change the configuration of the mapper
NODIR remove last direction from mapper queue
NOMAP prevent the matched line from being parsed by the mapper
QUEUE insert path into queue and recompute queue
OK confirm a mapper movement
DOOR create a door on the map
MERGE merge rooms on the map together
MOVE move a direction on the automapper
TELEPORT teleport to a location on the map
LOOK reload description of current room on map
FIND find current location on map
MAPQUERY display the Find Room results based upon a query
RECALL teleport to recall location on map
WALK speedwalk to a marked location on the map
LMAP loop through rooms on the map
TAG override the normal automapper detection
DESCRIBE displays the room name, description, and exits
PATHHIGH will highlight a path on the map
PORTAL add a new portal to the mapper
Speedwalking commands MARK mark the beginning of a path
PATH save or display the current path
MAP add a direction to the current path
BACKUP remove last direction from current path
SLOW execute a path in Slow Walk mode
STEP resume an aborted Slow Walk and step ahead
OK confirm a Slow Walk step
Window/Multiplaying commands SAY echo text to the screen
SHOW echo text to the screen
ECHO echo string to current MUD window
SEND send text to the MUD
ECHOPROMPT echo text to current window without newline
SHOWARR display an array on the screen
NAME change the name of the current window
ALL send a command to all windows
CAPTURE capture lines and send them to the editor or a window
C+ start capturing to a window
C- stop capturing to a window
FREEZE split the screen to view scrollback
IMAGE displays an image file on the screen
MXP send a line to the screen containing MXP commands.
User interface I/O MESSAGE display a message in a small window
PROMPT prompt for the value of an alias/variable
PICK select commands from a list
YESNO Display a confirmation dialog with buttons
AFK displays a password prompt window and locks zMUD until password is entered
Sounds and external applications BEEP beep the speaker (or play a wave file)
PLAY play a wave, midi, avi, cd player, or other multimedia
MEDIA send commands to your multimedia device
LAUNCH launch another application
COM execute a method of a COM object
CALL execute a method of a COM object (different syntax from #COM)
URL open URL in your Web Browser
DDE send a DDE macro to a server.
PLUGIN load and unload plugins in memory
Scripting GUI features MENU execute a menu command
IGNORE toggle the processing of trigger actions
HISTORY display the history of previous commands
H+ retrieve the next command in the history buffer
H- retrieve the previous command in the history buffer
INPUT put text into the command buffer
SCROLL display matching lines in scrollback buffer
Session and Character settings
CONNECT reconnect to the current session
PW return your current password
HOST return the name of the current host
Settings and Special Characters LOAD load a settings file
SAVE save the current settings file
DEFAULT save special characters and reset them to defaults
NODEF restore special chars saved with #DEF
String List Commands ADDITEM adds an item to a string list
DELITEM deletes an item from a string list
DELNITEM delete the nth item from a string list
Database Variable Commands ADDKEY adds a keyword and property to a database record
DELKEY deletes a keyword from a database record
SHOWDB displays a database record
LOOPDB loops through key values in a database record
Database Commands
VIEW sets or defines a database view
FIND filters the database view to find items
QUERY filters the database view to find items
DBGET sets the current database record to a given record
DBPUT stores new values in a database record
DBFIRST sets the current record to the first in the view
DBNEXT sets the current record to the next in the view
DBPREV sets the current record to the previous in the view
DBDELETE deletes a record in the database
NEW create a new database record
DBOFFLINE work in editor without effecting user interface
DBONLINE work in editor and effect user interface
Miscellaneous ABORT abort further parsing of the current command line
WAIT delay further processing until next line is received
MSS execute an external script
SCRIPT defines external script
SS defines and executes external script
EVAL evaluate an expression
Leftover TinTin compatibility VERSION display the current version of zMUD
WIZLIST display the credits for zMUD
HELP get help on commands