Syntax: #NEW View Key-Value-list
Creates a new database record in the given view. The optional second item of the View string list is the name of the Database to create the new record. The Key-Value-list is either a database variable, or a series of field names and values, or of the form "Name1=Value1|Name2=Value2|etc". The new record is set as the current record of the database.
NEW Examples
#NEW Weapon @Item Creates a new record in the Weapon view using data from the @Item database variable
#NEW "" %rec Creates a new record which is a copy of the current record in the current view
#NEW Potion Name=Blue Spell=Heal Creates a new record in the Potion view with a Name of "Blue" and a Spell field of "Heal".
#NEW Potion {Name=Blue|Spell=Heal} Creates a new record in the Potion view with a Name of "Blue" and a Spell field of "Heal".