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PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 2:28 pm   

FreeVCS and Delphi

I created a new thread, so not to hijack the other one. Wink

I've organized my projects in just such way as you describe. I'm using the stand-alone version, so I'm not sure how it would be done from the IDE. You can actually use both the IDE and Stand-Alone versions on the same machine with no problems.

From the menu, I select Project -> Project Tree. Next I select the Hierarchy tab, so now there's a treeview of all the projects. Click on the project you want, then right-click. Select "Create New Sub Group".

The thing that is confusing when I first started, is that now you have to go and create the actual sub-project. Again from the menu, Project -> New. Follow the prompts.

Then you have to go back to Project -> Project Tree, select the folder you want, right-click and select "Add Project". This will actually assign the project to the folder.

I usually create a project under the root folder that contains all of the files I need to run the application. You'll have to add the files manually to this project, then select "yes" to the shared file prompt. This way you'll keep the files synchronized between project. It makes it pretty nicely organized. I have several projects that are several thousand files, and this makes it easy to work on just the section that I want.

Feel free to email me if you need more help. [8D]
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 6:52 pm   
Thanks for the new thread Wink

I tried what you suggested, but the "Create New Sub Group" is disabled for the IDE version. And without IDE integration where I can open a subgroup and double-click a file to load it into the Delphi IDE it's not really going to help.

It looks like the IDE version is dependant upon the Delphi project structure and since Delphi can't have subgroups, it FreeVCS can't add them either. It's too bad...I was hoping for something that would enhance the poor project support in Delphi.

By the time I'm ready for the public release of eMobius, I'm expecting to have hundreds of files in this project.

Maybe you can tell me more about having both versions running and what that entails and how that really works with Delphi.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 7:24 pm   
Last time you mentioned your version of Delphi, you said it was 5. Is that still the case? I don't have any versions of Delphi installed, so this would be a good time to setup one of the versions on my bookcase.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 9:15 pm   
Nope, I've upgraded to Delphi 7 for the new projects. I only use Delphi 5 (still installed) for work on zMUD, zMapper, and zExplorer. All new stuff is in Delphi 7.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 10:25 pm   
Hmm, this isn't looking good. I ran into a case today where Delphi refused to compile. Selecting the Build, Compile, or Run options did nothing...Delphi just sat there. I exited Delphi and restarted it. Then, when I tried to check-in the file that was open in Delphi, I got an Access Violation from Delphi. I had to reboot Windows XP to get it all working again. Maybe there is some wierd interaction between FreeVCS and CodeRush (the Delphi editor IDE enhancement that I use) or something.

Question: Is there a way to either save the DB server password so that it autologins, or to somehow force it to log in without prompting when Delphi is loaded? Seems like there should be a mode for a local user who doesn't need all of the multiple-login features of the database.

Again, I'm feeling like I always do when I try using Version Control's a total overkill for what I need as a single developer.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 10:52 pm   
Man, I *really* wanted to try and use something like this, but I've really had it. I've wasted hours between last night and today fussing with this.

The last straw was when I checked out a module (my TDataModule for Zeus) and it refused to give me read/write access. The file was marked as read-only even though it was checked out! That just shouldn't happen.

My comfort level with this software is just way too low. I'm totally afraid of losing a file now or getting changes overwritten. I can't waste my time fighting with software like this.

Yes, that's probably what I get for using free software.

Anyway, I've turned FreeVCS off for now and checked-out all of my files so I can use them. Maybe someday when I have more time to mess with it I'll give it another try. But right now, if I'm going to release anything today, I've got to get some productive coding done and don't have time to mess with this anymore.

Thanks for trying to help though.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 12:31 am   
The programs I suggested in the other thread don't integrate with the IDE's, the way I work it is I check out my entire projects directory which is broken up into folders and subfolders, then I do whatever code I want to do, then at the end of the session/day/week/version/release/whenever I feel like it, I just right-click on the folder and say 'CVS Commit'.

I've never had any read only problems or anything like that, and it's easy to do the version control because basically you program the way you always have and just go 'commit' when you want, and let it figure out what it needs to send to the server. Then I can go to my laptop and select 'update' and it copies all the changes onto my laptop's project directory, then I can go to a client, do some changes, come back and select 'commit' and go do 'update' from my standard PC.

As for 100's of files, the way I handle that is to break them up into their own directories within Windows, and then I just right click on the folder and tell it to 'CVS Add Contents'. You can go thru later and set up your '.cvsingore' files so you can ignore the binary files etc if you don't want them taking up space on your server.

It took an afternoon to play around and get it working the first time and play with all the settings, but I think the hardest part was sorting out how to do the checkout from a windows based PC... which was:

Protocol: Windows authentication (:sspi:)
Server: bob (the name of my server)
Port: 2401 (I think that's the default port)
Repository Folder: /julian/ (my name heh)
User Name: Julian (my account name on the server)

The actual server settings weren't too tough.. I think I might'a taken a couple of goes to get it to use the raided backup array rather than c: but that was probably me being stupid ;)

Incidentally, the repository folder being my name means that all of my projects are under my name. You might want to create different folders for each project eg one for zeus, one for emobius, one for zmud, etc.

Personally, though, I found having the global root directory made it really easy to check in/out all my projects. So instead of having to check out / update each folder I wanted on my laptop, I could just check out all my source code in the one hit. And if you only modified one folder under all that source code, you can only opt to commit / update that one folder, so it doesn't take long to update everything.

The flaw in that system may be if you can't branch a sub-folder from a main project (I haven't checked that yet).

Just want to stress this point. Our server is behind a hardware firewall that blocks all ports... I don't think the CVS server has build in password protection (or at least not enabled by default). So keep your source protected by protecting the server.

I'm sure you already have that one well covered, but I just wanted to make sure that you knew.

Btw, I can't seem to find a 'watch topic notification' checkbox anywhere?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:52 pm   
To drag out an old forum topic... I'm looking to nab some sort of versioning solution for work. You still using FreeVCS, Zugg? Also, anyone else have 2 cents they want to toss in about the various tools?

I'm currently leaning towards SubVersion in some form.

Ichthus on SWmud:
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:05 am   
Subversion hands down. The workflow is much better than FreeVCS. My productivity went up when I went away from those source control manager that lock files. Subversion has a bunch of client tools, but the server tools are all command-line. I got so tired of this that I wrote a app to manage this with a UI on Windows. I'm about to release v1.0 of this shortly. PM me if you want to see it. I don't want to hijack this thread more than necessary.

~~ Crusty Klingon Programmer ~~
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:22 am   
I used FreeVCS a *long* time ago. I've been using Subversion (SVN) for years now, along with the Windows Explorer plugin called "TortoiseSVN" ( which is *very* nice. Highly recommended. SVN by itself just has the normal command line interface, pretty similar to CVS. Tortoise adds a bunch of right-click menus to Windows Explorer and can change the folder icons to indicate which folders are up-to-date. Note sure how this compares to bortaS's Windows UI, but given how popular and stable TortoiseSVN is, I can't really imagine why another UI would be needed.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:05 am   
Yeah, TortoiseSVN was the particular version I was looking at. I was also trying to find something that hooked into the SCC API so that I could handle some of that while in my Visual Studio IDE and wouldn't have to pop out to windows explorer.

Ichthus on SWmud:
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:50 pm   

Look at AnkhSVN over here:

It doesn't use the SCC API, but it does a reasonably well job of integrating with Visual Studio. I use it quite a bit. This one is free. Microsoft is moving away from SCC API anyways.

There's also a commercial plugin called VisualSVN over here: These guys also make a similar tool for the server part of Subversion than mine. Mine is at

~~ Crusty Klingon Programmer ~~
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:59 pm   
While Ankh and VisualSVN both work great with VS.NET, we've still got several large applications (which are our bread and butter apps) in VB6 which would need the SCC client. TortoiseSVN should be fine, though. The VS plugin was just icing and it isn't a 'need'.

Ichthus on SWmud:
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:43 pm   
Well, I found this: But I've never used it. They claim that it works with a lot of IDEs. Visual Studio 6 is listed in this page:

~~ Crusty Klingon Programmer ~~
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