Loftaris Adept
Joined: 24 Aug 2004 Posts: 277
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:16 am
Problems galore. I hope to god Gates didn't help make this! |
Alright, I installed Cmud, had it run... NOT running 5 minutes, and already it got corrupted. Had to reinstall.
Reinstalled, imported my old .mud and .pkg files, all my triggers and aliases keep disappearing, nothing will work???
I tried typing #AL go #WALK, and Cmud crashes
What the hell is going on here? C isn't supposed to mean crappy :(
After using Zmud for the last 5 years, I can't say I'd ever consider switching to Cmud if I have to look forward to this. I understand this is Beta, so by god I'm hoping this gets fixed. But I'm very frustrated with it so far. I'm deleting it immediately, and going to look back until the official release. Which unfortunately is AFTER the deal runs out where I can purchase it for cheaper.

Joined: 18 Oct 2000 Posts: 2733 Location: Atlanta, USA
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:11 am |
I'm sorry that you've had a such a frustrating experience thus far. While it may not be much solace it may help you to know that the import process is still a work in progress. Also there was a significant redesign of the settings editor (which while it addresses some performance issues and other concerns) still needs to be vetted a bit.
You can help improve the process by email the .MUD file to Zuggsoft support. Alternatively, while it maybe more tedious, you can consider entering the scripts into CMUD manually using the editor. Bear in mind when doing that CMUD uses a much stricter parsing engine.
I can assure the C is isn't for crappy, and CMUD is a work in progress that's maturing quickly. |
_________________ Asati di tempari! |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:01 am |
You know, it's funny actually. On one hand I get hate mail from people claiming that CMUD is just a disguised version of zMUD. On the other hand people complain because CMUD isn't compatible enough with zMUD. If CMUD was just an upgrade of zMUD, then it wouldn't have taken 60 hour weeks for the past year to write it. If it was just a zMUD upgrade, then it wouldn't have all of these compatibility bugs. If I wrote a new MUD client that wasn't compatible with zMUD, then nobody would use it. If CMUD didn't feel familiar to zMUD users, then they would complain that CMUD was too hard to use. No matter what I do, people will complain. People like to complain.
It took about five years for zMUD to really get stable. CMUD has a better architecture, so it probably won't take that long. But CMUD isn't going to be perfect overnight. Even the public version in December will still have bugs. That's just the nature of complex software. It's the reason I'm giving discounts to zMUD users to encourage them to come and participate in the beta testing to make CMUD better, just like I used to do with zMUD.
But the decision is yours. You can participate in the beta testing by making constructive suggestions for improvement and posting high-quality bug reports to make CMUD better for everyone. Or you can just go away and wait until the public release. You still have a 30-day free trial that will get you close to the public release. And the discounts don't go away until the public version is actually released. There will be plenty of notice on this web site about the exact release date when it gets closer. Nobody is forcing you to buy anything.
Try to keep in mind that I'm a real person just like anyone else. I have a family, a mortgage, and bills to pay. I'm not doing this to get rich, I'm just trying to earn enough to support my family. I'm not purposely adding bugs to CMUD just to piss you off. And you probably wouldn't like it if someone trashed everything you had been working on for the past year, so try and think about what you are posting before you hit the Submit button. The "Gates" reference was pretty uncalled for. |
Seb Wizard
Joined: 14 Aug 2004 Posts: 1269
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:17 am |
Yeah, and I doubt Microsoft would issue a new release just to fix some bugs you found. If you post good quality bug reports, there is a pretty good chance of them being fixed by the end of the week, or if not, before the end of your month trial is up.
Loftaris Adept
Joined: 24 Aug 2004 Posts: 277
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:45 pm Hmm... Sorry :( |
After I read what I wrote last night, I realize it sounded a lot more harsh than I had meant it to be.
I realize that you're only human, and I realize that things take time to evolve.
When I got home last night, I got this cool email regarding Cmud. I had tried it once months ago when I heard about it. Back then, it crashed my computer when I ran a couple other programs, but I don't remember it having the report your problem dialogue. I deleted it back then without saying much. This time, I installed it, and within 15 minutes all it did was flop around like a fish. I couldn't get 1 trigger to work properly, my aliases wouldn't stick, and it was corrupt on the first install.
I already sent a few reports to zugg with my errors, but not every error I got had a report box. My triggers not working don't give any type of error, they just don't work. They're enabled, so I'm certain they're supposed to be active.
The 1 and only thing I DID get working was the mapper. It worked for as much as I tried it.
I apologize for the Gates reference, that was fairly harsh.
However, as sorry as I am, and as much of a devoted follower of Zmud, Cmud is useless on my computer. I can't use it to play my game at all. Which is why I was so upset last night. Perhaps it's something I'm running, perhaps it's just that I'm doing things wrong and the new Cmud works completely different than Zmud, I don't know. But Cmud just will NOT work on my computer.
I wish you the best Zugg, you've answered lots of my questions in the past, it wasn't meant to be a direct attack on you, just a venting of my frustration. |
Rorso Wizard
Joined: 14 Oct 2000 Posts: 1368
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:31 pm Re: Hmm... Sorry :( |
The real question here is "Do you want it to work?". Currently CMUD is beta tested which means it'll crash and behave odd. Zugg needs people to report bugs to be able to track them down and hopefully fix them. So far you haven't properly even reported the issue.
1. Did you do a clean install of the latest cMUD into a clean directory? If you had cMUD/zMUD earlier and tried install into that directory you're basicully asking for problems.
2. Are you trying to load old zMUD files? cMUD is not zMUD. Zugg has tried to make it compatible with zMUD where possible but there are still differences.
Also: Don't use cMUD for serious MUD playing! It is still beta and things constantly change. You can't expect at the moment that your data files that work in the current version to properly load in the next.
Beta testing can be a very frustrating task sometimes. However without it there wouldn't be any usable zMUD today, or cMUD. |
Seb Wizard
Joined: 14 Aug 2004 Posts: 1269
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:01 pm |
Also, Loftaris, for the next version of CMUD, which I expect will be released at the end of the week some time, Zugg is hoping to add a "Compatibility Report" for imported MUD files. This should make it a lot easier finding compile errors in your scripts, which could be caused by syntax errors in your scripts (which perhaps still worked in zMUD) and / or bugs in the compiler / parser / import process.
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