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Joined: 26 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 5:21 am   

I have been scripting all night, but I can't get it right, this is what I want.
As you can see below, we have an assortment of tags on our mud, after our names. I want to add my own. Look below please.

 MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
 [46 :166 F Sidhe Bard  Wilds ] Aryne [o:////:[::::::>][A][Q][<Combat>]
 [60 :240 F    Hero     Social] Mashimaro [=Va|ha||a=][A]
 [60 :240 M    Hero     Towne ] Tejon [/>Annwn<\]
 [60 :240 M    Hero     Underg] Nerion [/>Annwn<\][<Combat>]
 [7  :67  F Ogre  Bard  Social] Greela
 [46 :166 M Dwarf Bard  Social] Tinkle [>>Condemned<<][A]
 [55 :235 F Sidhe Bard  Underg] Joseph [<EyeS>][A][<Combat>]
 [60 :240 M    Hero     Underg] Nyan [/>Annwn<\][A][<Combat>]
 [60 :240 M    Hero     Planar] Felony [::nAo::][<Deceased>]
 [60 :240 M    Hero     Planar] Damodred [+):SanguinE:(+][<Deceased>]
 [1  :1   M Human Bard  Towne ] Malanthyus [HC]
 [8  :8   M HlfLg Bard        ] Aloond
 [27 :27  M H-Elf Bard  Towne ] Jorka
 [54 :234 F Sidhe Bard  Towne ] Iiris [{+DIGM+}]
 [60 :240 M    Hero     Towne ] Spizy [---,-->{@]
 [50 :230 F HlfLg Bard  Clanhl] Ishynir [..>>)MoW(<<..][A]
 [44 :44  M Ogre  Bard  Towne ] Node [-127-]
 Total matches: 17.

What I want is any area listed in this variable

#VAR areas {Dungn|Isle |Underw|Planar|Keep|Underg|Tower}

to have an added (Possible PK) at the end of the name. EX:

 MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
 [46 :166 F Sidhe Bard  Wilds ] Aryne [o:////:[::::::>][A][Q][<Combat>]
 [60 :240 F    Hero     Social] Mashimaro [=Va|ha||a=][A]
 [60 :240 M    Hero     Towne ] Tejon [/>Annwn<\]
 [60 :240 M    Hero     Underg] Nerion [/>Annwn<\][<Combat>] (Possible PK)
 [7  :67  F Ogre  Bard  Social] Greela
 [46 :166 M Dwarf Bard  Social] Tinkle [>>Condemned<<][A]
 [55 :235 F Sidhe Bard  Underg] Joseph [<EyeS>][A][<Combat>]
 [60 :240 M    Hero     Underg] Nyan [/>Annwn<\][A][<Combat>]
 [60 :240 M    Hero     Planar] Felony [::nAo::][<Deceased>] (Possible PK)
 [60 :240 M    Hero     Planar] Damodred [+):SanguinE:(+][<Deceased>] (Possible PK)
 [1  :1   M Human Bard  Towne ] Malanthyus [HC]
 [8  :8   M HlfLg Bard        ] Aloond
 [27 :27  M H-Elf Bard  Towne ] Jorka
 [54 :234 F Sidhe Bard  Towne ] Iiris [{+DIGM+}]
 [60 :240 M    Hero     Tower ] Spizy (Possible PK)
 [50 :230 F HlfLg Bard  Clanhl] Ishynir [..>>)MoW(<<..][A]
 [44 :44  M Ogre  Bard  Towne ] Node [-127-]
 Total matches: 17.

Is there a way of doing this, I have been trying things with triggers all night, but I can't get it right. I know I will have to use %ismember to match the areas up, but other than that, I am blank. Help me out please.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:11 am   
*Untested* Mainly the PSUB is untested as I have not tried to use it like this before Lemme know if it works!

#TRIGGER "pos_pk" {MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online} {}
#COND {.-------------------------------------------------------------------------.} {#T+ pkwho} {within|param=1}
#COND {`-------------------------------------------------------------------------'} {#T- pkwho}
#TRIGGER "pkwho" {&3:&3 {M|F} &10  (&6)] (%x) *} {
 #IF (%ismember(%lower(%trim("%1")),%lower(@areas)) {
  #PSUB {~(Possible PK~)} %eval(%len(%line)+2)
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Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 33

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 1:04 pm   
This is what your script did to the formatting of the mud.

02:241 M   Legend    Social] Kazmo [??Milk??][A] [60 :240 M    Hero     Social] Spizy [---,-->{@] [75 :241 F   Archon    Social] Hysparina [??Milk??][A] [18 :78  F Ogre  Rogue Towne ] Kattlekirk  [60 :60  M Dwarf Caval Towne ] Leadfoot  [23 :143 F H-Elf Pries Castle] Kiyone  [55 :175 F Drow  Witch Social] Kasei [A] [60 :120 F Sidhe Monk   Keep ] Fuchi [Diversity] [79 :241 F   Archon    Towne ] Shakti [??Milk??](Quest)[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit:  [60 :180 F Ogre  Shama Social] Xarlia [A] [60 :120 M Drow  Pries Towne ] Perias [>)InNueNdO(<] [39 :159 F Sidhe Monk  Towne ] Jurka [-=}TweaK{=-] [60 :60  F Mintr Barba Towne ] Auxesia [/>Annwn<\] [102:241 M   Archon     Home ] Jaxxon [-=}TweaK{=-][A] [60 :120 F  Fey  Valky Wilds ] Daye [<+MiRAGE+>] [74 :241 M   Archon    Social] Alias [ProphecY] [120:241 M   Archon     Home ] Gunner [{+DIGM+}]`-------------------------------------------------------------------------' Visible Immortals online: 0    Visible Players Online: 164  (Possible PK)[AWAY](@#cabal)   (Possible PK)  (Possible PK)  (Possible PK)[AWAY](@#cabal) (P(Possible PK)ossible PK)[AWAY](@#cabal)   (Possible PK)[AWAY](@#cabal)

Last edited by kyros on Sat Jul 30, 2005 1:07 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 33

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 1:04 pm   
Didn't work :(
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Joined: 29 Jun 2001
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 8:59 pm   
#TRIGGER {^ MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online} {#T+ PossiblePK}
#CLASS PossiblePK
#VARIABLE areas {Dungn|Isle |Underw|Planar|Keep|Underg|Tower}
#TRIGGER {^ ~[%d%s~:%d%s ? %x%s%w%s(%w)~] *} {#IF (%ismember(%1,@areas)) {#SAYPROMPT ~(Possible PK~)}}
#TRIGGER (^ Total matches: %d.} {#T- PossiblePK}

Tested this offline by sending your search output. Triggers returned this:
MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
[46 :166 F Sidhe Bard  Wilds ] Aryne [o:////:[::::::>][A][Q][<Combat>]
[60 :240 F    Hero     Social] Mashimaro [=Va|ha||a=][A]
[60 :240 M    Hero     Towne ] Tejon [/>Annwn<\]
[60 :240 M    Hero     Underg] Nerion [/>Annwn<\][<Combat>] (Possible PK)
[7  :67  F Ogre  Bard  Social] Greela
[46 :166 M Dwarf Bard  Social] Tinkle [>>Condemned<<][A]
[55 :235 F Sidhe Bard  Underg] Joseph [<EyeS>][A][<Combat>]
[60 :240 M    Hero     Underg] Nyan [/>Annwn<\][A][<Combat>]
[60 :240 M    Hero     Planar] Felony [::nAo::][<Deceased>] (Possible PK)
[60 :240 M    Hero     Planar] Damodred [+):SanguinE:(+][<Deceased>] (Possible PK)
[1  :1   M Human Bard  Towne ] Malanthyus [HC]
[8  :8   M HlfLg Bard        ] Aloond
[27 :27  M H-Elf Bard  Towne ] Jorka
[54 :234 F Sidhe Bard  Towne ] Iiris [{+DIGM+}]
[60 :240 M    Hero     Tower ] Spizy (Possible PK)
[50 :230 F HlfLg Bard  Clanhl] Ishynir [..>>)MoW(<<..][A]
[44 :44  M Ogre  Bard  Towne ] Node [-127-]
Total matches: 17.
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Joined: 26 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:02 pm   
it didn't trigger off at all :(
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:29 am   
Try it like this instead (without the carrots)
#TRIGGER {MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online} {#T+ PossiblePK}
#CLASS PossiblePK
#VARIABLE areas {Dungn|Isle |Underw|Planar|Keep|Underg|Tower}
#TRIGGER {~[%d%s~:%d%s ? %x%s%w%s(%w)~] *} {#IF (%ismember(%1,@areas)) {#SAYPROMPT ~(Possible PK~)}}
#TRIGGER (Total matches: %d.} {#T- PossiblePK}
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 11:29 pm   
that does this:


[60 :60  F HlfLg Rogue Tower] Azureus (Quest)
(Possible PK)(Possible PK) [60 :180 M H-Elf Bard  At Sea] Zeles
 [20 :80  M Drow  Caval       ] Someone. [..>>)MoW(<<..](Quest)
 [99 :241 F   Archon    Social] Alondra [+Fallen+]
 [48 :48  F HlfLg Wizrd Tower] Someone. [@}@}===,====]
(Possible PK)(Possible PK) [20 :20  M Ogre  Bard  Towne ] Roonskar
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:43 am   
Did you remove the previous set of triggers? If not, the triggers likely did not overwrite each other and now you have almost duplicate triggers. That would most likely be the cause of the two (Possible PK) flags. As for why it wrapped to the next line like it did, I'm at a loss.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:44 am   
Yes I did.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:46 pm   
*bump* still looking for an answer!
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:40 am   
Putting it at the end and keeping previous formating is gonna be out of the question. How about after the name?

#TRIGGER "pos_pk" {MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online} {}
#COND {.-------------------------------------------------------------------------.} {#T+ pkwho} {within|param=1}
#COND {`-------------------------------------------------------------------------'} {#T- pkwho}
#TRIGGER "pkwho" {&3:&3 {M|F} &10  (&6)] (%x)( )*} {
 #IF (%ismember(%lower(%trim("%1")),%lower(@areas)) {
  #PSUB {%char(32)~(Possible PK~)%char(32)} %x3
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 1:20 pm   
Is there any answer to this question? I want to keep the formatting but a simple (Possible PK) at the end.
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Joined: 02 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:47 pm   
Why not just do your Possible PK with a color insteat of tring to add more text?
Just a thought
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:10 pm   
Well, I would like to keep the mud output and just have (Possible PK) at the end of the line.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:42 pm   
Try this.
#TRIGGER "pos_pk" {MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online} {}
#COND {.-------------------------------------------------------------------------.} {#T+ pkwho} {within|param=1}
#COND {`-------------------------------------------------------------------------'} {#T- pkwho}
#TRIGGER "pkwho" {&3:&3 {M|F} &10  (&6)] (%x) *} {#IF (%ismember( %lower( %trim( "%1")), %lower( @areas))) {#PSUB { ~(Possible PK~)} %len( %line) 0}} "" {notrig|disable}

Remember to delete the old triggers before you do though.
Arminas, The Invisible horseman
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