![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
Full Throttle Wanderer
Joined: 07 Dec 2004 Posts: 65
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:56 pm
TMC Mud List Rankings |
TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings
A script to display, record, and tally TMC Top 20 MUD List Rankings.
Updated Sept 04 2006
downloads TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings and displays rankings within Zmud
records rankings (if not already recorded) to a text file in the Zmud.exe directory
tmc <m>
displays the mth rankings recorded
where m = 1 to Number of Rankings Recorded
tmc <m> <n>
displays the difference in votes between the mth rankings record and the nth rankings record
where m <= n
where m = 1 to Number of Rankings Recorded
where n = 1 to Number of Rankings Recorded
displays the most recent rankings recorded
displays the difference in votes between the two most recent rankings records
(calculate how all the top 20 muds voted the day before)
displays the difference in votes between the least and the most recent rankings records
(calculate how all the top 20 muds voted for the week)
displays a list of when the TMC server generated each rankings
Here is an example of the output from the tmc alias:
Code: |
TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings
1. BatMUD (5234)
2. MUME - Multi Users In Middle Earth (5227)
3. SlothMUD III (4669)
4. Medievia (4169)
5. ZombieMUD (3756)
6. Federation II (3503)
7. Shadows of Isildur (2949)
8. Duris: Land of BloodLust (2717)
9. Mozart MUD (2636)
10. Armageddon (2607)
11. LegendMUD (2215)
12. Dreams (2061)
13. Evarayn (2052)
14. Genesis (1861)
15. Dark and Shattered Lands (1823)
16. Abandoned Realms (1808)
17. Wheel of Time (1786)
18. Legends of Karinth (1743)
19. Carrion Fields (1566)
20. Aardwolf (1423)
Rankings Last Generated: Fri Sep 1 12:00:08 2006 |
This script uses a VBScript .vbs file in the Zmud.exe directory.
This script uses wscript.exe, that should be in the %windir%\system32 directory, to run the .vbs file.
If VBScript is not an available scripting language on your computer, then you can download Microsoft Windows Script 5.6 here:
You have to check "Allow VBScript" in preferences/script parser within Zmud.
Zscript Code [written with zMUD version 7.21]:
Code: |
#class {Vote_Scripts}
#var tmc_rankings {0} {0}
#var tmc_db_vote_1 {0} {0}
#var tmc_db_vote_2 {0} {0}
#var tmc_db_rank {0} {0}
#trigger {^Opened tmc.zmud.txt as file %d} {#gag}
#trigger {^Closed tmc.zmud.txt on file %d} {#gag}
#alias tmclist {
#file 1 tmc.zmud.txt
#show {}
#if (%filesize(1) = 0) {#show {Note: Record Empty}} {
#show {%ansi(6)TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings}
#show {}
#loop 1,%filesize(1) {#show {%ansi(2)%i. %subregex(%read(1,%i), ".* Generated: (.*)~}", "%%%1")}}
#show {}
#show {%ansi(6)Record of Rankings Last Generated}}
#close 1}
#alias tmc {
#if (%1 = %null) {#launch {wscript.exe tmc.zmud.vbs}} {
#file 1 tmc.zmud.txt
#show {}
#if (%2 = %null) {
#if ((%filesize(1) < %1) or (%1 < 1)) {#show {Note: Record Empty}} {
#show {%ansi(6)TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings}
#show {}
#read 1 %1
#loop 1,20 {#show {%ansi(2)%item(@tmc_rankings,%i)}}
#show {}
#show {%ansi(6)%char(91)%1%char(93) %item(@tmc_rankings,21)}}} {
#if ((%filesize(1) < %1) or (%1 < 1) or (%filesize(1) < %2) or (%2 < 1) or (%1 > %2)) {#show {Note: Record Empty or Input Error}} {
#var tmc_db_vote_1 %null
#var tmc_db_vote_2 %null
#var tmc_db_rank %null
#read 1 %1
#loop 1,20 {#addkey tmc_db_vote_1 %subregex(%item(@tmc_rankings,%i),"%i\. ([,:\- \w]+) .*","%%%%%1") %subregex(%item(@tmc_rankings,%i),"%i\. [,:\- \w]+ \((\d+)\)","%%%%%1")}
#read 1 %2
#loop 1,20 {#addkey tmc_db_vote_2 %subregex(%item(@tmc_rankings,%i),"%i\. ([,:\- \w]+) .*","%%%%%1") %subregex(%item(@tmc_rankings,%i),"%i\. [,:\- \w]+ \((\d+)\)","%%%%%1")}
#var tmc_rankings 0
#loopdb @tmc_db_vote_1 {
#add tmc_rankings 1
#addkey tmc_db_rank %key @tmc_rankings}
#show {%ansi(6)TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings}
#show {}
#loopdb @tmc_db_vote_1 {#show {%ansi(2)%db(@tmc_db_rank,%key). %key (%eval(%db(@tmc_db_vote_2,%key)-%val))}}
#show {}
#read 1 %1
#show {%ansi(6)%char(91)%1%char(93) %item(@tmc_rankings,21)}
#read 1 %2
#show {%ansi(6)%char(91)%2%char(93) %item(@tmc_rankings,21)}}}
#close 1}}
#alias tmcz {
#file 1 tmc.zmud.txt
tmc %filesize(1)
#close 1}
#alias tmcxz {
#file 1 tmc.zmud.txt
tmc %eval(%filesize(1)-1) %filesize(1)
#close 1}
#alias tmcaz {
#file 1 tmc.zmud.txt
tmc 1 %filesize(1)
#close 1}
#class 0 |
VBScript Code [tested with Microsoft WScript version 5.6 on Windows XP]:
Code: |
strHTML = ""
strTEXT = ""
strLINE = ""
Set objApp = CreateObject("Zmud.Application")
Set objSess = objApp.CurrentSession
Sub GetTopTwenty
Set objHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objHTTP.Open "GET", "http://www.mudconnect.com/top20.html", "FALSE"
strHTML = objHTTP.ResponseText
Set objHTTP = Nothing
End Sub
Sub FormatTopTwenty
intX = instr(strHTML, "1. <")
intY = instr(strHTML, "<!--Mud Connector Style Guide: BEGIN Footer Section")
intZ = intY - intX
strHTML = mid(strHTML, intX, intZ)
Set objRegExp = New Regexp
objRegExp.Global = True
objRegExp.Pattern = "<(.|n)+?>"
strHTML = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, "")
objRegExp.Pattern = "\n(\n|$)"
strHTML = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, "")
objRegExp.Pattern = " \((.|n)+?\)"
strHTML = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, "")
objRegExp.Pattern = "\n(\d+) votes"
strHTML = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, " ($1)")
objRegExp.Pattern = "\n"
strHTML = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, "|")
objRegExp.Pattern = "^(.*)$"
strHTML = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, "#var tmc_rankings {$1}")
Set objRegExp = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ShowTopTwenty
Call objSess.ProcessCommand(strHTML)
Call objSess.ProcessCommand("#show {}")
Call objSess.ProcessCommand("#show {%ansi(6)TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings}")
Call objSess.ProcessCommand("#show {}")
Call objSess.ProcessCommand("#loop 1,20 {#show {%ansi(2)%item(@tmc_rankings,%i)}}")
Call objSess.ProcessCommand("#show {}")
Call objSess.ProcessCommand("#show {%ansi(6)%item(@tmc_rankings,21)}")
End Sub
Sub RecordTopTwenty
Set objFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFile.FileExists("tmc.zmud.txt") Then
Set objRead = objFile.OpenTextFile("tmc.zmud.txt")
Do Until objRead.AtEndOfStream
strLINE = objRead.ReadLine
Set objRead = objFile.OpenTextFile("tmc.zmud.txt")
Do Until objRead.AtEndOfStream
strTEXT = objRead.ReadAll
End If
Set objWrite = objFile.CreateTextFile("tmc.zmud.txt", True)
If (strTEXT = "") then
If (strHTML = strLINE) then
objWrite.Write(strTEXT & vbCRLF & strHTML)
End If
End If
Set objFile = Nothing
End Sub
Set objSess = Nothing
Set objApp = Nothing |
Import Scripts:
1. save zscript code to a file
2. save vbscript code to the file "tmc.zmud.vbs" in the Zmud.exe directory
3. open zMUD and type: #menu {Settings|Import|Script}
4. open zscript code file
Test Input:
Code: |
#var tmc_rankings {1. MUME - Multi Users In Middle Earth (5139)|2. BatMUD (5137)|3. SlothMUD III (4643)|4. Medievia (4151)|5. ZombieMUD (3736)|6. Federation II (3478)|7. Shadows of Isildur (2921)|8. Duris: Land of BloodLust (2712)|9. Mozart MUD (2624)|10. Armageddon (2585)|11. LegendMUD (2201)|12. Dreams (2045)|13. Evarayn (2040)|14. Genesis (1854)|15. Abandoned Realms (1799)|16. Wheel of Time (1784)|17. Legends of Karinth (1730)|18. Dark and Shattered Lands (1711)|19. Carrion Fields (1553)|20. Aardwolf (1413)|Rankings Last Generated: Thu Aug 31 0:00:10 2006}
#var tmc_rankings {1. BatMUD (5178)|2. MUME - Multi Users In Middle Earth (5173)|3. SlothMUD III (4652)|4. Medievia (4155)|5. ZombieMUD (3740)|6. Federation II (3483)|7. Shadows of Isildur (2930)|8. Duris: Land of BloodLust (2713)|9. Mozart MUD (2629)|10. Armageddon (2593)|11. LegendMUD (2207)|12. Dreams (2052)|13. Evarayn (2045)|14. Genesis (1857)|15. Abandoned Realms (1801)|16. Wheel of Time (1784)|17. Dark and Shattered Lands (1747)|18. Legends of Karinth (1734)|19. Carrion Fields (1556)|20. Aardwolf (1416)|Rankings Last Generated: Thu Aug 31 12:00:07 2006}
#var tmc_rankings {1. MUME - Multi Users In Middle Earth (5203)|2. BatMUD (5197)|3. SlothMUD III (4660)|4. Medievia (4163)|5. ZombieMUD (3743)|6. Federation II (3495)|7. Shadows of Isildur (2942)|8. Duris: Land of BloodLust (2714)|9. Mozart MUD (2632)|10. Armageddon (2602)|11. LegendMUD (2214)|12. Dreams (2057)|13. Evarayn (2049)|14. Genesis (1859)|15. Abandoned Realms (1805)|16. Wheel of Time (1784)|17. Dark and Shattered Lands (1782)|18. Legends of Karinth (1738)|19. Carrion Fields (1562)|20. Aardwolf (1423)|Rankings Last Generated: Fri Sep 1 0:00:11 2006}
#var tmc_rankings {1. BatMUD (5234)|2. MUME - Multi Users In Middle Earth (5227)|3. SlothMUD III (4669)|4. Medievia (4169)|5. ZombieMUD (3756)|6. Federation II (3503)|7. Shadows of Isildur (2949)|8. Duris: Land of BloodLust (2717)|9. Mozart MUD (2636)|10. Armageddon (2607)|11. LegendMUD (2215)|12. Dreams (2061)|13. Evarayn (2052)|14. Genesis (1861)|15. Dark and Shattered Lands (1823)|16. Abandoned Realms (1808)|17. Wheel of Time (1786)|18. Legends of Karinth (1743)|19. Carrion Fields (1566)|20. Aardwolf (1423)|Rankings Last Generated: Fri Sep 1 12:00:08 2006} |
note: do not cut/paste the test input into the zmud command line, instead save it to the file "tmc.zmud.txt" in the Zmud.exe directory
Test Output:
>tmc 3 4
Code: |
TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings
1. MUME - Multi Users In Middle Earth (24)
2. BatMUD (37)
3. SlothMUD III (9)
4. Medievia (6)
5. ZombieMUD (13)
6. Federation II (8)
7. Shadows of Isildur (7)
8. Duris: Land of BloodLust (3)
9. Mozart MUD (4)
10. Armageddon (5)
11. LegendMUD (1)
12. Dreams (4)
13. Evarayn (3)
14. Genesis (2)
15. Abandoned Realms (3)
16. Wheel of Time (2)
17. Dark and Shattered Lands (41)
18. Legends of Karinth (5)
19. Carrion Fields (4)
20. Aardwolf (0)
[3] Rankings Last Generated: Fri Sep 1 0:00:11 2006
[4] Rankings Last Generated: Fri Sep 1 12:00:08 2006 |
Code: |
TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings
1. Thu Aug 31 0:00:10 2006
2. Thu Aug 31 12:00:07 2006
3. Fri Sep 1 0:00:11 2006
4. Fri Sep 1 12:00:08 2006
Record of Rankings Last Generated |
This script will very likely break if someone changes the design of the top20.html page.
The tmc alias without an argument breaks if you are lagging really bad.
If you already used the tmc alias without an argument and wish to see the rankings again then there is no need to re-download the rankings from the mudconnect server, just type the tmcz alias to display the most recent rankings.
The MUD Connector generates its rankings twice a day at midnight and noon (CST I believe) so there is no need to re-download the top20.html page within those time periods.
If you wish to reset all rankings, then delete the tmc.zmud.txt file in the Zmud.exe directory.
Comments Welcome ![Twisted Evil](images/smiles/icon_twisted.gif) |
Last edited by Full Throttle on Mon Sep 04, 2006 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Vitae Enchanter
Joined: 17 Jun 2005 Posts: 673 Location: New York
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
Full Throttle Wanderer
Joined: 07 Dec 2004 Posts: 65
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 3:32 am |
I glanced at the html on topmudsites, the script is doable.
How does topmudsites calculate the rankings?
Would I need to store the 'in' and 'out' count, or just the 'in' count? |
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
Seb Wizard
Joined: 14 Aug 2004 Posts: 1269
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:53 am |
Just the 'in' count for the rankings. The 'out' count is just for interest.
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
Vitae Enchanter
Joined: 17 Jun 2005 Posts: 673 Location: New York
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 2:06 pm |
dunno how they get calc'd.
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
Full Throttle Wanderer
Joined: 07 Dec 2004 Posts: 65
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 3:21 pm |
Here is a version for Top Mud Sites.
I only stored the 'in' count.
topmud <m>
topmud <m> <n>
Here is an example of the output:
Code: |
Top Mud Sites Top 20 Rankings
1. Achaea, Dreams of Divine Lands (1681)
2. Aardwolf MUD (1674)
3. Threshold RPG (719)
4. The Carrion Fields (706)
5. Lusternia: Age of Ascension (648)
6. Avatar MUD (581)
7. Discworld mud (512)
8. Imperian (445)
9. Aetolia, the Midnight Age (437)
10. Armageddon (374)
11. MUME - Multi Users in Middle Earth (369)
12. Distant Lands (333)
13. Shattered Kingdoms (321)
14. DartMUD: The Lands of Ferdarchi (301)
15. Shadows of Isildur (265)
16. Xyllomer (216)
17. Aabahran: The Forsaken Lands (213)
18. Unwritten Legends (209)
19. New Worlds (207)
20. Abandoned Realms (203)
Last Updated: 9-4-06 10:00am |
Zscript Code:
Code: |
#class {Vote_Scripts}
#var topmud_rankings {0} {0}
#var topmud_db_vote_1 {0} {0}
#var topmud_db_vote_2 {0} {0}
#var topmud_db_rank {0} {0}
#trigger {^Opened topmud.zmud.txt as file %d} {#gag}
#trigger {^Closed topmud.zmud.txt on file %d} {#gag}
#alias topmudlist {
#file 1 topmud.zmud.txt
#show {}
#if (%filesize(1) = 0) {#show {Note: Record Empty}} {
#show {%ansi(6)Top Mud Sites Top 20 Rankings}
#show {}
#loop 1,%filesize(1) {#show {%ansi(2)%i. %subregex(%read(1,%i), ".* Updated: (.*)~}", "%%%1")}}
#show {}
#show {%ansi(6)Record of Rankings Last Updated}}
#close 1}
#alias topmud {
#if (%1 = %null) {#launch {wscript.exe topmud.zmud.vbs}} {
#file 1 topmud.zmud.txt
#show {}
#if (%2 = %null) {
#if ((%filesize(1) < %1) or (%1 < 1)) {#show {Note: Record Empty}} {
#show {%ansi(6)Top Mud Sites Top 20 Rankings}
#show {}
#read 1 %1
#loop 1,20 {#show {%ansi(2)%item(@topmud_rankings,%i)}}
#show {}
#show {%ansi(6)%char(91)%1%char(93) %item(@topmud_rankings,21)}}} {
#if ((%filesize(1) < %1) or (%1 < 1) or (%filesize(1) < %2) or (%2 < 1) or (%1 > %2)) {#show {Note: Record Empty or Input Error}} {
#var topmud_db_vote_1 %null
#var topmud_db_vote_2 %null
#var topmud_db_rank %null
#read 1 %1
#loop 1,20 {#addkey topmud_db_vote_1 %subregex(%item(@topmud_rankings,%i),"%i\. ([,:\- \w]+) .*","%%%%%1") %subregex(%item(@topmud_rankings,%i),"%i\. [,:\- \w]+ \((\d+)\)","%%%%%1")}
#read 1 %2
#loop 1,20 {#addkey topmud_db_vote_2 %subregex(%item(@topmud_rankings,%i),"%i\. ([,:\- \w]+) .*","%%%%%1") %subregex(%item(@topmud_rankings,%i),"%i\. [,:\- \w]+ \((\d+)\)","%%%%%1")}
#var topmud_rankings 0
#loopdb @topmud_db_vote_1 {
#add topmud_rankings 1
#addkey topmud_db_rank %key @topmud_rankings}
#show {%ansi(6)Top Mud Sites Top 20 Rankings}
#show {}
#loopdb @topmud_db_vote_1 {#show {%ansi(2)%db(@topmud_db_rank,%key). %key (%eval(%db(@topmud_db_vote_2,%key)-%val))}}
#show {}
#read 1 %1
#show {%ansi(6)%char(91)%1%char(93) %item(@topmud_rankings,21)}
#read 1 %2
#show {%ansi(6)%char(91)%2%char(93) %item(@topmud_rankings,21)}}}
#close 1}}
#alias topmudz {
#file 1 topmud.zmud.txt
topmud %filesize(1)
#close 1}
#alias topmudxz {
#file 1 topmud.zmud.txt
topmud %eval(%filesize(1)-1) %filesize(1)
#close 1}
#alias topmudaz {
#file 1 topmud.zmud.txt
topmud 1 %filesize(1)
#close 1}
#class 0 |
VBScript Code:
Code: |
strHTML = ""
strTEXT = ""
strLINE = ""
Set objApp = CreateObject("Zmud.Application")
Set objSess = objApp.CurrentSession
Sub GetTopTwenty
Set objHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objHTTP.Open "GET", "http://www.topmudsites.com/index.shtml", "FALSE"
strHTML = objHTTP.ResponseText
Set objHTTP = Nothing
End Sub
Sub FormatTopTwenty
intX = instr(strHTML, "<tr bgcolor=#e1e1fc>")
intY = instr(strHTML, "Next Update:")
intZ = intY - intX
strHTML = mid(strHTML, intX, intZ)
Set objRegExp = New Regexp
objRegExp.Global = True
objRegExp.Pattern = " "
strHTML = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, "")
objRegExp.Pattern = "_blank" & chr(34) & ">(.*)</a>"
strHTML = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, ">. $1 (")
objRegExp.Pattern = "<.* size=1>.*\n.*<.* size=2>(\d+)</font></td>\n.*"
strHTML = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, "$1)|")
objRegExp.Pattern = "<(.|n)+?>"
strHTML = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, "")
objRegExp.Pattern = "\n"
strHTML = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, "")
objRegExp.Pattern = " \d+ Sites In Our Database"
strHTML = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, "")
objRegExp.Pattern = "^(.*)$"
strHTML = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, "#var topmud_rankings {$1}")
Set objRegExp = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ShowTopTwenty
Call objSess.ProcessCommand(strHTML)
Call objSess.ProcessCommand("#show {}")
Call objSess.ProcessCommand("#show {%ansi(6)Top Mud Sites Top 20 Rankings}")
Call objSess.ProcessCommand("#show {}")
Call objSess.ProcessCommand("#loop 1,20 {#show {%ansi(2)%item(@topmud_rankings,%i)}}")
Call objSess.ProcessCommand("#show {}")
Call objSess.ProcessCommand("#show {%ansi(6)%item(@topmud_rankings,21)}")
End Sub
Sub RecordTopTwenty
Set objFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFile.FileExists("topmud.zmud.txt") Then
Set objRead = objFile.OpenTextFile("topmud.zmud.txt")
Do Until objRead.AtEndOfStream
strLINE = objRead.ReadLine
Set objRead = objFile.OpenTextFile("topmud.zmud.txt")
Do Until objRead.AtEndOfStream
strTEXT = objRead.ReadAll
End If
Set objWrite = objFile.CreateTextFile("topmud.zmud.txt", True)
If (strTEXT = "") then
If (strHTML = strLINE) then
objWrite.Write(strTEXT & vbCRLF & strHTML)
End If
End If
Set objFile = Nothing
End Sub
Set objSess = Nothing
Set objApp = Nothing |
Import Scripts:
1. save zscript code to a file
2. save vbscript code to the file "topmud.zmud.vbs" in the Zmud.exe directory
3. open zMUD and type: #menu {Settings|Import|Script}
4. open zscript code file
I updated the tmc zscript code so if a mud name contains a comma (for example: Achaea, Dreams of Divine Lands) then the script won't break.
The tmc and topmud scripts are separate, so there is no problem installing both ![Twisted Evil](images/smiles/icon_twisted.gif) |
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
Vitae Enchanter
Joined: 17 Jun 2005 Posts: 673 Location: New York
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 12:26 pm |
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
Seb Wizard
Joined: 14 Aug 2004 Posts: 1269
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:41 am |
I just tried installing the TMC Mud List Rankings script and it doesn't work for me.
Initially I was getting an error in Windows Script Host "Permission denied" in the vbscript file at line 62: the line with objFile.CreateTextFile in. I noticed it was creating the text file, but it was empty. After trying it a few times and googling the error but not changing anything, it suddenly started working in so far as no error is now generated and a line is written into the file.
This is the content of the file:
#var tmc_rankings {1. BatMUD (7456)|2. MUME - Multi Users In Middle Earth (7387)|3. Dark and Shattered Lands (6589)|4. Federation II (5945)|5. SlothMUD III (5781)|6. Medievia (5155)|7. ZombieMUD (4794)|8. Shadows of Isildur (4299)|9. Armageddon (3679)|10. Mozart MUD (3279)|11. Duris: Land of BloodLust (3148)|12. LegendMUD (2698)|13. Legends of Karinth (2565)|14. Dreams (2556)|15. Evarayn (2539)|16. Abandoned Realms (2418)|17. Carrion Fields (2237)|18. Genesis (2219)|19. Wheel of Time (1919)|20. Aardwolf (1886)|Rankings Last Generated: Thu Nov 23 12:00:08 2006}
It is all on one line. I assume from the code that this should be on several lines, but I don't know how to fix it.
I have also changed all file manipulation zmud commands to use a variable, e.g. #FILE @tmc_file_num tmc.zmud.txt, since I keep FILE 1 open all the time.
Of course, that doesn't solve my problem, but I can share my changes if wanted.
Anyway, %filesize( @tmc_file_num) returns 1, since it is all on one line. This means that the aliases give errors of the form "Note: Record Empty or Input Error" and "Note: Record Empty". |
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
Elexin Newbie
Joined: 12 Aug 2006 Posts: 5
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:24 am |
Anyone know if any of those top 20 are mappable by standard zmud mapper configs?(I.E.- Are any of them mappable without complex scripts and constant editing)
Thankya |
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
Seb Wizard
Joined: 14 Aug 2004 Posts: 1269
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:08 am |
This is not the right forum for that kind of discussion - this is the "Finished MUD Scripts" forum.
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
Full Throttle Wanderer
Joined: 07 Dec 2004 Posts: 65
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 7:46 am |
I believe the permission denied error is caused because tmc.zmud.txt is already assigned to another file.
If I type:
#file 3 tmc.zmud.txt;tmc
then I will get the permission denied error.
I would need to type:
#close 3;tmc
for it to work.
You would also get the same error if tmc.zmud.txt has a read-only file attribute.
Also, if tmc.zmud.txt is open with another application (like an editor) when you run the 'tmc' alias, then this may cause a permission denied error.
Seb wrote: |
It is all on one line. I assume from the code that this should be on several lines |
Nope, it should be on one line and the "Test Input" in the top post should be on four lines.
#var tmc_rankings {1. MUME - Multi Users In Middle Earth (5139)|...}
#var tmc_rankings {1. BatMUD (5178)|...}
#var tmc_rankings {1. MUME - Multi Users In Middle Earth (5203)|...}
#var tmc_rankings {1. BatMUD (5234)|...}
tmc 1 2
If you only have one record, then you will see message: "Note: Record Empty or Input Error"
tmc 1 1
If you only have one record, then the output would be like:
TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings
1. BatMUD (0)
2. MUME - Multi Users In Middle Earth (0)
3. Dark and Shattered Lands (0)
4. Federation II (0)
5. SlothMUD III (0)
6. Medievia (0)
7. ZombieMUD (0)
8. Shadows of Isildur (0)
9. Armageddon (0)
10. Mozart MUD (0)
11. Duris: Land of BloodLust (0)
12. LegendMUD (0)
13. Legends of Karinth (0)
14. Dreams (0)
15. Evarayn (0)
16. Abandoned Realms (0)
17. Carrion Fields (0)
18. Genesis (0)
19. Wheel of Time (0)
20. Aardwolf (0)
[1] Rankings Last Generated: Sun Nov 26 0:00:08 2006
[1] Rankings Last Generated: Sun Nov 26 0:00:08 2006
Here is the "Zscript Code" using file #5 instead of file #1
Code: |
#class {Vote_Scripts}
#var tmc_rankings {0} {0}
#var tmc_db_vote_1 {0} {0}
#var tmc_db_vote_2 {0} {0}
#var tmc_db_rank {0} {0}
#trigger {^Opened tmc.zmud.txt as file %d} {#gag}
#trigger {^Closed tmc.zmud.txt on file %d} {#gag}
#alias tmclist {
#file 5 tmc.zmud.txt
#show {}
#if (%filesize(5) = 0) {#show {Note: Record Empty}} {
#show {%ansi(6)TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings}
#show {}
#loop 1,%filesize(5) {#show {%ansi(2)%i. %subregex(%read(5,%i), ".* Generated: (.*)~}", "%%%1")}}
#show {}
#show {%ansi(6)Record of Rankings Last Generated}}
#close 5}
#alias tmc {
#if (%1 = %null) {#launch {wscript.exe tmc.zmud.vbs}} {
#file 5 tmc.zmud.txt
#show {}
#if (%2 = %null) {
#if ((%filesize(5) < %1) or (%1 < 1)) {#show {Note: Record Empty}} {
#show {%ansi(6)TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings}
#show {}
#read 5 %1
#loop 1,20 {#show {%ansi(2)%item(@tmc_rankings,%i)}}
#show {}
#show {%ansi(6)%char(91)%1%char(93) %item(@tmc_rankings,21)}}} {
#if ((%filesize(5) < %1) or (%1 < 1) or (%filesize(5) < %2) or (%2 < 1) or (%1 > %2)) {#show {Note: Record Empty or Input Error}} {
#var tmc_db_vote_1 %null
#var tmc_db_vote_2 %null
#var tmc_db_rank %null
#read 5 %1
#loop 1,20 {#addkey tmc_db_vote_1 %subregex(%item(@tmc_rankings,%i),"%i\. ([,:\- \w]+) .*","%%%%%1") %subregex(%item(@tmc_rankings,%i),"%i\. [,:\- \w]+ \((\d+)\)","%%%%%1")}
#read 5 %2
#loop 1,20 {#addkey tmc_db_vote_2 %subregex(%item(@tmc_rankings,%i),"%i\. ([,:\- \w]+) .*","%%%%%1") %subregex(%item(@tmc_rankings,%i),"%i\. [,:\- \w]+ \((\d+)\)","%%%%%1")}
#var tmc_rankings 0
#loopdb @tmc_db_vote_1 {
#add tmc_rankings 1
#addkey tmc_db_rank %key @tmc_rankings}
#show {%ansi(6)TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings}
#show {}
#loopdb @tmc_db_vote_1 {#show {%ansi(2)%db(@tmc_db_rank,%key). %key (%eval(%db(@tmc_db_vote_2,%key)-%val))}}
#show {}
#read 5 %1
#show {%ansi(6)%char(91)%1%char(93) %item(@tmc_rankings,21)}
#read 5 %2
#show {%ansi(6)%char(91)%2%char(93) %item(@tmc_rankings,21)}}}
#close 5}}
#alias tmcz {
#file 5 tmc.zmud.txt
tmc %filesize(5)
#close 5}
#alias tmcxz {
#file 5 tmc.zmud.txt
tmc %eval(%filesize(5)-1) %filesize(5)
#close 5}
#alias tmcaz {
#file 5 tmc.zmud.txt
tmc 1 %filesize(5)
#close 5}
#class 0 |
I hope that works. I don't understand using a variable @tmc_file_num for the file number. |
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
Seb Wizard
Joined: 14 Aug 2004 Posts: 1269
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 4:43 pm |
Ah, I see. I misunderstood the parameters to the tmc alias.
Regarding the Permission Denied error, you are probably right.
Now that I have two sets of data, my modified code is giving:
Quote: |
tmc 1 2
TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings
1. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
2. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
3. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
4. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
5. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
6. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
7. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
8. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
9. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
10. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
11. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
12. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
13. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
14. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
15. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
16. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
17. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
18. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
19. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
20. %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))
[1] Rankings Last Generated: Thu Nov 23 12:00:08 2006
[2] Rankings Last Generated: Sun Nov 26 0:00:08 2006 |
What is strange is that it appears to be this part:
Code: |
#LOOPDB @tmc_db_vote_1 {#SHOW {%ansi( 2)%db( @tmc_db_rank, %key). %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))}} |
that is not displaying right. However If I execute this code from the command line I get the correct output. Here is my modified code at the moment (with some variables restored to their defaults for brevity - they are actually all populated fine). You'll see what I mean about using @tmc_file_num... It seems to work fine with a variable. Except that I've just tried your zScript code using file #5 and it works fine for me... *ponder*
Code: |
#CLASS {Vote_Scripts_TMC}
#ALIAS tmclist {
#FILE @tmc_file_num tmc.zmud.txt
#SHOW {}
#IF (%filesize( @tmc_file_num) = 0) {#SHOW {Note: Record Empty}} {
#SHOW {%ansi( 6)TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings}
#SHOW {}
#LOOP 1,%filesize( @tmc_file_num) {#SHOW {%ansi( 2)%i. %subregex( %read( @tmc_file_num, %i), ".* Generated: (.*)~}", "%%%1")}}
#SHOW {}
#SHOW {%ansi( 6)Record of Rankings Last Generated}
#CLOSE @tmc_file_num
#ALIAS tmc {
#IF (%1 = %null) {#LAUNCH {wscript.exe tmc.zmud.vbs}} {
#FILE @tmc_file_num tmc.zmud.txt
#SHOW {}
#IF (%2 = %null) {
#IF ((%filesize( @tmc_file_num) < %1) or (%1 < 1)) {#SHOW {Note: Record Empty}} {
#SHOW {%ansi( 6)TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings}
#SHOW {}
#READ @tmc_file_num %1
#LOOP 1,20 {#SHOW {%ansi( 2)%item( @tmc_rankings, %i)}}
#SHOW {}
#SHOW {%ansi( 6)%char( 91)%1%char( 93) %item( @tmc_rankings, 21)}
} {
#IF ((%filesize( @tmc_file_num) < %1) or (%1 < 1) or (%filesize( @tmc_file_num) < %2) or (%2 < 1) or (%1 > %2)) {#SHOW {Note: Record Empty or Input Error}} {
#VAR tmc_db_vote_1 %null
#VAR tmc_db_vote_2 %null
#VAR tmc_db_rank %null
#READ @tmc_file_num %1
#LOOP 1,20 {#ADDKEY tmc_db_vote_1 %subregex( %item( @tmc_rankings, %i), "%i\. ([,:\- \w]+) .*", "%%%%%1") %subregex( %item( @tmc_rankings, %i), "%i\. [,:\- \w]+ \((\d+)\)", "%%%%%1")}
#READ @tmc_file_num %2
#LOOP 1,20 {#ADDKEY tmc_db_vote_2 %subregex( %item( @tmc_rankings, %i), "%i\. ([,:\- \w]+) .*", "%%%%%1") %subregex( %item( @tmc_rankings, %i), "%i\. [,:\- \w]+ \((\d+)\)", "%%%%%1")}
#VAR tmc_rankings 0
#LOOPDB @tmc_db_vote_1 {
#ADD tmc_rankings 1
#ADDKEY tmc_db_rank %key @tmc_rankings
#SHOW {%ansi( 6)TMC Top 20 Mud List Rankings}
#SHOW {}
#LOOPDB @tmc_db_vote_1 {#SHOW {%ansi( 2)%db( @tmc_db_rank, %key). %key( %eval( %db( @tmc_db_vote_2, %key)-%val))}}
#SHOW {}
#READ @tmc_file_num %1
#SHOW {%ansi( 6)%char( 91)%1%char( 93) %item( @tmc_rankings, 21)}
#READ @tmc_file_num %2
#SHOW {%ansi( 6)%char( 91)%2%char( 93) %item( @tmc_rankings, 21)}
#CLOSE @tmc_file_num
#ALIAS tmcz {
#FILE @tmc_file_num tmc.zmud.txt
tmc %filesize( @tmc_file_num)
#CLOSE @tmc_file_num
#ALIAS tmcxz {
#FILE @tmc_file_num tmc.zmud.txt
tmc %eval( %filesize( @tmc_file_num)-1) %filesize( @tmc_file_num)
#CLOSE @tmc_file_num
#ALIAS tmcaz {
#FILE @tmc_file_num tmc.zmud.txt
tmc 1 %filesize( @tmc_file_num)
#CLOSE @tmc_file_num
#VAR tmc_rankings {0} {0}
#VAR tmc_db_vote_1 {0} {0}
#VAR tmc_db_vote_2 {0} {0}
#VAR tmc_db_rank {0} {0}
#VAR tmc_file_num {4}
#TRIGGER {^Opened tmc.zmud.txt as file %d} {#GAG} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {^Closed tmc.zmud.txt on file %d} {#GAG} "" {disable}
#CLASS 0 |
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
Full Throttle Wanderer
Joined: 07 Dec 2004 Posts: 65
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 7:15 pm |
change "%key( %eval" to "%key (%eval" in your modified code, that fixed it here
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
Seb Wizard
Joined: 14 Aug 2004 Posts: 1269
Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:01 am |
Genius! I had to turn off Pretty Print, as it kept changing it back! Thanks for your help!
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
charneus Wizard
Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 1876 Location: California
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:41 pm |
Hmmm... can anyone make a script to vote for your favorite MUD from zMUD? I'm looking mainly for Topmudsites, but TMC could be coded too for others. Just a thought.
Charneus |
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Fang Xianfu GURU
Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:45 pm |
You can use the #url command to open the voting page, but you can't do more than that unless your browser lets you follow links on displayed pages via COM. There's certainly no way to do it silently from within zMUD.
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
charneus Wizard
Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 1876 Location: California
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:47 pm |
Ugh. That sucks. I have a PERL script (from a friend of mine) that will do the voting for me, but when the only thing I like to have open is zMUD... Oh well. :)
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Fang Xianfu GURU
Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:50 pm |
Well, if you were using CMUD you could install ActivePerl and use Perl from within an alias or trigger.
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charneus Wizard
Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 1876 Location: California
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:53 pm |
Yeah. I have CMUD. Just gonna hold off installing it (and using my license) until I get a new computer. My old one decided to blow up on me. I'll have to see if I can figure out how to do that. I think I tried before, and wasn't successful.
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
Fang Xianfu GURU
Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:41 pm |
You can get ActivePerl for free here. CMUD should automatically recognise that it's installed and add Perl to the drop-down Language menu for any setting. Then you can use CMUD to run your Perl script.
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Sir1l Wanderer
Joined: 01 Oct 2005 Posts: 54
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:45 pm |
![Very Happy](images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif)
Last edited by Sir1l on Mon Nov 12, 2007 7:24 pm; edited 1 time in total |
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
Joined: 28 Sep 2000 Posts: 1395 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 4:40 pm |
I fixed this problem for Charneus I forgot to post it here. They moved a page. I will do a search and post the changes here.
Ok so what changes need to be made to the vbs to account for the changes at topmudsites?
Code: |
objHTTP.Open "GET", "http://www.topmudsites.com/index.shtml", "FALSE"
objHTTP.Open "GET", "http://www.topmudsites.com/", "FALSE"
intY = instr(strHTML, "Next Update:")
intY = instr(strHTML, "</body>") |
Of course if topmudsites decides to change things again then the script will once again need to be changed. |
_________________ Taz :) |
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FiendishX Wanderer
Joined: 19 Nov 2005 Posts: 53
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:02 am |
Charneus wrote: |
Hmmm... can anyone make a script to vote for your favorite MUD from zMUD? I'm looking mainly for Topmudsites, but TMC could be coded too for others. Just a thought. |
Fang Xianfu wrote: |
You can use the #url command to open the voting page, but you can't do more than that unless your browser lets you follow links on displayed pages via COM. There's certainly no way to do it silently from within zMUD. |
It is quite possible, actually. I made such a script myself while working on a completely different goal.
I never released it because the script makes it too possible to easily violate the TMS voting rules, and nobody likes cheaters. |
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Fang Xianfu GURU
Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:36 am |
How? I was under the impression that TMS logs your IP to give you a certain number of votes per time period. How does that break the rules?
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FiendishX Wanderer
Joined: 19 Nov 2005 Posts: 53
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:38 pm |
Fang Xianfu wrote: |
How? I was under the impression that TMS logs your IP to give you a certain number of votes per time period. How does that break the rules? |
It could be installed on other people's machines and would run silently and automatically in the background without anyone knowing since it technically doesn't require zMUD at all. I'm not opposed to the script itself, just wary of it being used for ill.
What's your opinion? |
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