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TheLastHawk Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 12:29 pm
Why change and change and change???

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:11 pm   
Just use any XML editor to help by allowing you to view it with syntax highlighting or a treeview. Stylus Studio is a good, commercial editor. XML Cooktop is a good, basic, freeware editor.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:10 pm   
Honestly, for a novice user to manually edit the file I don't think XML is the answer, but we probably should start a new topic on it. For starters, you have to work out that <kind>3</kind> is a variable, and <kind>5</kind> is a trigger... having the command-line-style syntax is much easier eg #ALIAS/#TRIGGER/etc.

Now I understand why XML is good for software to software import, but it's not very good for software to human import. I would probably recommend still having a plaintext export, if it's not too impossible.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 9:34 am   
I tried adding xml-support to my syntax colourizer

It is a bit buggy at the moment though. Try paste an exported zScript xml-file instead of the usual zMUD zScript.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:51 am   
Well to me, the XML the way it is, loos to crazy and all just thrown together... If <kind> is really the only thing that is the dirrence in how a varible and like trigger look. I'd rather see something like the XML from MUSHclient.
- <triggers>
- <trigger custom_colour="9" enabled="y" group="Reflex" match="^You are jolted violently northwards by powers unseen(.*?)$" regexp="y" send_to="12" sequence="100" other_text_colour="black" other_back_colour="black">
  <send>send "south"</send>

Something like this is just easier to read for me, as well as it groups everything together based on the type making it more organized and easier to read even for the average day user dont you think?
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 2:08 pm   
I kinda agree with Strakc that the XML could be formatted in an easier-to-read way. Attributes are useful for the simple settings, such as type, option flags, etc, while child items should really only be used for grouping complex settings together or for larger blocks of text. I also like how the names of things in MUSHclient XML are more human readable, even if they are longer. I don't know what subkind, valkind, userint, and names like that mean.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:43 pm   
Your gonna say that ALL OF THIS


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<package name="ToTrain">
  <record id="1048708">
  <record id="1048710">
    <val>#VARIABLE counter 0&#x0D;&#x0A;#T+ triggers&#x0D;&#x0A;#WAIT 1000&#x0D;&#x0A;skill spells&#x0D;&#x0A;#WAIT 2000&#x0D;&#x0A;#T- triggers</val>
  <record id="1048711">
    <val>#VARIABLE counter 0&#x0D;&#x0A;#T+ Triggers&#x0D;&#x0A;#WAIT 1000&#x0D;&#x0A;skill prof&#x0D;&#x0A;#WAIT 2000&#x0D;&#x0A;#T- Triggers</val>
  <class name="Triggers">
    <record id="1048712">
    <record id="1048701">
      <idname>~[ ~# ~] ~[(%s)(%w) Name(%s)~](*)</idname>
      <val>#var skilltype %2;#if (@skilltype == "Spell") {#var skilltype "spells"};#if (@skilltype == "Proficiency") {#var skilltype "proficiencies"}</val>
    <record id="1048702">
      <val><![CDATA[#IF (@percent < 74) {#SUBSTITUTE %ansi(yellow,bold)%trigger} {#IF (@percent > 74) {#IF (@percent < 85) {#SUBSTITUTE %ansi(green,bold)%trigger;#ADD counter 1} {#IF (@percent > 99) {#SUBSTITUTE %ansi(red,bold)%trigger;#ADD counter 1} {#IF (@percent > 85 and @percent < 100) {#SUBSTITUTE %ansi(blue,bold)%trigger;#ADD counter 1}}}}}]]></val>
    <record id="1048703">
      <val><![CDATA[#IF (@percent < 74) {#SUBSTITUTE %ansi(yellow,bold)%trigger} {#IF (@percent > 74) {#IF (@percent < 85) {#SUBSTITUTE %ansi(green,bold)%trigger;#ADD counter 1} {#IF (@percent > 99) {#SUBSTITUTE %ansi(red,bold)%trigger;#ADD counter 1} {#IF (@percent > 85 and @percent < 100) {#SUBSTITUTE %ansi(blue,bold)%trigger;#ADD counter 1}}}}}]]></val>
    <record id="1048704">
      <idname>~[C~]ontinue ~[R~]edraw ~[B~]ack ~[E~]xit:</idname>
    <record id="1048705">
      <idname><![CDATA[^You have the ability to learn ~[&total]]]></idname>
      <val>#math totaltrain (@total-@counter)</val>
    <record id="1048706">
      <idname>^You have ~[%d~] practice sessions.</idname>
      <val>#echo %ansi( grey)You have %ansi( blue, high)~[%ansi( grey)@totaltrain%ansi( blue, high)~]%ansi( grey) @skilltype left to train.</val>
    <record id="1048707">
      <idname>^Color Key: ~[Active~] ~[Inactive~] ~[Altered +~] ~[Altered -~] </idname>
      <name>^Color Key: ~[Active~] ~[Inactive~] ~[Altered +~] ~[Altered -~] ~[Unavailable~]</name>
  <record id="1048713">
  <record id="1048728">
  <record id="1048729">
    <val>Mys: 100</val>
  <record id="1048730">
  <record id="1048731">

Comes out to BE THIS:
#alias stt {
 #VARIABLE counter 0
 #T+ triggers
  #WAIT 1000
 skill spells
  #WAIT 2000
 #T- triggers
#alias ptt {
 #VARIABLE counter 0
 #T+ Triggers
  #WAIT 1000
 skill prof
  #WAIT 2000
 #T- Triggers
#trigger {~[ ~# ~] ~[(%s)(%w) Name(%s)~](*)} {
 #var skilltype %2
 #if (@skilltype == "Spell") {#var skilltype "spells"}
 #if (@skilltype == "Proficiency") {#var skilltype "proficiencies"}
#trigger {~[C~]ontinue ~[R~]edraw ~[B~]ack ~[E~]xit:} {
} "" {nocr|prompt}
#trigger {^You have ~[%d~] practice sessions.} {#echo %ansi( grey)You have %ansi( blue, high)~[%ansi( grey)@totaltrain%ansi( blue, high)~]%ansi( grey) @skilltype left to train.}
#trigger {^Color Key: ~[Active~] ~[Inactive~] ~[Altered +~] ~[Altered -~]} {#GAG}
#trigger {^Color Key: ~[Active~] ~[Inactive~] ~[Altered +~] ~[Altered -~]} {#GAG}
#variable counter {45}
#variable skilltype {spells}
#variable percent {Mys: 100}
#variable total {128}
#variable totaltrain {60}
#variable totaltrain {60}
#variable totaltrain {60}

Actually, there's alot missing from that apparently, but since Varmels script is beta that's okay.

???......dear lord....I'm shocked at the big difference.
More than ever now I want Varmels code for that :-)
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Joined: 29 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 4:01 pm   
That would be correct. Why i said i wasnt posting a complex script lol.
This is the export from ZMUD


#ALIAS stt {#VARIABLE counter 0;#T+ totrain;#WAIT 1000;skill spells;#WAIT 2000;#T- totrain}
#ALIAS ptt {#VARIABLE counter 0;#T+ totrain;#WAIT 1000;skill prof;#WAIT 2000;#T- totrain}
#variable counter {45}
#variable skilltype {spells}
#variable percent {Mys: 100}
#variable total {128}
#variable totaltrain {60}
#variable totaltrain {60}
#variable totaltrain {60}
#CLASS {Totrain}
#TRIGGER {~[ ~# ~] ~[(%s)(%w) Name(%s)~](*)} {#var skilltype %2;#if (@skilltype == "Spell") {#var skilltype "spells"};#if (@skilltype == "Proficiency") {#var skilltype "proficiencies"}}
#TRIGGER {(%d)(*){@schools}%s%d~%%s&percent~%} {#IF (@percent < 74) {#SUBSTITUTE {%ansi(yellow,bold)%trigger}} {#IF (@percent > 74) {#IF (@percent < 85) {#SUBSTITUTE {%ansi(green,bold)%trigger};#ADD counter 1} {#IF (@percent > 99) {#SUBSTITUTE {%ansi(red,bold)%trigger};#ADD counter 1} {#IF (@percent > 85 and @percent < 100) {#SUBSTITUTE {%ansi(blue,bold)%trigger};#ADD counter 1}}}}}}
#TRIGGER {(%d)(*){@schools}%s%d%s(%d)~%%s&percent~%} {#IF (@percent < 74) {#SUBSTITUTE {%ansi(yellow,bold)%trigger}} {#IF (@percent > 74) {#IF (@percent < 85) {#SUBSTITUTE {%ansi(green,bold)%trigger};#ADD counter 1} {#IF (@percent > 99) {#SUBSTITUTE {%ansi(red,bold)%trigger};#ADD counter 1} {#IF (@percent > 85 and @percent < 100) {#SUBSTITUTE {%ansi(blue,bold)%trigger};#ADD counter 1}}}}}}
#TRIGGER {~[C~]ontinue ~[R~]edraw ~[B~]ack ~[E~]xit:} {#GAG;#CR} "" {nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER {^You have the ability to learn ~[&total]} {#math totaltrain (@total-@counter)}
#TRIGGER {^You have ~[%d~] practice sessions.} {#echo %ansi( grey)You have %ansi( blue, high)~[%ansi( grey)@totaltrain%ansi( blue, high)~]%ansi( grey) @skilltype left to train.}
#TRIGGER {^Color Key: ~[Active~] ~[Inactive~] ~[Altered +~] ~[Altered -~] ~[Unavailable~]} {#GAG}
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 4:13 pm   
I think if CMUD doesn't allow exports to text then people will find supporting other users quite tiring.
A lot of times I've put something into zmud to troubleshoot a forum query then exported it and pasted back into the forums once fixed. If CMUD only exports to XML I don't think I'd bother, since the export isn't particularly readable for the experienced user and probably just incomprehensible for the novice. IMHO it *needs* to be something that almost anyone can look at and understand the structure.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 6:27 pm   
I agree.
No one has answered one of my questions yet tho.
While I now know that it exports to XML how does it look internally in that screen when you click on a folder?
Does it look the way it does in zmud or does it show only the XML version as well?
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:16 pm   
looks the same.

And remember there are package libraries now so you dont need to export the scripts
Confucious say "Bugs in Programs need Hammer"
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:30 pm   
I export them to print them so I can go over them on the train.
So that's really the only reason I wondered.

My OTHER question wasn't answered either now that I think about it.

In zMUD, if there is one single inherited setting in a folder, you can't see the folder in that script view for some reason. Same thing if the entire folder is inherited. (I know I had a posting on here with regards to this in the zmud section, but it's not there anymore so I can't remember WHY it does that), but is that resolved now?
Cause then being able to see the code in that view would still be pointless.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:46 pm   
OK, shame on you guys for not making a new post on such an important topic. I'm going to go make a new topic for this and lock this topic. But how in the world was I supposed to remember in 6 months that this thread contained a discussion of XML and import/export. Please *ALWAYS* make a new topic if your post doesn't have anything to do with this original poster.
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