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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 6:10 pm   

Unwritten Legends - FE Mimic
This more or less captures all personal info sent to the user, and makes them into gauges and whatnot.

#CLASS {FE Mimic}
#ALIAS reset {#VAR dostuff {};#VAR thislesson {}}
#ALIAS std {#additem dostuff {%-1}}
#VAR rt {0}
#VAR roundtime {0}
#VAR map {}
#VAR exptotal {0}
#VAR stam {85}
#VAR stammax {85}
#VAR ess {82}
#VAR essmax {82}
#VAR vit {0}
#VAR vitmax {0}
#VAR position {}
#VAR stance {}
#VAR righthand {none}
#VAR dostuff {}
#VAR lefthand {none}
#VAR maxrt {0}
#VAR stunned {0}
#VAR spellnum {}
#VAR spellname {}
#VAR unconscious {0}
#VAR attackspell {}
#VAR autojump {0}
#TRIGGER {~<rt>(%d)~<~/rt>} {#GAG;#VAR rt {%1};#IF (@rt=0) {#IF (@position!="STANDING" AND @autojump=1) {jump};#FORALL @dostuff {%i};#var maxrt {0}};#IF (@maxrt<%1) {#var maxrt {%1}}}
#TRIGGER {~<experience>(%d)~<~/experience>} {#GAG;#VAR exptotal {%1}}
#TRIGGER {~<stamina>(%d)~:(%d)~<~/stamina>} {#GAG;#VAR stam {%1};#VAR stammax {%2}}
#TRIGGER {~<essence>(%d)~:(%d)~<~/essence>} {#GAG;#VAR ess {%1};#VAR essmax {%2}}
#TRIGGER {~<vitality>(%d)~:(%d)~<~/vitality>} {#GAG;#VAR vit {%1};#VAR vitmax {%2}}
#TRIGGER {~<name>*~<~/name>} {#GAG}
#TRIGGER {~<position>(%w)~<~/position>} {#GAG;#VAR position {%1}}
#TRIGGER {~<stance>(%w)~<~/stance>} {#GAG;#VAR stance {%1}}
#TRIGGER {~<lefthand>(*)~<~/lefthand>} {#GAG;#VAR lefthand {%1}}
#TRIGGER {~<righthand>(*)~<~/righthand>} {#GAG;#VAR righthand {%1}}
#TRIGGER {~<map>*~<~/map>} {#GAG}
#TRIGGER {{You join this reality.|You arrive.}} {interface;who}
#TRIGGER {~<spell>(%x)~:(*)~<~/spell>} {#GAG;#VAR spellnum {%1};#VAR spellname {%2}}
#TRIGGER {~<spell>none~<~/spell>} {#GAG}
#TRIGGER {~<st>(%d)~<~/st>} {#GAG;#VAR stunned {%1}}
#TRIGGER {~<ut>(%d)~<~/ut>} {#GAG;#VAR unconscious {%1}}
#TRIGGER (%null( @dostuff) AND %eval( @rt==0)) {#IF (@position!=STANDING) {jump}} "" {disable}
#BUTTON 1 {Stam @stam} {} {} {} {@stam} {} {} {Size} {100} {20} {} {} {} {96} {} {Gauge||12|@stammax|50|7} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {}
#BUTTON 2 {Ess @ess} {} {} {} {@ess} {} {} {Size} {100} {20} {} {} {} {80} {} {Gauge||13|@essmax|30|7} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {}
#BUTTON 3 {Vit @vit} {} {} {} {@vit} {} {} {Size} {100} {20} {} {} {} {32} {} {Gauge||4|@vitmax|100|7} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {}
#BUTTON 4 {RT @rt} {} {} {} {@rt} {} {} {Size} {60} {20} {} {} {} {32832} {} {Gauge||7|@maxrt|1|7} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {}
#BUTTON 5 {Autojump} {#IF (@autojump=0) {autojump = 1;#EC %ansi( red)Autojumping On} {autojump = 0;#EC %ansi( high, blue)Autojumping Off}} {Autojump Off} {} {} {} {} {Size} {60} {20} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#STAT {@position @stunned @lefthand @righthand @target @exptotal}

Feel free to contact me with any problems.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
Posts: 4717
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2006 5:49 pm   
Another from the same game made this handy lil compass, i figure i would put it here as well:

#CLASS {Compass} {enable}
#VAR dir {southwest|south|northeast|north|east|northwest|southeast}
#TRIGGER {^Obvious Exits: (*).$} {
#var Compass/dir {%1}
#var Compass/dir %replace( @Compass/dir, "and", ",")
#var Compass/dir %replace( @Compass/dir, " ", "")
#var Compass/dir %replace( @Compass/dir, ",", "|")
#CALL %btnenable( btnnw, %ismember( northwest, @Compass/dir))
#CALL %btnenable( btnn, %ismember( north, @Compass/dir))
#CALL %btnenable( btnne, %ismember( northeast, @Compass/dir))
#CALL %btnenable( btnw, %ismember( west, @Compass/dir))
#CALL %btnenable( btne, %ismember( east, @Compass/dir))
#CALL %btnenable( btnsw, %ismember( southwest, @Compass/dir))
#CALL %btnenable( btns, %ismember( south, @Compass/dir))
#CALL %btnenable( btnse, %ismember( southeast, @Compass/dir))
#CALL %btnenable( btnd, %ismember( down, @Compass/dir))
#CALL %btnenable( btnu, %ismember( up, @Compass/dir))
#CALL %btnenable( btnout, %ismember( out, @Compass/dir))
#BUTTON 1 {!st} {nw} {} {} {} {} {ARROWNW} {Size} {23} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {nw} {btnnw} {2}
#BUTTON 2 {} {w} {} {} {} {} {ARROWL} {Size} {23} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {west} {btnw} {2}
#BUTTON 3 {} {sw} {} {} {} {} {ARROWSW} {Size} {23} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {sw} {btnsw} {2}
#BUTTON 4 {} {u} {} {} {} {} {DIRN} {Size} {23} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {up} {btnu} {2}
#BUTTON 5 {} {n} {} {} {} {} {ARROWU} {Size} {23} {23} {Pos} {1} {24} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {north} {btnn} {2}
#BUTTON 6 {} {look} {} {} {} {} {TARGET} {Size} {23} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {look} {btnlook} {2}
#BUTTON 7 {} {s} {} {} {} {} {ARROWD} {Size} {23} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {south} {btns} {2}
#BUTTON 8 {} {d} {} {} {} {} {DIRS} {Size} {23} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {down} {btnd} {2}
#BUTTON 9 {} {ne} {} {} {} {} {ARROWNE} {Size} {23} {23} {Pos} {1} {47} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {ne} {btnne} {2}
#BUTTON 10 {} {e} {} {} {} {} {ARROWR} {Size} {23} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {east} {btne} {2}
#BUTTON 11 {} {se} {} {} {} {} {ARROWSE} {Size} {23} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {se} {btnse} {2}
#BUTTON 12 {} {out} {} {} {} {} {DOOROPEN} {Size} {23} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {out} {btnout} {2}
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 22 Aug 2006
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:17 am   
Where do I paste this into zmud? Yes, I'm totally zmud illiterate. Heh.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
Posts: 4717
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 7:00 pm   
command line, from class line to class line inclusive
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 22 Aug 2006
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 6:34 am   
The gauges move appropriately, but the captions inside are stuck. They still say Stam 85, Ess 82, Vit 0, etc. What'm I doing wrong?
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
Posts: 4717
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:40 am   
oh.. the variables try to evaluate in creation, annoyig i know.... change the captions on them to 'Stam @STAM' 'Ess @ESS' 'Vit @vit' and 'RT @RT' respectively
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 22 Aug 2006
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:10 am   
Got it. Thankya.
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