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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:08 am   

Need help mapping
I am am admin on a mud and I am trying to map the rooms. The first line will have the Room Decription and what is in the bracktet will be the vnum and attributes.

The mapper is having an issue trying to track the room name can someone give me a helping hand?

In the Middle of Heptastadion [6003: Road Dock Light NoHide PcEntered Dock]
Exits: north south

The Heptastadion bridge stretches from the mainland to the
south across the Mediterranean along a wide walkway. In the far
distance to the north, a lighthouse towers far above Pharo's
Island, it's beacon brightly lit at all times. Numerous fish,
small and large, can be seen squirming about in the water below
the dock; their bright colors stand in contrast to the dark
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:41 am   
Use #tag triggers. Tag prompt, name, and exits. May as well do the desc too.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:20 pm   
I have tried the following and still can't get it to work correctly:

Pattern: (*) ~[(%d):(*)~]

Value: #TAG name,vnum {%1} {%2}

It sometimes matches the RoomName, but it doesn't display the vnum correctly in the mapper. I have deleted my mapper configuration and started over, but I still can't get it to work.

Please help

Below is some more rooms:
Underneath the Moongate [6019: Road Light NoHide PcEntered Road]
Exits: north south

A large, sandstone structure rises up from either side of the
road and meets in the center, high above reach. The rounded
archway is decorated with many brightly-painted carvings that
stretch up each column and continue along the entire height of
the structure. At night, during many of the lunar cycles, bright
projections are cast outwards from colored glass positioned atop
the gate. On the southern side of the gate, many people travel
Rhacotis Street as it continues far from sight. Along the
opposite side, Heptastadion ventures towards Pharo's Island.

<****** / ||||||> north
You begin walking northward.

<****** / ||||||>
Navalia Between the Moongate and Heptastadion [6012: Road Dock PcEntered Ok Dock]
Exits: north south west

Centered along Rhacotis Street between the Moongate and the
Great Harbour, this intersection grants passage westwards along
Navalia and the adjoining storehouses and shipyards. Wooden
supports begin to entwine with the broken mud-bricked road along
the northern side, giving a gentle rise to a planked walkway as
it seperates from the ground and continues into Heptastadion.
A number of people flood through the area and the surrounding

<****** / ||||||> south
You begin walking southward.

<****** / ||||||>
Underneath the Moongate [6019: Road Light NoHide PcEntered Road]
Exits: north south

A large, sandstone structure rises up from either side of the
road and meets in the center, high above reach. The rounded
archway is decorated with many brightly-painted carvings that
stretch up each column and continue along the entire height of
the structure. At night, during many of the lunar cycles, bright
projections are cast outwards from colored glass positioned atop
the gate. On the southern side of the gate, many people travel
Rhacotis Street as it continues far from sight. Along the
opposite side, Heptastadion ventures towards Pharo's Island.

<****** / ||||||>
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:25 pm   
Try to look for examples of when it works and when it doesn't work, so that you can see if there is any difference between those two room outputs. Also, try making a trigger to #TAG the exits too. Finally, don't forget that you always have to reconfigure the mapper after creating/editing triggers that use #TAG.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:32 pm   
I have done that, but it still doesn't work. Can anybody give me some other examples to try?
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:36 am   
There's not a whole lot of options here. Have you #tagged your prompt as well? Since you are in effect tagging half of the room info you might as well tag it all and it's preferable that you do it via a multistate trigger (since your description trigger is liable to match almost anything).

If you don't find anything different using Kjata's method, try splitting up the #TAG options rather than bundling them all in one line.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:50 pm   
Can anybody help me with this using the above descriptions? I can't seem to get the room name gather. When I try to #tag all of them then the description doesn't work..

Please give me a helping hand. THANKS
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:11 pm   
Use a multi-state trigger.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:18 am   
Can you give me an example? An example would be helpful.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:25 am   
Well, you asked for it...

#trigger {state0} {stuff you do here}
#condition {state1} {more stuff you do here}
#condition {state2} {even more stuff you do here}
#condition {state3} {holy cow, does it ever end?!} {nocr|prompt}

You managed to get the harder part of it all down already, so the other three states shouldn't be much of a problem. As I said earlier, there's not a whole lot of options on how to override the mapper.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 7:11 pm   
I still can't get the mapper to work. I have tried everthing I can.

By the way, Thank Matt for the help *NOT* ..
I don't see any example which I was hoping for... I guess this must be too complicated for everyone. :(
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 10:42 pm   
Ok, fun's over now. Let's see, if what I saw in your post is what was coming through to my screen, this is what I would have done (hopefully you can see now why I didn't bother posting any real code, since you should have been able to as easily figure this out like you did with the room name trigger you posted):

#trigger {the roomname trigger you posted} {stuff goes here}
#condition {Exits: (*)} {#tag exit %1}
#condition {[%x%s]} {#tag desc}
#condition {~<[~* /~|]~>} {#tag prompt} {nocr|prompt}
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 4:32 am   
Thanks matt,
It works except I only get the first line of the room description.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 5:29 am   
Oh, fun! I suppose I should have noticed before, but you've got multi-line descriptions. Before we bring on the headaches of writing code for that, does it help any if you check Multiline Description in the Mapper Configuration Settings? Not sure if you have to reconfigure for that or not, since I've never played a mud with multiline descriptions.

Another possible option that I cannot try is to change #TAG desc to #TAG descpara. Descpara tells zmud that the entire paragraph is the room description, while Desc is interpreted as the single line.

If neither of those work, the code changes would be similar to the below:

1)remove the #condition for the description from the multi-state trigger.
2)add RoomDesc = "";#T+ tRoomDesc to the Exits line condition
3)add #T- tRoomDesc;#tag descpara @RoomDesc to the Prompt condition
4)create the tRoomDesc trigger with the pattern of the #condition removed in #1. The code is to be changed from #tag desc to RoomDesc = %concat(@RoomDesc,"%1")
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:36 am   
Thanks for the help Matt. None of it works. :(
I also ran into an issue that the exits may continue onto two lines.

I got the same result when I tried you suggestions. When I added the code it just gave me no lines for my desc.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:58 am   
I think you might as well find my complete mapper override script in the Finished Scripts forum and start working on adapting it, since nothing else has worked. Sadly I can do very little to support it; in fact, I barely even understand half of how it works anymore. I was just in the zone when I wrote it and now my brain is someplace else.

In any case the basic problems with getting the mapper to work are:
1. You receive multiple prompts between sending a direction command and actually getting the room information. This isn't too bad by itself, the mapper uses exit information as its main reference point.
2. The room name line contains extra information in a set of brackets. This is an imm thing and the mapper doesn't much like symbols in the room name. You will definitely have to #TAG this at the minimum and put the extra data in during the onroomcreate.
3. The description follows the exits. This is not very common, but the mapper configuration is capable of handling it. The extra blank line might cause some minor problems, but this should be tweakable.

So all things considered you can spend hours trying to figure out how my mapping script works and then basically just rewrite the parsing section, or you can #TAG one line and tweak around on the configuration. The starting point is delete the existing configuration with zMud not running. Despite what everyone, Zugg included, says the existing configuration is taken into account during reconfiguring. Next set up the trigger to properly record the roomname information and #TAG it. Also #TAG the prompt, as it looks like the prompt will be sufficiently variable that zMud won't guess a correct pattern. Now you can configure the mapper for the first time. It will not detect correctly, but proceed to the end as though it did. Then edit the configuration to include the correct exit markings..."Exit line contains key", "Exit line keyword" (set it to 'Exits:'), and "Multiline exits". Next reconfigure. This should finally produce a 90% accurate configuration.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:05 am   
Darmir, have you gotten the mapper working as a normal player (I assume they don't get the vnum and attributes, right?) If so, I won't bother asking for connection info so I can go try it myself but otherwise I'll need it.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:13 pm   
Matt, It doesn't work as a normal player either.

I tried your suggestion and everything works except the room description.
In your example it captures the room name as the room description too.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:16 pm   
I think this is getting more complex than you needed. Try to only override the stuff you really need.

In your original trigger, try splitting it into two different #tag commands:

Pattern: (*) ~[(%d):(*)~]
Value: #TAG name {%1};#TAG vnum {%2}

Also, create a NOMAP trigger for those wierd lines from the MUD that might be confusing the mapper:

Pattern: ^~<***
Value: #NOMAP

Then (VERY IMPORTANT!) make go to the mapper window and select Reconfig from the Config menu. You must *always* use Reconfig to rerun the mapper wizard after adding or changing your #tag commands.

Finally, note that the vnum functions are not commonly used and have not gotten a lot of testing. But at least you should be able to get the room name, exits, and description this way, which is the most important for the mapper.

Also, please try to be more polite and less demanding. Remember that the people here in the forums are volunteers.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:01 pm   
Sorry everyone for being short. I had a bad day when I posted.

I tried your suggestion Zugg and I still am not getting any room description. I am going to play around a bit more tonight, but if anybody has anymore suggestions I would appreciate it.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 5:59 pm   
I played around more with the setting and for some reason I can't get multiline descriptions to map. Crying or Very sad
Oh well. If anybody has a few more suggestions I would love to hear?
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:08 pm   
some times there is a mud command that lets you adjust how many characters are send from the mud at a time, look for one of these and max it out. Possible command names include:


and probably others
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 2:27 pm   
My mud doesn't have any of those options. Zugg you got anymore ideas?
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:40 pm   
Zugg & Vijilante. Do you have anymore suggestions to try?

I am going to give everyone some updated text to look at:

Southern Floodplains in a Shallow Area [6172: Wild PcEntered Floodplain]
Exits: north south

(4 spaces)Stepping onto the floodplain, greenish-black water floods the
land. Debris and long, tangled weeds litter the ground,
enshrouded with black muck. Various slumps of grass are spread
across the land, as far as the eye can see. A myriad of birds
are here pecking and scavenging in the mud for food.

Stale wind carries in the scent of rain.

The murky water of the Nile River floods over the lands.
<****** / ||||||>

The exits and description can be multiline. If there is another description that won't be a space after the first paragraph. I will be indented also. The last two lines in this description can be igored.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:04 pm   
Okay. I decided to try something new. I deleted all of my mapper setting and all of the triggers I created for the mapper.
I next went into mortal mode which would NOT give me the information about the room in the brackets. (See above example)

I ran configuration through the mapper and guess what... It worked perfectly. So how can I get it work work in the immortal mode. I want to capture the vnum and flags too.
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