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Joined: 27 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 10:24 pm   

Record what protection spells you have on
Ok so this is for batmud, but you can change the text and variables to fit your mud. It records what prots you have up and will report them to the party channel when someone tweaks your nose, you can change that too. Here is basically how it works. Ill give a few examples out of the hundreds of prot spells.

#TRIGGER {^You see a crystal clear shield fade into existance around you.} {timer aoatime;party say Aether Armour Active.;#if !%ismember( AOA, @prots) {#var prots %additem( AOA, @prots)}}

#TRIGGER {^You feel full of battle rage! Victory is CERTAIN!} {timer wartime;party say War Ensemble Active.;#if !%ismember( War, @prots) {#var prots %additem( War, @prots)}}

and then, to remove those 2 spells when they drop, (on batmud all prot spells have an up and down message), you do this:

#TRIGGER {^Your crystal clear shield fades out.} {formattime aoatime;party say Aether Armour Expires. ~[@{timed}~];#var prots %delitem( AOA, @prots);#var prots %delitem( AOA~(S~), @prots);#var stuckaoa 0}

#TRIGGER {^The effect of war ensemble wears off.} {formattime wartime;party say War Ensemble Expires. ~[@{timed}~];#var prots %delitem( War, @prots)}

This trigger will report your prots to the party channel using the timedcheck alias.

#TRIGGER {^%w tweaks your nose mischievously.} {timedcheck}

Ok, so here is the alias that checks the times on everything. It is very long because I have coded it to work with every prot spell in BatMUD.

#ALIAS timedcheck {#if (%ismember( SoP, @prots)) {formattime Soptime;#var protstimed %additem( SoP @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( PfE, @prots)) {formattime pfetime;#var protstimed %additem( PfE @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( PfG, @prots)) {formattime pfgtime;#var protstimed %additem( PfG @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Fire, @prots)) {formattime firetime;#var protstimed %additem( Fire @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Elec, @prots)) {formattime electrictime;#var protstimed %additem( Elec @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Psi, @prots)) {formattime psitime;#var protstimed %additem( Psi @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Cold, @prots)) {formattime coldtime;#var protstimed %additem( Cold @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Acid, @prots)) {formattime acidtime;#var protstimed %additem( Acid @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Asphyx, @prots)) {formattime asphxtime;#var protstimed %additem( Asphyx @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Poison, @prots)) {formattime poisontime;#var protstimed %additem( Poison @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Magic, @prots)) {formattime magictime;#var protstimed %additem( Magic @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Fire, @prots)) {formattime gfire;#var protstimed %additem( G-Fire @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Acid, @prots)) {formattime gacid;#var protstimed %additem( G-Acid @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Magic, @prots)) {formattime gmagic;#var protstimed %additem( G-Magic @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Cold, @prots)) {formattime gcold;#var protstimed %additem( G-Cold @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Psi, @prots)) {formattime gpsi;#var protstimed %additem( G-Psi @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Poison, @prots)) {formattime gpoison;#var protstimed %additem( G-Poison @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Elec, @prots)) {formattime gelec;#var protstimed %additem( G-Elec @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Asphyx, @prots)) {formattime gasphyx;#var protstimed %additem( G-Asphyx @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Embr, @prots)) {formattime emtime;#var protstimed %additem( Embr @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( War, @prots)) {formattime wartime;#var protstimed %additem( War @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Aura, @prots)) {formattime aohtime;#var protstimed %additem( Aura @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( FAB, @prots)) {formattime forcetime;#var protstimed %additem( FAB @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Fsh, @prots)) {formattime fstime;#var protstimed %additem( Fsh @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( HW, @prots)) {formattime hwtime;#var protstimed %additem( HW @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Regen, @prots)) {formattime regentime;#var protstimed %additem( Regen @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( AOA, @prots)) {formattime aoatime;#var protstimed %additem( AOA @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Flex, @prots)) {formattime Flextime;#var protstimed %additem( Flex @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Us, @prots)) {formattime unstuntime;#var protstimed %additem( Us @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Unp, @prots)) {formattime unpaintime;#var protstimed %additem( Unp @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Blur, @prots)) {formattime blurtime;#var protstimed %additem( Blur @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Disp, @prots)) {formattime disptime;#var protstimed %additem( Disp @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( FF, @prots)) {formattime FFtime;#var protstimed %additem( FF @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( WW, @prots)) {formattime WWtime;#var protstimed %additem( WW @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Touch, @prots)) {formattime Touchtime;#var protstimed %additem( Touch @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( MSup, @prots)) {formattime MSuptime;#var protstimed %additem( MSup @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Forget, @prots)) {formattime forgettime;#var protstimed %additem( Forget @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Eb, @prots)) {formattime ebtime;#var protstimed %additem( Eb @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( SWalk, @prots)) {formattime walktime;#var protstimed %additem( SWalk @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( E.Vital, @prots)) {formattime e.vitaltime;#var protstimed %additem( E.Vital @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Luck, @prots)) {formattime archfav;#var protstimed %additem( Luck @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( QS, @prots)) {formattime qstime;#var protstimed %additem( QS @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Epow, @prots)) {formattime epowertime;#var protstimed %additem( Epow @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( HvnlProt, @prots)) {formattime HvnlProt;#var protstimed %additem( HvnlProt @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( PsiShld, @prots)) {formattime pshtime;#var protstimed %additem( PsiShld @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Vman, @prots)) {formattime vinetime;#var protstimed %additem( Vman @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Eskin, @prots)) {formattime eskintime;#var protstimed %additem( Eskin @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( SoF, @prots)) {formattime shieldoffaithtime;#var protstimed %additem( SoF @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( ManShld, @prots)) {formattime manashldtime;#var protstimed %additem( ManShld @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( SoulShld, @prots)) {formattime SoulShld;#var protstimed %additem( SoulShld @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Float, @prots)) {formattime Floattime;#var protstimed %additem( Float @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Rage, @prots)) {formattime enragetime;#var protstimed %additem( Rage @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( PThresh, @prots)) {formattime threshtime;#var protstimed %additem( PThresh @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( PBS~(@pbsto~), @prots)) {formattime pbstime;#var protstimed %additem( PBS~(@pbsto~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( IW, @prots)) {formattime iwilltime;#var protstimed %additem( IW @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( DRage, @prots)) {formattime dragetime;#var protstimed %additem( DRage @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Acid~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gacid;#var protstimed %additem( G-Acid~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Asphyx~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gasphyx;#var protstimed %additem( G-Asphyx~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Fire~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gfire;#var protstimed %additem( G-Fire~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( AOA~(S~), @prots)) {formattime aoatime;#var protstimed %additem( AOA~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Magic~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gmagic;#var protstimed %additem( G-Magic~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Cold~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gcold;#var protstimed %additem( G-Cold~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Psi~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gpsi;#var protstimed %additem( G-Psi~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Elec~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gelec;#var protstimed %additem( G-Elec~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Poison~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gpoison;#var protstimed %additem( G-Poison~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( LfLnk~(@lifelinked~), @prots)) {formattime lifelinktime;#var protstimed %additem( LfLnk~(@lifelinked~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Infra, @prots)) {formattime infratime;#var protstimed %additem( Infra @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Trance, @prots)) {formattime trancetime;#var protstimed %additem( Trance @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( E.Aware, @prots)) {formattime eawaretime;#var protstimed %additem( E.Aware @timed, @protstimed)};#IF (%ismember( LoL, @prots)) {formattime loltime;#var protstimed %additem( LoL @timed, @protstimed)};#IF (%ismember( BoT, @prots)) {formattime bottime;#var protstimed %additem( BoT @timed, @protstimed)};#if (@protstimed<>"") {party say Prots: @{protstimed}} {party say Prots: none};#var protstimed {} {}}
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