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Joined: 17 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:17 pm   

#CLASS & #PRIORITY in a script needs cleaning up
Got a script from a friend of mine. The problem is that it uses #class and #priority and tends to screw up some triggers, and writes variables to the wrong folder.
I decided to just remove the #class and #priority and while at it, rename all the vars by adding gqcycle to the beginning of them. But that seems to break the script. and results in the error msg "- I have no idea what is with GQs at the moment."

I am unsure why changing every var name to something else is causing this (yes I am making sure that EVERY var is being changed.)

Here's some partial mud output from the command this reads from:
Date/Time finished        From  To  Completed by Minutes
Getting info from gq history.
------------------------- ---- ---- ------------ -------
Tue Jun  6 15:04:37 2006   194  201 Hrutwang           5
Tue Jun  6 14:47:37 2006     1   12 BovineMan          4
Tue Jun  6 14:30:52 2006    13   24 Shine              7
Tue Jun  6 14:11:39 2006    49   60 Habit              8
Tue Jun  6 13:50:54 2006   191  201 Paipals            4
Tue Jun  6 13:34:10 2006   117  130 Roell              6
etc etc etd
Mon Jun  5 08:59:41 2006   146  160 Dashiell           5
Mon Jun  5 08:42:16 2006     1   12 Audreyiv           5
Mon Jun  5 08:25:00 2006    17   28 Cougr             10
Mon Jun  5 08:01:43 2006     1    8 Kumog              1
631/631H 531/531M 614/614V 4158x 0Q SWUD>

This is the current CODE output at this time:
+- 22 GQs remaining this cycle -+
|      1/4     *5/16     25/36  |
|    29/40     33/44     37/48  |
|    53/64     69/80    97/108  |
|  105/116   113/125   121/135  |
|  126/140   131/145   136/150  |
|  141/155   146/160   166/180  |
|  171/185   176/190   181/195  |
|  186/201                      |

The * indicates that there is still a pending GQ for my lvl
#CLASS {gq}
#ALIAS gqcleanup {
  #CLASS gq
    #UNVAR c
    #UNVAR check
    #UNVAR checks
    #UNVAR cycle
    #UNVAR cyclestart
    #UNVAR finish
    #UNVAR gqhist
    #UNVAR high
    #UNVAR i
    #UNVAR low
    #UNVAR output
    #UNVAR remaining
    #UNVAR start
    #UNVAR t
  #T- gq_hist_start
  #T- gq_hist_data
  #T- gq_hist_end
  #CLASS 0
#ALIAS gqcycle {
  #CLASS gq
  #T+ gq_hist_start
  #SEND {gq hist}
  #CLASS 0
#VARIABLE gqfulllist {1/4|1/8|1/12|5/16|9/20|13/24|17/28|21/32|25/36|29/40|33/44|37/48|41/52|45/56|49/60|53/64|57/68|61/72|65/76|69/80|73/84|77/88|
#REGEX "gq_hist_data" {^\w{3} \w{3} +\d{1,2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} \d{4} +(\d{1,3}) +(\d{1,3}) [\w ]+ +\d{1,2}$} {
  #CLASS gq
  #IF %ismember( "%1/%2", @gqfulllist) {#VARIABLE gqhist %additem( "%1/%2", @gqhist)}
  #CLASS 0
  } "" {notrig|disable}
#REGEX "gq_hist_start" {^Date/Time finished From To Completed by Minutes$} {
  #CLASS gq
  #T+ gq_hist_data
  #T+ gq_hist_end
  #VARIABLE gqhist {}
  #ECHO %ansi( white, bright)Getting info from gq history.
  #CLASS 0
  } "" {notrig|disable}
#REGEX "gq_hist_end" {^$} {
  #CLASS gq
  #ECHO %ansi( white, bright)Working...
  #VARIABLE cyclestart 0
  #IF (%numitems( @gqhist) > 47) {
; if we have at least 1 cycle in history.. check!
    #MATH checks {%numitems( @gqhist) - 47}
    #VARIABLE cycle moo
    #LOOP 1,47 {#VARIABLE cycle %additem( %item( @gqhist, %i), @cycle)}
    #VARIABLE start 0
    #WHILE ((@start < @checks) & (@cyclestart = 0)) {
; check 1-48, 2-49 .. 50ish-101 or something :P
      #ADD start 1
      #MATH finish {@start + 47}
      #DELNITEM cycle 1 // remove first item from list
      #VARIABLE cycle %additem( %item( @gqhist, @finish), @cycle) // add next item from @gqhist
      #VARIABLE check @cycle
      #FORALL @gqfulllist {#VARIABLE check %delitem( %i, @check)}
      #IF (%numitems( @check) = 0) {#VARIABLE cyclestart @start}
    #VARIABLE cycle {}
    #IF (@cyclestart > 1) {
; if we found a start, put current cycle (everything before it) into @cycle
      #MATH cyclestart {@cyclestart - 1}
      #LOOP @cyclestart,1 {#ADDITEM cycle %item( @gqhist, %i)}
    } {
; must have just been reboot, yay, only current cycle is in history
; add everything in history to current cycle
    #VARIABLE cycle @gqhist
    #VARIABLE cyclestart 1
  #IF @cyclestart {
; we found a start or just had reboot, display remaining gqs in cycle
    #VARIABLE remaining @gqfulllist
    #FORALL @cycle {#DELITEM remaining %i}
    #VARIABLE c %numitems( @remaining)
    #ECHO %ansi( white, bright)+-%ansi( red, bright) @c GQs remaining this cycle %ansi( white, bright)%repeat( "-", 3-%len( @c))+
    #VARIABLE output {}
    #VARIABLE i 1
    #2 {#VARIABLE remaining %additem( " ", @remaining)}
    #FORALL @remaining {
      #VARIABLE t {%i}
      #NOOP %regex( @t, "(\d+)/(\d+)", low, high) // if this fails something is terribly wrong.
      #VARIABLE t {%concat( %if( (@low <= @current_level) & (@current_level <= @high) & (%len( @t)>1), "*", " "), @t)}
      #VARIABLE output %additem( %concat( %repeat( " ", 9-%len( @t)), @t), @output)
    #WHILE (@i <= @c) {
      #ECHO %ansi( white, bright)|%item( @output, @i) %item( @output, @i+1) %item( %@output, @i+2)%repeat( " ", 2)|
      #ADD i 3
    #ECHO %ansi( white, bright)+%repeat( "-", 31)+
    } {
; didnt find anything, yeah, this shouldnt happen.
    #ECHO - I have no idea what is with GQs at the moment.
  #CLASS 0
  } "" {notrig|disable}

I know that in here there is a variable defined as i but no i am not changing the %i to %gqcyclei (before someone wonders Twisted Evil)
Any ideas why this is screwing up?
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Joined: 25 Mar 2003
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:50 pm   
1. The use of #CLASS inside all your aliases and triggers is probably unnecessary. Don't think it hurts, but it's just extra commands.

2. You're using #PRIORITY for all your #UNVAR commands and not for your loops. I recommend using it around your loops, at the very least, because that's what causes synchronization problems in scripts most often, especially when you're executing so many loops on a single trigger or alias.

3. Why not just assign a null value to your variables and avoid using #GAGON/#GAGOFF for the #UNVAR commands? There is no need to destroy and create the variables each time you do all of this.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2005
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Location: New York

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:53 pm   
1. Like I said, wanted to get rid of that cause it can cause variable writing from other scripts to it
2. Read 1.
3. Yeah, I know, but either way, still want to get rid of 1 & 2 :-)
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Joined: 25 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:16 pm   
Well, you should get rid of the #CLASS and #UNVAR commands, but move the #PRIORITY command to your "gq_hist_end" trigger. Just enclose everything executed in the trigger inside the #PRIORITY {} block and it should definitely help with any synchronization issues you might see. I've had systems like this go all screwy on me for this reason and adding the #PRIORITY to all my loops has greatly helped me. It doesn't really hurt to put other commands inside of the #PRIORITY command, so you could be more aggressive and enclose everything in one.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2005
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Location: New York

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:31 pm   
k, i'll check that out.
But now to the question that I'd asked.
Any idea why changing all the var names would result in an error?
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Joined: 17 Jun 2005
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Location: New York

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 12:54 am   
bah, it works now, I musta been missing a few vars when i was changing them.
I caught 2 errors when i printed it out. fixed those and seems to work okay now.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2003
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:14 am   
Hmm, I sure had a similar problem.
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