CuMorrigu Beginner
Joined: 29 Jul 2004 Posts: 19 Location: United States
Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 8:47 pm
Script to do maintence on your Friend List on Temporal Rifts |
This script seems to finally be working.
When you type in 'friendcheck' it will check your list of friends on the mud and remove any character that has been deleted or has not logged in more than 30 days (our mud deletes character after 30 days of inactivity)
This script was designed for Temporal Rifts ( (telnet://
If you can see a better or easier way to do this let me know...this was basically my first 'real' script.
Code: |
#CLASS {friendcheck}
#ALIAS friendcheck {#say At the sound of the tone the time will be %time( c);#t+ check_triggers;prompt;friend list;#ga;#wa 15000;#t- check_triggers;#echo Done;prompt}
#CLASS {friendcheck|Check_Triggers}
#TRIGGER {((@person)) was last here on %2 %3%s%4 %5:%6:%7 %8} {#va lastday {%2} 1 Check_Variables;#va monthword {%3} 1 Check_Variables;#va lastdate {%4} 1 Check_Variables;#va lasthour {%5} 1 Check_Variables;#va lastminute {%6} 1 Check_Variables;#va lastsecond {%7} 1 Check_Variables;#va lastyear {%8} 1 Check_Variables;#if (@currentyear > @lastyear) {friend remove @person;friend quit@person;echo @person removed from Friends};#if ((@currentyear = @lastyear) and (@monthword = Jan)) {@monthnum = 1};#if ((@currentyear = @lastyear) and (@monthword = Feb)) {@monthnum = 2};#if ((@currentyear = @lastyear) and (@monthword = Mar)) {@monthnum = 3};#if ((@currentyear = @lastyear) and (@monthword = Apr)) {@monthnum = 4};#if ((@currentyear = @lastyear) and (@monthword = May)) {@monthnum = 5};#if ((@currentyear = @lastyear) and (@monthword = Jun)) {@monthnum = 6};#if ((@currentyear = @lastyear) and (@monthword = Jul)) {@monthnum = 7};#if ((@currentyear = @lastyear) and (@monthword = Aug)) {@monthnum = 8};#if ((@currentyear = @lastyear) and (@monthword = Sep)) {@monthnum = 9};#if ((@currentyear = @lastyear) and (@monthword = Oct)) {@monthnum = 10};#if ((@currentyear = @lastyear) and (@monthword = Nov)) {@monthnum = 11};#if ((@currentyear = @lastyear) and (@monthword = Dec)) {@monthnum = 12};#math @monthdifference (@currentmonth-@monthnum);#if (@monthdifference>1) {friend remove @person;friend quit @person;echo @person removed from Friends};#reset;#wa 3000}
#TRIGGER {Now that's a silly question.} {#ga}
#TRIGGER {At the sound of the tone the time will be %2/%3/%4 %5:%6:%7 %8} {#va currentmonth %2 1 Check_Variables;#va currentdate %3 1 Check_Variables;#va currentyear %4 1 Check_Variables;#va currenthour %5 1 Check_Variables;#va currentminute %6 1 Check_Variables;#va currentsecond %7 1 Check_Variables;#va currentampm %8 1 Check_Variables}
#TRIGGER {Friend%sHears your FChat by default?} {#ga}
#TRIGGER {=================================} {#ga} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {%1%sYes} {#va person {%1} 1 Check_Variables;#loop 1 {laston %1;#ga}}
#TRIGGER {No player by that name exists.} {friend remove @person;friend quit @person}
#CLASS {friendcheck|Check_Variables}
#VAR person {1} {1}
#VAR lastday {1} {1}
#VAR monthword {1} {1}
#VAR lastdate {1} {1}
#VAR lasthour {1} {1}
#VAR lastminute {1} {1}
#VAR lastsecond {1} {1}
#VAR lastyear {1} {1}
#VAR currentmonth {1} {1}
#VAR currentdate {1} {1}
#VAR currentyear {1} {1}
#VAR currenthour {1} {1}
#VAR currentminute {1} {1}
#VAR currentsecond {1} {1}
#VAR currentampm {1} {1}
#CLASS 0 |