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Joined: 23 Mar 2006
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:19 pm   

Help with mapping please
I'm having trouble getting the mapper in zMUD v7.21 set up correctly for NewMoon mud. Here's the mud output:

Serene cloister
Weeds grow between the flagstones and root in cracks in the walls in this
deserted cloister. Cobwebs festoon the walls and ceiling, a misty grey shroud
in the half-light. In the western wall is a stout oak door and in the south
wall, an arch leads onto a spiral stone staircase contained within the solid
stone walls. The cloister leads on round the quadrangle, both to the north and

Slightly nippy with scattered clouds.
There are four obvious exits: north, east, west and up.
(H:500/500 P:50/50 X:159)>

The game autocolours the exits line green, and both exits and exit are used depending on whether exits should grammatically be plural or singular. No other text is autocoloured. This is how zMUD colours it in the auto config:

Serene cloister
Weeds grow between the flagstones and root in cracks in the walls in this
deserted cloister. Cobwebs festoon the walls and ceiling, a misty grey shroud
in the half-light. In the western wall is a stout oak door and in the south
wall, an arch leads onto a spiral stone staircase contained within the solid
stone walls. The cloister leads on round the quadrangle, both to the north and

Slightly nippy with scattered clouds. - Room name
There are four obvious exits: north, east, west and up. - Room Description
(H:500/500 P:50/50 X:159)> - Cyan for prompt and Red for exits. Obviously, no exits were detected. The internal settings are:

Room Name=+
Name Paragraph=1
Name Start Line=0
Match Room Name at Start of line=+
Name ends with period=+

Room Description=+
Description Paragraph=1
Description Start Line=1
Room Description Changes=+

Room Exits=+
Exits Paragraph=0
Exits Start Line=0
Exit in prompt:+
Single character exits=+

Auto Prompt detect=+
Complex Prompt=+
Prompt trigger pattern: ^\(\w+\:\d+\/\d+ \w+\:\d+\/\d+ \w+\:\d+\)\>\s+
PEARL Regular Expression=+
Wait for prompt in SLOW speedwalk=+

So I played around with these settings a little, but still no luck getting zMUD to detect the exits. I can sometimes get it to make an exit when I move, but only that. Descriptions are also different at night, and I'd like to capture both descriptions if I can. Or alternatively, somehow set things up so that when night hits, I can easily switch to the night map (of course, most of all I'd like the mapping to work). The line before the exits changes with the weather, and other lines can be added or removed depending on where the room is. For instance, here's an example of an indoors room:

You open the west door.
A derelict cell
This cell has suffered the most extreme damage from fire. The ceiling has burnt
away and caved in, and a pile of rubble and timbers lies against the west wall.
The walls are blackened and the floor is charred. It looks pretty unsafe to
walk on; in fact 'go carefully' would seem to be a good policy! Looking about,
it would seem that this room, unlike the usual monastic cell, was fairly
comfortable living quarters, before fire ravaged the building. There is no
evidence of a bed having been here, but the burned shells of table and chairs,
and a heap of heat-buckled and melted armour parts suggests that this was the
living quarters of someone of a military persuasion.

There is one obvious exit: east.
Tomas apOwen is here.
You close the east door.

(.H:500/500 P:50/50 X:159)>

I captured this by doing a new configuration, so everything should have been reset. All the settings are the same, except now Multiline Description=+ in the Room Description setting. If anyone has suggestions, I'd love to hear them, 'cause I'm stumped.

Oh, and I thought I might as well mention how the game handles secret exits. Sometimes, secret rooms appear that have odd entryways (Floorboard for instance) which may or may not show up in the exits line (sometimes "...exits: East, and Floorboard" and sometimes "...exit: East"). The secret rooms sometimes have no obvious exits, regular exits, regular one way exits, irregular exits with the same name as the secret entry, irregular exits with different names than the secret entry, or a combination of these. They aren't too frequent, but I thought I'd mention that they do sometimes show up just in case it affects what the solution to my question is. I don’t expect to Automap secret locations, and have been able to (on other MUDs, not New Moon) set things up so odd exits between rooms that don't match up still work. Thanks!


P.S. Why doesn't BBcode colour work, even though I have it set to on?

Edit: Thanks Taz. [/color] not [\color]. Embarassed
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