OmegaDeus Apprentice
Joined: 14 Sep 2005 Posts: 121
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 4:40 pm
Really complex trigger |
I have need for a really complex trigger. What I'm wanting to do is get the prime stats for all of my skills and spells so that i can figure out which is my best order of assigning stats, but I need to make this universal so that I can use it with all of my characters, not just the one I'm currently using. Here is the pertinent information:
skills list:
Code: |
Level 1: dagger 100%( 94%) polearm 75%( 68%)
scrolls 84%( 85%) wands 75%( 78%)
recall 50%( 55%)
Level 3: flee 83%( 83%)
Level 4: meditation 78%( 74%) staves 76%( 77%)
Level 5: appraise 75%( 74%)
Level 6: dodge 84%( 80%)
Level 7: hand to hand 75%( 63%)
Level 10: hide 79%( 77%)
Level 12: lore 83%( 80%)
Level 13: haggle 76%( 81%)
Level 14: dirt kicking 78%( 74%)
Level 18: pick lock 76%( 77%)
Level 19: distract 80%( 86%)
Level 21: mace 90%( 76%) steal 85%( 86%)
Level 24: arcane lore 78%( 78%)
Level 26: peek 77%( 80%)
Level 32: sneak 75%( 74%) swimming 76%( 77%)
Level 35: disguise 75%( 70%)
Level 40: alertness 76%( 67%)
Level 41: focus 100%( 83%)
Level 47: shadowwalk 98%( 95%)
Level 50: backstab 79%( 71%)
Level 55: scribe 85%( 71%)
Level 85: arcana 97%( 86%) |
spells list:
Code: |
Level 1: infravision 6m 78%( 80%) magic missile 1m 100%( 97%)
ventriloquate 6m 75%( 80%)
Level 2: detect invis 5m 80%( 82%) faerie fire 18m 77%( 80%)
sleep 18m 78%( 80%) word of recall 60m 77%( 79%)
Level 3: detect hidden 6m 75%( 80%) faerie fog 14m 76%( 79%)
Level 4: burning hands 5m 100%( 97%) fear 18m 75%( 78%)
invisibility 12m 76%( 79%)
Level 6: charm person 36m 75%( 80%) detect magic 6m 75%( 77%)
shocking grasp 8m 97%( 95%)
Level 7: colour spray 14m 79%( 81%)
Level 8: armor 6m 78%( 80%) betray 18m 75%( 80%)
chill touch 10m 95%( 92%)
Level 9: detect poison 6m 75%( 77%)
Level 10: feeblemind 12m 75%( 78%) giant strength 12m 78%( 80%)
Level 12: fireball 17m 85%( 86%) know alignment 11m 75%( 75%)
Level 14: dispel magic 32m 95%( 92%)
Level 15: blindness 24m 75%( 78%) teleport 42m 75%( 80%)
Level 16: cancellation 24m 77%( 79%)
Level 18: change sex 15m 75%( 98%) enchant armor 300m 75%( 80%)
lightning bolt 17m 81%( 83%) shield 6m 76%( 79%)
Level 22: enchant weapon 300m 75%( 80%) mass invis 24m 75%( 78%)
weaken 12m 75%( 75%)
Level 23: detect evil 6m 75%( 74%) detect good 6m 75%( 74%)
Level 24: identify 15m 75%( 75%)
Level 25: acid blast 22m 92%( 87%) gate 90m 87%( 87%)
haste 54m 91%( 91%)
Level 26: slow 31m 77%( 76%)
Level 28: stone skin 11m 79%( 81%)
Level 30: fly 25m 76%( 75%) poison 6m 75%( 64%)
Level 31: locate object 24m 75%( 78%)
Level 32: detect astral 59m 78%( 82%) protection evil 22m 75%( 47%)
protection good 23m 79%( 42%)
Level 33: extinguish 6m 75%( 80%)
Level 35: fireproof 12m 75%( 71%)
Level 38: calm 40m 75%( 64%)
Level 40: chain lightning 31m 75%( 75%) confusion 30m 75%( 79%)
immolation 72m 77%( 79%) portal 120m 76%( 80%)
refresh 19m 83%( 70%)
Level 41: electrocution 73m 75%( 78%)
Level 42: absolute zero 73m 75%( 78%)
Level 43: epidemic 72m 76%( 79%)
Level 45: summon 61m 78%( 77%)
Level 46: mirror image 52m 94%( 96%)
Level 47: mimic 41m 75%( 96%)
Level 48: farsight 43m 76%( 80%)
Level 50: astral projection 115m 82%( 85%) mana shield 38m 75%( 72%)
sanctuary 89m 83%( 81%)
Level 64: nexus 184m 78%( 77%)
Level 70: laughing fit 48m 75%( 80%)
Level 73: reflection 36m 76%( 77%)
Level 75: renewal 41m 84%( 82%)
Level 76: protection magic 31m 75%( 75%)
Level 80: pass door 61m 76%( 78%)
Level 86: fire breath 30m 81%( 79%)
Level 87: frost breath 30m 81%( 79%)
Level 88: lightning breath 21m 100%( 94%)
Level 89: acid breath 21m 98%( 92%)
Level 90: call lightning 20m 77%( 66%) gas breath 33m 94%( 89%)
Level 91: monsoon 75m 77%( 75%) |
showskill output:
Code: |
Settings for spell: Haste
Base Mana: 50 Lag: 12 Target: char_defensive Combat: yes
Prime Stat: agility Second Stat: dexterity Third Stat: luck
Class Level Points Max
------------ ----- ------ -----
Warrior 65 -- 80
Thief 35 -- 90
Cleric -- -- --
Mage 20 -- 100
Gladiator -- -- --
Samurai 60 -- 85
Paladin -- -- --
Assassin 60 -- 85
Ninja 40 -- 90
Monk -- -- --
Templar -- -- --
Illusionist 25 -- 100
Gunslinger 48 -- 90
Ranger 35 -- 90
Necromancer 20 -- 100
Settings for skill: Arcana
Base Move: 6
Prime Stat: intelligence Second Stat: discipline Third Stat: wisdom
Class Level Points Max
------------ ----- ------ -----
Warrior -- -- --
Thief -- -- --
Cleric -- -- --
Mage 50 6 100
Gladiator -- -- --
Samurai -- -- --
Paladin -- -- --
Assassin -- -- --
Ninja -- -- --
Monk -- -- --
Templar -- -- --
Illusionist 85 6 90
Gunslinger -- -- --
Ranger -- -- --
Necromancer 85 6 90
Settings for skill: Dagger
Prime Stat: dexterity Second Stat: agility Third Stat: luck
Class Level Points Max
------------ ----- ------ -----
Warrior 1 2 99
Thief 1 3 100
Cleric -- -- --
Mage 1 6 90
Gladiator 1 2 100
Samurai 1 3 96
Paladin -- -- --
Assassin 1 5 100
Ninja 1 6 98
Monk -- -- --
Templar 8 12 80
Illusionist 1 4 95
Gunslinger 3 5 90
Ranger 1 4 98
Necromancer 1 6 91 |
as you can see with this, it changes slightly each time, depending on the type of skill/spell, but it has a general theme.
stats list:
Code: |
Basically what i need this trigger, well more of a function to do is, when i run it, it first will need to pull up the skills list by sending skills to the mud and from that make a list of all skills then one by one with showskill <skill> and then take the list of stats from that and adds a tickmark to it(basically just simple math, add 1 to that skills number), and after it's gone through all of those, it has to pull up all spells by sending spells to the mud, then add those to a list, then one by one get the man stats from each of those with showskill <spell> all of this just needs to be stored in either a database or a variable or something so that it won't just show it right away, but from sending an alias to the mud(probably would want it to be statpri) it will show me in a list from most ticks(highest number stored) to least ticks the priority of which i should assign my stats.
and example of the out put i want:
Code: |
Current Class Stat Priority:
Cha Luc Str Dex Agi Vit Con Int Dis Wis
I know that this will be very complex, and very time consuming so I don't want anyone to spend too much time on it, I'm open just for suggestions on what should work where, and I can piece it together from there if need be. |
Look at me I've got zSKILLS |
TonDiening GURU
Joined: 26 Jul 2001 Posts: 1958 Location: Canada
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 5:29 pm |
Pattern Matching
Patterns can contain several special character for wild-card matching.
&nn matches exactly nn characters (fixed width pattern)
Fixed width pattern matching. Turn on/off the capturing triggers doing #ADDITEM to the list.
Then use #FORALL to process the next layers. |
OmegaDeus Apprentice
Joined: 14 Sep 2005 Posts: 121
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 8:23 pm |
okay you're speaking in half zuggish and half gibberish... could you please elaborate using a little more english?
Look at me I've got zSKILLS |
TonDiening GURU
Joined: 26 Jul 2001 Posts: 1958 Location: Canada
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:06 pm |
skills list:
Pattern assumes that there is no Level 100 spells where the fixed width of the layout would change.
Level 1: dagger 100%( 94%) polearm 75%( 68%)
#TRIGGER {^&6(&2)??(&22)(&3)??(&3)???(&22)(&3)??(&3)} {}
If %int(%1) > 0 then you captured your skill level
If !%null(%trim(%2)) then you got a skill to check - #ADDITEM SkillsToCheck {%trim(%2)}
If %int(%3) > 0 then you have the ##% to check
If %int(%4) >0 then you have the (###%) to check
If !%null(%trim(%5)) then you got another skill to check - #ADDITEM SkillsToCheck {%trim(%2)}
If %int(%6) > 0 then you have the ##% to check
If %int(%7) >0 then you have the (###%) to check
Spells list:
I'd make 2 patterns as the fixed width wont work from seeing the shift in the #m
Level 40: chain lightning 31m 75%( 75%) confusion 30m 75%( 79%)
Level 50: astral projection 115m 82%( 85%) mana shield 38m 75%( 72%)
sanctuary 89m 83%( 81%)
#TRIGGER {&6(&2)??(*)(%d)m?(&3)??(&3)??(*)(%d)m?(&3)??(&3)??$} {}
#TRIGGER {&6(&2)??(*)(%d)m?(&3)??(&3)?? $} {}
Like about
If !%null(%trim(%2)) then you got a spell to check - #ADDITEM SkillsToCheck {%trim(%2)}
If !%null(%trim(%6)) then you got a spell to check - #ADDITEM SkillsToCheck {%trim(%2)}
PROCESS Checking so we dont overwhelm the mud too much
showskills %pop(SkillsToCheck)
#VAR SkillTicks %null
#TRIGGER {^Prime Stat:(*)Second Stat:(*)Third Stat:(*)} {#ADD SkillTicks.%trim(%1) 1;#ADD SkillTicks.%trim(%2) 1;#ADD SkillTicks.%trim(%3) 1;#IF (!%null(@skillsToCheck)) {showskill %pop(SkillsToCheck)} {#showdb @SkillTicks}}
To sort database SkillTicks use Kjata's idea from:
Looks right, I this is all written from hand and not tested. |
gamma_ray Magician
Joined: 17 Apr 2005 Posts: 496
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:08 pm |
Here's another take on it.
Code: |
#CLASS {beststatscounter}
#ALIAS statpri {#loopdb @beststats {#show {Stat: %key Priority: %val}}}
#VAR skillslist {}
#VAR beststats {}
#ONINPUT {^updatestats$} {
;reset tracking variables
skillslist = %null
beststats = %null
;get a list of skills and spells and store them as a string list
#t+ "parse.skillslist"
} "" {regex}
#COND {} {
#t- "parse.skillslist"
#t+ "parse.showskill"
;start checking the stats used for each skill/spell
showskill %pop( @skillslist)
} {wait|param=5000}
#REGEX "parse.skillslist" {^(?:.*:)? +([a-z][a-z ]+[a-z]) +\d+(?:[^a-z]+([a-z][a-z ]+[a-z]) +\d+)} {
#additem skillslist %1
#if !%null( %2) {#additem skillslist %2}
} "" {disable}
#REGEX "parse.showskill" {^Prime Stat: ([a-z]+) +Second Stat: ([a-z]+) +Third Stat: ([a-z]+)$} {
;add a variable amount based on weather the stat is primary, secondary, or tertiary
#add beststats.%1 3
#add beststats.%2 2
#add beststats.%3 1
} "" {case|disable}
#COND {} {
;keep looping until we've looked at every skill and spell
#if (%numitems( @skillslist)) {showskill %pop( @skillslist)} {
#t- "parse.showskill"
#show {Done updating stats. Use statpri to see the list.}
} {wait|param=2000|disable}
#CLASS 0 |
Now, 1) It doesn't actually store that much information, just a list of stats and the priority for each (it doesn't store the stats for each skill/spell). 2) It adds 3 to the priority if a stat is listed as primary, 2 to the priority for secondary, and 1 to the priority for tertiary. This is easy to change if you prefer another way. 3) If you need to include quotes of some sort around multiple word skillnames that'll need to be fixed. 4) Doesn't output a sorted list, instead just a list of "Stat: Blah Priority: 10", with higher priority being better... but as there are only a handful of stats you should be able to pick the highest number easily enough. 5) Untested. Use at your own risk.
To use it, load it (it should form it's own class properly), then enter "updatestats" (no quotes), wait until it tells you it's done, then enter statpri.
Edit: Updated it to use %pop(), as I prefer that.
Edit2: Minor bug fix.
Edit3: How come none of the glaringly obvious bugs are glaringly obvious until after you've posted? |
Last edited by gamma_ray on Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:38 pm; edited 1 time in total |
OmegaDeus Apprentice
Joined: 14 Sep 2005 Posts: 121
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:30 pm |
I tested it and for the most part it works, a few of the items on it do not work properly but I can probably fix that if i work on it. Thanks much gamma_ray, that's almost exactly what i'm looking for.
Look at me I've got zSKILLS |