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Joined: 25 Feb 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 10:07 am   

Dragonrealms - Room list status window
This class creates a status window that shows a list of players in the room and a itemized list of the rooms contents. Great for spammy rooms in tf. I think you'll need to put in RoomContents and RoomOccupants global variables.

#CLASS {RoomClass}
#ALIAS ParseRoomContents {;****************************************;;Alias: ;;****************************************;#LOOPDB @ExtraMessages { #VAR tmpc %replace( @tmpc, %key, %val)};#VAR RoomContentsFullNames %replace( @tmpc, ",", "|");#VAR NumRoomItems %numitems( @RoomContentsFullNames, ",");#VAR RoomContents {};#VAR RoomContentsParsed {};#FORALL @RoomContentsFullNames {#VAR tmpc {%i};;get the noun of each item and add to list;#VAR tmpc %word( @tmpc, %numwords( @tmpc));#VAR RoomContents %additem( @tmpc, @RoomContents)};;build a recordset containing a how many of each item are in the room.;#VAR RoomContentsCounted %countlist( @RoomContents);#VAR StatusLine {};#LOOPDB @RoomContentsCounted {;loop through recordset and build a line for each item. ex: 14 goblin;#VAR tmpc {%val %key};#ADDITEM StatusLine @tmpc};#VAR StatusLine %sort( @StatusLine);#STW + %ansi( blue, bold)Items;#STW + %ansi( green, bold)------------------------;;Print everything it found to status window.;#FORALL @StatusLine {#STW + %ansi( red, bold)%i}}
#ALIAS ParseRoomOccupants {#VAR RoomOccupants {};#VAR tmpo {%1};;clean up the list of names and turn it into a string list;#VAR tmpo %replace( @tmpo, "and", "|");#VAR tmpo %replace( @tmpo, ",", "|");#VAR tmpo %replace( @tmpo, "|| ", "|");#FORALL @tmpo {;if they're sitting, kneeling, etc then the name precedes the word "who" otherwise it's the last word.;#VAR tmps %ismember( "who", %replace( %i, " ", "|"));#IF (@tmps>0) {#ADDITEM RoomOccupants %trim( %word( %i, @tmps-2))} {#ADDITEM RoomOccupants %trim( %word( %i, %numwords( %i)))}};#VAR RoomOccupants %sort( @RoomOccupants);#STW %ansi( blue, bold)Occupants;#STW + %ansi( green, bold)------------------------;;loop through list of names and print to status window;#LOOP 1,%numitems( @RoomOccupants) {#STW + %ansi( red, bold)%item( @RoomOccupants, %i)};#STW + %cr}
#VAR RoomContentsFullNames {}
#VAR tmp {} {}
#VAR RoomContentsCounted {}
#VAR NumRoomItems {}
#VAR StatusLine {}
#VAR ExtraMessages {that appears stunned which appears dead who is sitting who is kneeling who is prone , and, and ,with some stuff on it with a few fleas on it }
#VAR RoomContentsParsed {}
#VAR pt {1} {1}
#TRIGGER {Also here: (*).} {;Trigger: Fires on portion of room description that lists players.;;%1: Comma seperated list of player names.;ParseRoomOccupants {%1}}
#TRIGGER {You also see (*).} {;****************************************;;Trigger: Fires on portion of room description that lists the room's contents;;%1: Comma seperated list of item names;;****************************************;#VAR tmpc {%1};;clear the status window;#STW "";ParseRoomContents}
#TRIGGER {Also in the room: (*).} {;****************************************;;Trigger: Fires on portion of room description that lists players.;;%1: Comma seperated list of player names.;;****************************************;ParseRoomOccupants {%1}}
#TRIGGER {Q} {;Trigger: Fires on gsl Q tag. ;; %2: Time in future that roundtime will expire.;#VAR RoundTimeExpires %2} "" {gsl|case}
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Joined: 24 Nov 2005
Posts: 19

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 9:45 pm   Re: Dragonrealms - Room list status window
I have updated this script so it updates as people enter and exit the rooms.


#CLASS {RoomClass}
#ALIAS ParseRoomContents {;****************************************;;Alias: ;;****************************************;#LOOPDB @ExtraMessages {#VAR tmpc %replace( @tmpc, %key, %val)};#VAR RoomContentsFullNames %replace( @tmpc, ",", "|");#VAR NumRoomItems %numitems( @RoomContentsFullNames, ",");#VAR RoomContents {};#VAR RoomContentsParsed {};#FORALL @RoomContentsFullNames {#VAR tmpc {%i};;get the noun of each item and add to list;#VAR tmpc %word( @tmpc, %numwords( @tmpc));#VAR RoomContents %additem( @tmpc, @RoomContents)};;build a recordset containing a how many of each item are in the room.;#VAR RoomContentsCounted %countlist( @RoomContents);#VAR StatusLine {};#LOOPDB @RoomContentsCounted {;loop through recordset and build a line for each item. ex: 14 goblin;#VAR tmpc {%val %key};#ADDITEM StatusLine @tmpc};#VAR StatusLine %sort( @StatusLine);#STW + %ansi( blue, bold)Items;#STW + %ansi( green, bold)------------------------;;Print everything it found to status window.;#FORALL @StatusLine {#STW + %ansi( red, bold)%i}}
#ALIAS ParseRoomOccupants {#VAR RoomOccupants {};#VAR tmpo {%1};;clean up the list of names and turn it into a string list;#VAR tmpo %replace( @tmpo, "and", "|");#VAR tmpo %replace( @tmpo, ",", "|");#VAR tmpo %replace( @tmpo, "who is sitting", "|");#VAR tmpo %replace( @tmpo, "|| ", "|");#VAR tmpo %replace( @tmpo, "||", "|");#FORALL @tmpo {;if they're sitting, kneeling, etc then the name precedes the word "who" otherwise it's the last word.;#VAR tmps %ismember( "who", %replace( %i, " ", "|"));#IF (@tmps>0) {#ADDITEM RoomOccupants %trim( %word( %i, @tmps-2))} {#ADDITEM RoomOccupants %trim( %word( %i, %numwords( %i)))}};#VAR RoomOccupants %sort( @RoomOccupants);#STW %ansi( blue, bold)Occupants;#STW + %ansi( green, bold)------------------------;;loop through list of names and print to status window;#LOOP 1,%numitems( @RoomOccupants) {#STW + %ansi( red, bold)%item( @RoomOccupants, %i)};#STW + %cr}
#VAR RoomContentsFullNames {a purple gem pouch| a bucket of viscous gloop| a large white cabinet| a dark mahogany door}
#VAR tmp {} {}
#VAR sneak {1}
#VAR RoomContentsCounted {pouch1gloop1cabinet1door1}
#VAR NumRoomItems {4}
#VAR StatusLine {1 cabinet|1 door|1 gloop|1 pouch}
#VAR ExtraMessages {that appears stunned which appears dead who is sitting who is kneeling who is prone , and, and ,with some stuff on it with a few fleas on it}
#VAR RoomContentsParsed {}
#VAR pt {1} {1}
#TRIGGER {Also here: (*).} {;Trigger: Fires on portion of room description that lists players.;;%1: Comma seperated list of player names.;ParseRoomOccupants {%1}}
#TRIGGER {You also see (*).} {;****************************************;;Trigger: Fires on portion of room description that lists the room's contents;;%1: Comma seperated list of item names;;****************************************;#VAR tmpc {%1};;clear the status window;#STW "";ParseRoomContents}
#TRIGGER {Also in the room: (*).} {;****************************************;;Trigger: Fires on portion of room description that lists players.;;%1: Comma seperated list of player names.;;****************************************;ParseRoomOccupants {%1}}
#TRIGGER {Q} {;Trigger: Fires on gsl Q tag. ;;%2: Time in future that roundtime will expire.;#VAR RoundTimeExpires %2} "" {gsl|case}
#TRIGGER {(%w) {just went|went through}*.} {//:Status Window:#CLR;#VAR tmpc {%1};#IF (%1=="group") {} {#VAR RoomOccupants %replace( @RoomOccupants, "%1", "");#VAR RoomOccupants %replace( @RoomOccupants, " |", "|");#VAR RoomOccupants %sort( @RoomOccupants);#STW %ansi( blue, bold)Occupants;#STW + %ansi( green, bold)------------------------;;loop through list of names and print to status window;#LOOP 1,%numitems( @RoomOccupants) {#STW + %ansi( red, bold)%item( @RoomOccupants, %i)};#STW + %cr;#VAR StatusLine %sort( @StatusLine);#STW + %ansi( blue, bold)Items;#STW + %ansi( green, bold)------------------------;;Print everything it found to status window.;#FORALL @StatusLine {#STW + %ansi( red, bold)%i}}}
#TRIGGER {(%w) just arrived.} {#VAR JustARrived %1;//:Status Window:#CLR;#VAR tmpc {%1};#IF (%1=="group") {} {#VAR RoomOccupants @RoomOccupants+%1;#VAR RoomOccupants %replace( @RoomOccupants, "+", "|");#VAR RoomOccupants %replace( @RoomOccupants, " |", "|");#VAR RoomOccupants %sort( @RoomOccupants);#STW %ansi( blue, bold)Occupants;#STW + %ansi( green, bold)------------------------;;loop through list of names and print to status window;#LOOP 1,%numitems( @RoomOccupants) {#STW + %ansi( red, bold)%item( @RoomOccupants, %i)};#STW + %cr;#VAR StatusLine %sort( @StatusLine);#STW + %ansi( blue, bold)Items;#STW + %ansi( green, bold)------------------------;;Print everything it found to status window.;#FORALL @StatusLine {#STW + %ansi( red, bold)%i}}}
#TRIGGER {^~[(*)~]} {#VAR RoomOccupants ""}

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Joined: 07 Jan 2007
Posts: 17

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 4:57 am   
can this be fixed to clean itself before reposting to itself?

in other words blanking it then redoing it?
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