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Rainchild Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 11:08 pm
zMUD 7.10 - annoying beep

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 4:29 am   
Shalimar - There already is. Right click a word and select 'add'. It's very cool.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 6:02 am   
I, personally, like the idea of a spellchecker....Atuocorrection is a bit much for me, though, especially if you're giving commands instead of havign a discussion.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:00 am   
Zugg wrote:
Oh, and Rorso, you are right on target regarding the release. That is why I am asking for donations in the 7.10 announcements. zMUD sales have dropped lower than I can handle and I needed to boost sales in order to keep everything going. So I'm really serious about that fact that sales of 7.10 will determine the fate of future zMUD versions.

I think maybe I should have started a new thread for this, but I'm not good enough to create links to specific posts. Someone recently pointed me to Portal again. I'd rather not even think about this. It seems all of Zugg's pioneering work is being borrowed at an alarming rate, and zMud sales may slip further. Crying or Very sad Nothing really revolutionary coming out there (nothing like the mapper when it was first added to zMud) but it appears market share is being/may be lost.

Rorso wrote:
What I find too bad is that the MUD community doesn't nicely welcome new techniques like MXP. I thought that protocol would have been in most MUDs by now.

I don't have answers, but I was told by a devoloper on the mud I'm on that MXP does not have "even a DTD (much less a schema) to validate messages." I'm not familiar with these terms, so I'm just throwing this out there. Maybe someone more knowledgable than me can make sense of it.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:58 am   
Just an idea with the spellchecker, maybe all aliases should be added to the wordlist so that there is no chance that it will try and auto correct them.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:53 am   
long live zmud.. ><
Owner of Legends of Drazon
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:11 pm   
asm wrote:
I, personally, like the idea of a spellchecker....Atuocorrection is a bit much for me, though, especially if you're giving commands instead of havign a discussion.

Fixes those commonly misspelled commands =)
Ichthus on SWmud:
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:24 pm   
Good idea on adding aliases.

Currently the spellchecking ignores any word that starts with a Special Character, like # and % and @. So, it won't autocorrect commands. But I think in 7.11 I'll add an entire preferences page for spellchecking and auto-correct so that you can control exactly which special characters are ignored and which are not. And perhaps I'll even check command names using the command parser or something like that.

Nothing I can do about it not spellchecking the last word. All spellcheckers work like this. You need some sort of delimiter, like a space, to tell the spellchecker to start checking. You don't want it to check everytime you type a character because then ever word would get a red underline as you were typing and it would be really annoying.

I can trigger the spellcheck after a delay of no typing, but since most people are typing fast, they'd probably press Return before the last work could be checked.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:25 pm   
When I was thinking delay, it would be milliseconds... customizable I guess, but ranging from 100ms up? I don't know about you, but when I'm typing fast I probably only need a pause of about 250ms to recognise that I've finished typing a word and when I'm chatting I usually briefly review it before I hit enter. I wouldn't want to have to wait 2000ms or something, but others might.

You're right, though, MS Word doesn't spellcheck the last word either. Maybe you could add a toggle eg shift-enter = send line ignoring spelling, whilst enter = spellcheck but if there's an error don't send the line until it's been corrected... it would definately need to be user-settable option though. All in all it's not really that important, just a nice to have.

One thing I noticed was for example 'tel zugg hi' underlines 'tel' as being wrong. But I don't want to add 'tel' to the dictionary because if I accidentally 'tel zug shoot me a tel when you get a chance' would escape without an error. So it might be nice to have a few other options to customize its use:
* treat first word as a command (ignore it for spellchecking)
* don't spellcheck lines starting with {word list} ... eg there's no point in spell-checking 'get 20*coin'
* only spellcheck lines starting with {word list} ... eg only spellcheck 'tells/says/notes/mails/gchast' (I think this is the one I would use)
* spell-check output buffer (for builders reviewing room descriptions)

Some nice to have's (but probably not worth the hassle):
* treat second word of lines starting with {word list} as a parameter (ignore first 2 words for spellchecking)
* a button on the right hand side (ala triggers/parser) which turns on/off spellchecking of command line and/or output buffer (maybe right click to toggle latter)
* when you right-click to 'correct' something in the output buffer, have a user-customizable command (defaulting to 'typo %1 should be %2') but a builder could change that to 'rdesc ? %1 %2' (that's our command to find %1 and replace with %2 within the current rdesc)

I'm going to post something in the developers forum about the spellchecker too... so check back there in a few mins hehe.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:44 pm   
could aliases currently enabled be added to the dictionary on a temporary basis?
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:06 am   
Alias checking has been added to v7.11, along with a few other options.

Rainchild, most of what you suggested just isn't possible with the current spellchecker. I have added an option to ignore the first word in a command, but otherwise the rest of the stuff isn't very easy at all, and I'm just trying to do something quick and useful with 7.1x and don't have the time to spend a week on fancy stuff like that.

Also, as I think I mentioned before, there is NO WAY to spellcheck the MUD output window, nor the built in editor. The spellchecker only works on descendants of the Microsoft RichEdit control, and the MUD window and editor are based upon a custom ANSI control that I wrote a long time ago. There is no way to convert this to a RichEdit control, and while adding spell checking is theoretically possible, it would take weeks of work, which I don't have time for right now.

So, you aren't going to get a 100% spellchecking solution here. Just 99% of what most users want.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:15 am   
Add it to the ideas list for zMUD 8.0 ... I'm happy to wait, as it stands we weren't expecting any of this stuff, so you've done more than you needed to already, I'm just excited by the possibilites :)
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:50 am   
Aha, so now I know why my commandline is highlighting black instead of blue. Man I'd kill for a blue highlight again, it's amazing how much you get used to seeing certain colors after years of doing the same things... I don't suppose we could get an option to go back to the old commandline for those of us who don't care for spellcheck? Rolling Eyes
--Bremen, zMUD 7.21 on Windows 7 x64
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Joined: 24 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 4:13 pm   
Had issues with undesirable beeping in controls in Delphi before. OnKeyDown and OnKeyPress were the event handlers of interest. One of them did the work, the other one simply beeped after the fact. Since the "work" had already been completed by the first handler (KeyDown, if I remember correctly), the second handler became superfluous, so I could just check for the occurrence of specific key presses, VK_BACK, for instance, and null the Key value: 'Key := #0;'. Typically did this within if....else inherited structures.

Haven't dealt with this specifically with the TRichEdit controls, so this may not work.
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