Phyre Beginner
Joined: 12 Sep 2005 Posts: 10
Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:52 am
Realms of Despair highlighting |
These arent really scripts as such but really helps to highlight things and see when things wear off..
These produce NO output script, the most you will get are a #say
#CLASS {Universials}
#ALIAS stylecheck {#say ********* CURRENT STYLE IS @style *************}
#TRIGGER {Your vision descends to the material plane} {
#cw 607
#TRIGGER {%1 says 'potion report'} {say I have @heals heals, @trues trues, @sancs sancs}
#TRIGGER {You quaff a heal potion.} {#math heals (@heals -1)}
#TRIGGER {You quaff a true sight potion.} {#math trues (@trues -1)}
#TRIGGER {a heal potion ~(%1~)} {#var heals %1}
#TRIGGER {a true sight potion ~(%1~)} {#var trues %1}
#TRIGGER {a sanctuary potion ~(%1~)} {#var sancs %1}
#TRIGGER {You quaff a sanctuary potion.} {#math sancs (@sancs -1)}
#TRIGGER {You get a heal potion from} {#math heals (@heals -1)}
#TRIGGER {You get a true sight potion from} {#math trues (@trues -1)}
#TRIGGER {The luminous aura about your body fades away.} {
#cw 556
#TRIGGER {You get a sanctuary potion from} {#math sancs (@sancs -1)}
#TRIGGER {You adopt a %1 fighting style.} {
#say *********** style : %1 *****************
#var style %1
#TRIGGER {You adopt an %1 fighting style.} {
#say *********** style : %1 *****************
#var style %1
#TRIGGER {You nearly trip in a lame attempt to adopt a %1 fighting style.} {#say ******************* %1 style FAILED ***************}
#TRIGGER {You nearly trip in a lame attempt to adopt an %1 fighting style.} {#say ******************* %1 style FAILED ***************}
#TRIGGER {^%1 says 'style check'} {say current style @style}
#CLASS 0 |