Vitae Enchanter
Joined: 17 Jun 2005 Posts: 673 Location: New York
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:03 pm
LastKill Avgs for Aard |
Sends the lastkill command, takes the data and divides it to give you a quick average the displayed 20 kills
Type lk to start
Code: |
Kill history for Vitae:
Name Level Exp From
------------------------------ ----- --- -------------------------
a minion 74 129 The Killing Fields
a minion 72 138 The Killing Fields
a male gypsy 64 80 The Killing Fields
a young gypsy 63 85 The Killing Fields
A Nomad Zombie 63 66 The Killing Fields
A Nomad Zombie 63 73 The Killing Fields
A Nomad Zombie 65 87 The Killing Fields
a citizen of Heavenswatch 65 49 The DarkLight
a citizen of Heavenswatch 65 58 The DarkLight
A Wicked Elf 70 124 The Killing Fields
A Wicked Elf 72 106 The Killing Fields
A Wicked Elf 72 131 The Killing Fields
the Magma Wyrm 76 130 The Killing Fields
a young gypsy 61 54 The Killing Fields
a minion 74 129 The Killing Fields
a young gypsy 61 52 The Killing Fields
a male gypsy 63 77 The Killing Fields
a male gypsy 62 69 The Killing Fields
a young gypsy 61 51 The Killing Fields
A Nomad Zombie 63 88 The Killing Fields
(Group) Vitae: '89'
#CLASS {Last Kill}
#ALIAS lk {
#T+ "killhisttrigger"
#VAR killhist {count20xp1815}
#TRIGGER "killhisttrigger" {^(%*)%s(%d)%s(%d)%s(%*)$} {
#ADD killhist.count 1
#ADD killhist.xp %3
#T+ "killhistreport"
} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER "killhistreport" {^(%d)/(%d)H (%d)/(%d)M (%d)/(%d)V (%d)x (%d)Q} {
gtell %eval( @killhist.xp/@killhist.count)
#VARIABLE killhist.count 0
#VARIABLE killhist.xp 0
#T- "killhistreport"
#T- "killhisttrigger"
} "" {disable}
#CLASS 0 |
<suckup>This script was put together a while ago with the help of the fine people of the zmud forums and thier invaluable help.</suckup>
EDIT: *snicker totally forgot i posted this up under DeathDealer.
How is it that I can get it to display a true avg within 2 decimals?
Drew a blank. |
Private Adept
Joined: 10 Jan 2002 Posts: 264 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:04 am |
Here is a version that doesnt rely on the promt... but needs at least 20 kills in the history.
Code: |
#CLASS {kill_history}
#ALIAS lk {#CLASS "kill_history|support" 1;#VARIABLE killhistory.count 0;#VARIABLE killhistory.xp 0;lastkill}
#VAR killhistory {count20xp126}
#CLASS {kill_history|support} {disable}
#TRIGGER {^(%*)%s(%d)%s(%d)%s(%*)$} {#ADD killhistory.count 1;#ADD killhistory.xp %3;#IF (@killhistory.count = 20) {gtell Last 20 kills averaged %eval( @killhistory.xp/@killhistory.count) experience.;#CLASS "kill_history|support" 0}}