Pagan Beginner
Joined: 23 Feb 2001 Posts: 21 Location: South Africa
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2001 12:14 am
Captureing tells |
Ok, i tried to setup triggers to capture
all tells and chats to a separate window :
#TRIGGER {%w tells you} {#capture tell)
#TRIGGER {from afar, %w} {#capture tell}
#TRIGGER {%w chats} {#capture chat}
#TRIGGER {In a chat, %w} {#capture chat}
this worked fine for single line tells and
chat messages, but if the tell covers
multiple lines, it just cuts off the
remainder of the tell.
Any ideas on how to capture multi-line tells
and chats would be greatly appreciated.
Pagan, Slave of Everdark |
Troubadour GURU
Joined: 14 Oct 2000 Posts: 556 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2001 2:58 am |
quote: Instead of #CAPTURE tell or #CAPTURE chat try using this:
#TRIGGER {%w tells you} {#CAPTURE tell;#TEMP {$} {#C-};#C+ tell}
This will start capturing your tells to the tell window then stop when it hits the first blank line. If something else is output from the MUD before the blank line, it'll capture that too though.
Well dang it, I can't get #C+ to work so I can't confirm what I wrote earlier. So y'all can take it with a grain of salt I guess
All your base are belong to us.
Edited by Troubadour cause I couldn't get the dang thing to work and can't figure out why. |
Pagan Beginner
Joined: 23 Feb 2001 Posts: 21 Location: South Africa
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2001 1:46 pm |
Excellent, it works nicely
Muchos Gracias :)
Ok, time for a little more help though :(
Now, is there a way to get it so that it only
captures when i click a button.
preferably just a push button type ;)
Pagan, Slave of Everdark |
Kjata GURU

Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 4379 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2001 3:12 pm |
If you want to control the triggers from a button the first thing to do is put the four triggers into a class folder (I'll use here as an example the class folder CapTells).
For a push button: Create the button using the settings editor, and make sure the type is Push. Now, enter the name you want for the button and for the value use this:
#T+ CapTells
Now, modify each of the four triggers to turn the class off when the temp trigger fires. For example, let's take the first trigger for capturing tells:
#TRIGGER {%w tells you} {#CAPTURE tell;#TEMP {$} {#C-};#C+ tell}
Should be changed to:
#TRIGGER {%w tells you} {#CAPTURE tell;#TEMP {$} {#C-;#T- CapTells};#C+ tell}
That's all. The problem with this is that it only lets you capture the next chat or tell you receive from the time you push the button. However, a toggle button will let you specify when you want to start capturing and when to stop.
For a toggle button: Create the button using the settings editor and make sure the type Toggle is selected. Enter the caption of the button when it is up (when you are not capturing tell/chats). In the value enter this:
#T+ CapTells
Then select the Down State and enter a caption for when the button is down (when you are capturing tells/chats). For the value use this:
#T- CapTells
That's all. When the button is in the down state, you will be capturing chats/tells. When it is in the up state you will not.
Kjata |
Pagan Beginner
Joined: 23 Feb 2001 Posts: 21 Location: South Africa
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2001 12:26 am |
many thanks, problem sorted :)
You guys will prolly hear more from me soon,
I am a complete dunce when it comes to these
things, but i am slowly learning :)
Pagan, the one who knows nothing about zmud ;) |
Altan Beginner
Joined: 09 Mar 2001 Posts: 12
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2001 10:16 pm |
This seemed like a rather nifty idea so I thought I'd try it out, but I'm having some problems.
For starters it seems in v6.16 that the #TEMP command creates a temp trigger yet it stays in the list. After 4 tells I have 4 temp triggers.
With this method you also get the output to the main window of "Capture text ON", is there a way to gag this? (my couple of attempts have not been pretty)
I'm also getting 2 copies of everything in the capture window. For instance:
Bob tells you: whatcha doin?
Bob tells you: whatcha doin?
Now I'm basically using Kjata's idea of using a button with Troubadour's triggers. I had everything in place prior to this to capture tells using an away/here button and it has always worked fine, except it only captures one line. I thought if I replaced my capture tag with the suggested tag of:
#TEMP {$} {#C-}
#C+ tell
Everything would work well, but I'm running into the problems listed above.
Any ideas?
Altan |
Altan Beginner
Joined: 09 Mar 2001 Posts: 12
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2001 12:03 am |
Well I now see why I was getting duplicates. After it triggers the first time, capture text turns on and doesn't turn off. So I keep capturing text and every time someone tells me something I capture text again. I turned off the capture text and went back to my old triggers, so I'm back to working correctly but I'm limited to one line of text.
I probably misunderstood how this was going to function as I just wanted to capture multiple line tells sent to me and not everything shown in the main output window.
Altan |
MadHatter Beginner
Joined: 11 Feb 2001 Posts: 13 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2001 11:31 pm |
Are you testing it by telling yourself? I was having that same problem until I had someone else do it for me and it worked fine then. Just a thought!
The Mad Hatter |
Kreator Wanderer
Joined: 03 Mar 2001 Posts: 55 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2001 7:18 am |
[font=Verdana]Using the code from above, I get the same results as Atlan. My temp triggers are stacking up and not getting deleted.[font=Verdana]
Kreator |
LightBulb MASTER
Joined: 28 Nov 2000 Posts: 4817 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2001 3:44 pm |
An easy work-around for the #TEMP trigger problem is to just go ahead and make a permanent one and put it in a class folder of its own.
Add: #T+ TellCap
Replace: #TEMP {$} #C-
With: #TR {$} {#C-;#T- TellCap} {TellCap}
As for the double captures, they might be caused by telling yourself. On the other hand, they might be caused by having both #CAPTURE and #C+ as actions of the same trigger. That is, the first line might be captured by both #CAPTURE and #C+. I haven't tested, but it should be fairly simple to test and the solution will be obvious once the cause is known. Stop telling to yourself or drop the #CAPTURE as appropriate.
LightBulb |
lera213 Beginner
Joined: 27 Nov 2001 Posts: 10 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 2:48 am |
Pagan knows a lot more then I do :)
If you want to control the triggers from a button the first thing to do is put the four triggers into a class folder (I'll use here as an example the class folder CapTells).
For a push button: Create the button using the settings editor, and make sure the type is Push. Now, enter the name you want for the button and for the value use this:
#T+ CapTells
Now, modify each of the four triggers to turn the class off when the temp trigger fires. For example, let's take the first trigger for capturing tells:
#TRIGGER {%w tells you} {#CAPTURE tell;#TEMP {$} {#C-};#C+ tell}
Should be changed to:
#TRIGGER {%w tells you} {#CAPTURE tell;#TEMP {$} {#C-;#T- CapTells};#C+ tell}
That's all. The problem with this is that it only lets you capture the next chat or tell you receive from the time you push the button. However, a toggle button will let you specify when you want to start capturing and when to stop.
For a toggle button: Create the button using the settings editor and make sure the type Toggle is selected. Enter the caption of the button when it is up (when you are not capturing tell/chats). In the value enter this:
#T+ CapTells
Then select the Down State and enter a caption for when the button is down (when you are capturing tells/chats). For the value use this:
#T- CapTells
That's all. When the button is in the down state, you will be capturing chats/tells. When it is in the up state you will not.
Try Everdark! |
lera213 Beginner
Joined: 27 Nov 2001 Posts: 10 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 3:00 am |
I tried this and still getting double tells? quote:
An easy work-around for the #TEMP trigger problem is to just go ahead and make a permanent one and put it in a class folder of its own.
Add: #T+ TellCap
Replace: #TEMP {$} #C-
With: #TR {$} {#C-;#T- TellCap} {TellCap}
As for the double captures, they might be caused by telling yourself. On the other hand, they might be caused by having both #CAPTURE and #C+ as actions of the same trigger. That is, the first line might be captured by both #CAPTURE and #C+. I haven't tested, but it should be fairly simple to test and the solution will be obvious once the cause is known. Stop telling to yourself or drop the #CAPTURE as appropriate.
Try Everdark! |
LightBulb MASTER
Joined: 28 Nov 2000 Posts: 4817 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 6:25 pm |
Since I suggested two possible solutions for double captures in that old post:
Tried what?
And what is your first post about? Merely quoting a portion of Kjata's post without adding anything to tell why isn't particularly enlightening.
LightBulb |