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Joined: 07 Feb 2005
Posts: 38

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 11:19 am   

cast identify & the item database
So basicly i want zmud to automaticly grab all the info i get when i identify an item and dump it into the items database. Reading through some of the old posts it even seems like it can be done. However i don't really know a whole lot about triggers and i've only just started looking into that database like 20 minutes ago. That's why i'd like to ask; Are there any particular guides/tutorials/helps i should read regarding this?
I had imagined a trigger going off when i cast a succesful identify that would filter the info from the echo'ed msg and then add it to the various fields in my database.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2003
Posts: 222
Location: Chile

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 1:31 pm   
Should take a look at scripting the database in the help file in Zmud
If you post some Identify examples people could guide you through the triggers and database usage
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Joined: 07 Feb 2005
Posts: 38

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 2:03 pm   
Object 'a shocking burst stolen blade dagger' is type weapon, extra flags none.
Wear location: wield
Weight is 3, value is 0, level is 32.
Weapon type is dagger.
Damage is 10d2 (average 15).
Weapons flags: shocking sharp
Affects dexterity by 1.
Affects hitroll by 3.


Object 'wristguard bronze' is type armor, extra flags none.
Wear location: wrist
Weight is 1, value is 22, level is 20.
Armor class is 7 pierce, 7 bash, 7 slash, and 6 vs. magic.
Affects ac by -3.
Affects hp by 18.


Object 'pendant bone' is type jewelry, extra flags hum magic bless burnproof.
Wear location: neck
Weight is 1, value is 100, level is 17.
Affects ac by -3.
Affects saves by -1.
Affects wisdom by 2.
Affects damroll by 2.

There's a couple of identify examples :)
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Joined: 07 Feb 2005
Posts: 38

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:01 pm   
wow so i tried goofing around abit with what i could get from the helpfile and this seems to be beyond me..
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Joined: 14 Oct 2000
Posts: 1368

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:23 pm   
Take a look at

So it would look something like:

#CLASS {identify}
#TRIGGER {Object '&{}' is type &{item.type}, extra flags &{item.flags}.} {}
#TRIGGER {Wear location: &{item.location}} {}
#TRIGGER {Weight is &{item.weight}, value is &{item.value}, level is &{item.level}.} {}
#TRIGGER {Armor class is &{item.acpierce} pierce, &{item.acbash} bash, &{item.acslash} slash} {}
#TRIGGER {Affects ac by &{}. } {}
#TRIGGER {$} {
; If the there is an item in the database with the name
; Already then don't add the item.
#if (%find( = "") {#new "" @item}
; New item might have been added. Empty the database record.
item = ""
; We have finished identifying the object so we deactivate this trigger class.
#t- identify
#ALIAS identify {
; Activate the identify trigger class. Then cast the identify spell so
; that there's some output to parse.
#t+ identify
cast identify %1
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Joined: 07 Feb 2005
Posts: 38

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 4:36 pm   
It is awesome :D
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