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Joined: 10 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:38 pm   

removing a, an, the from mobnames
This is the pattern i capture from the mud:

* tells you 'Seek (*) out somewhere in the vicinity'$

Some examples of output from the mud:

ex1: Questor tells you 'Seek a bat out somewhere in the vicinity'
ex2: Questor tells you 'Seek An ogre mage out somewhere in the vicinity'
ex3: Questor tells you 'Seek Archer out somewhere in the vicinity'
ex4: Questor tells you 'Seek Julia the Tinker out somewhere in the vicinity'

most of the a's an's and the's are not keywords, like in ex2, ogre and mage i wanna keep, but lose the a... but not all a's at beginning of all mobs as in ex3 Archer or all "a " as in ex4 "Julia "

what i have is an MXP trigger for [Target] <--- wanna plug keyword 1 into it, and then trigger keyword2,3,4 etc if 1 doesnt attack.

any ideas?
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:30 pm   
#TRIGGER {%w tells you 'Seek {a |An |the |}(*) out somewhere in the vicinity'} {#ADDITEM target %1}

This should add the new target to the @Target list
I am not sure bout the MXP thing couse I dont really know the script :D
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 6:57 am   
this works for some but not all, like ex4: Julia the Tinker, wanna remove "the" from the middle.

Other examples:

A guardian of the light <- needa lose a, of, & the
A pair of disembodied eye <-- a & of
A prisoner in hell <-- a & in
A soul of an old man <-- a, of, & an

What im thinking i need is to store the name in a stringlist,


then do a #DELITEM for all in @remove_words where
remove_words = a|an|of|the|etc|etc

that way it would leave soul|old|man

90% of the time the leftover keywords the 1st is a good keyword, i.e. soul
I'll have to code something else when 'soul' fails to set target to next item in that list.

so, ill prolly needa start with a %replace('A soul of an old man', " ", "|")
then a #forall @target {#if %ismember(%item(@targets,%i), @remove_words) {#DELNITEM @target %i}} ??? heh, that might work actually.... the more you look at something the easier it gets :P

trying that, or maybe it should be something else entirely.... any other ideas?
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:33 am   
ok, came up with a solution, but it is slow....

The Administrator tells you 'Seek A Blob Of Blood And Guts out somewhere in the vicinity'

where %1 = A Blob Of Blood And Guts

quest_mob = %replace( %1, " ", |)
#LOOP 2 {
#LOOP %numitems( @quest_mob) {
#FORALL @remove_words {
this_word = %item( @quest_mob, %j)
this_remove_word = %k
#if ( @this_word == @this_remove_word) {
#show Deleting this_word: @this_word Deleting this_remove_word: @this_remove_word
#DELITEM quest_mob @this_remove_word
quest_mob = %replace( @quest_mob, |, " ")

leaves me with @quest_mob being "blob blood guts"

and when i "see" this mob it has [Target] at the end of the line...

which i have a trigger with "#SUB {~[<send "kqmob">TARGET</send>~]}" as the command

works fine, hadda put it all inside a #LOOP 2 so it would work correctly, my math is obviously all screwed up in the loops, but even in a single loop it seems rather slow... several seconds to process

any ideas, or a faster way?
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Joined: 10 Feb 2005
Posts: 158

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 1:15 pm   
The list might get a little nasty but this should be much faster...

#ECHO %subregex("A guardian of the light","\bA |\bof |\bthe |\band |\ban","")
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Joined: 14 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 1:35 pm   
#TRIGGER {The Administrator tells you 'Seek (*) out somewhere in the vicinity'} {
#VAR quest_mob %replace(%1," ",|)
#FORALL @remove_words {#delitem quest_mob %i}
#VAR quest_mob %replace(@quest_mob,|," ")

That should do the same that you accomplish I think
At least it gave me the same result.
Now you needed some kind of script to discard a word if it didnt work as a keyword for the mob. In that case I wouldnt replace the "|" back to spaces, but keep it as a list and maybe do something like this:

#ALIAS kbomb {kbomb %item(@Quest_mob,1);#TEMP No_keyword {No one around by that name.} {#SHOW %pop(@Quest_mob) found no target;kbomb}
#TRIGGER {You successfully "kbombed"} {#SET No_keyword 0}

Obviously I assumed the failing of kbomb would show "No one around by that name" and it being succesfull "You successfully "kbombed"".
Now this would only work if you ditch the
#VAR quest_mob %replace(@quest_mob,|," ")
from the first trigger we made.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:27 pm   
Combining the two solutions and doing a small lookup in zMud results with
#TRIGGER {The Administrator tells you 'Seek (*) out somewhere in the vicinity'} {
#VAR quest_mob {%replace(%subregex("%1","\b(?:the|of|in|an|a)\b","")," ","|")}
#DELITEM quest_mob {}
#VAR quest_mob {%replace(@quest_mob,"|"," ")}

Tested with:
#ECHO The Administrator tells you 'Seek an ugly, old hag in the bag out somewhere in the vicinity'
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Joined: 10 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 1:04 am   
Or, to further expand on Vijilante's Wink
Sorry Vij Laughing I just couldn't help myself...

I am tending to like this one because the list is easy to read and also now we can make helper alias' to add/remove items from the list with ease...

#VARIABLE WordFilter {A|a|the|of|in|an} {A|a|the|of|in|an}
#TRIGGER {The Administrator tells you 'Seek (*) out somewhere in the vicinity'} {
      #VAR quest_mob {%subregex("%1","\b(?:<@WordFilter>) ","")}
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:07 am   
Wow Maelstrom... that rules... it is EXACLY what i was looking for :)

guess i really should learn how to use regex and subregex, that's twice now someone has used it as a solution for me :P

:edit: Yup just tried it on:

The Administrator tells you 'Seek a humble priest out somewhere in the vicinity'

and my mxp sub as i clicked on [Target] sent k humble priest, worked great :)
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Joined: 10 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:26 am   
BLAH!... just got one with a comma in it... need to strip those too :P

Saminga, prince of death

set it to Saminga, prince death

guess i can simply do a %replace for those though

quest_mob = %replace(@quest_mob, ",", "")

sets it to:

Saminga prince death

so no worries :)
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