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Joined: 13 Jan 2002
Posts: 36
Location: USA

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:03 am   

Adding a record in a DB?
This is just something simple to help me keep track of a few money makers on my mud.
Here's the trigger:

#TRIGGER {You get (%d) silver coins and (%d) gold coins from the corpse of (*).} {#if (%2 > 1000) {#VAR MMaker "";#ADDKEY MMaker {Name = %3};#ADDKEY MMaker {Gold = %2};#NEW GoldMakers @MMaker;#SHOWDB @MMaker}} "MyDB"

Okay, now here's the output after passing through my trigger(actually from prompt to promt):

<3547/3547hp 2021/2938m 1539/1539mv 479>
A magic missile flies from your hand and hits a medium sized fish in the chest.
Your magic missile inflicts UNSPEAKABLE PAIN to a medium sized fish! (538)
A medium sized fish is DEAD!!
You receive 218 experience points.
A medium sized fish spills her guts all over the floor.
You get 264866 silver coins and 2881 gold coins from the corpse of a medium sized fish.
Name : a medium sized fish
Gold : 2881

The Gods give you 50 gold coins for your sacrifice.

<3547/3547hp 1912/2938m 1539/1539mv 261>

And here's the resulting variable

#VAR MMaker {Name  a medium sized fishGold  2881}

That's from me exporting and cut-n-pasting. My database is called GoldMakers and it has 2 columns Name=text and Gold=Number.
When the above executes it makes a blank record with only the Gold column filled with a 0. Name is blank. I am leaving the DB open as i do this. Sorry, I don't mean to babble, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? TIA
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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:49 pm   
You are using the "keyname=value" form of #ADDKEY, but you are adding spaces before and after the = symbol. These spaces are included in the variable, and as a result your keynames don't match the database field names. "Name " doesn't match "Name", and "Gold " doesn't match "Gold". As a result, your #NEW record doesn't include any data for the actual fields and you get their default values instead. The default value of a text field is an empty string and the default value of a number field is 0.

To fix this, either remove the spaces or use the {keyname} {value} form of #ADDKEY.
#ADDKEY MMaker {Name=%3};#ADDKEY MMaker Gold {%2}
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