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Joined: 15 Dec 2004
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Location: South Africa

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:32 am   

MXP & the Automapper
Hey all

I have been lurking for a while now, and I finally figurred I'd post.

First off, if this is not the right place to post, please let me know.

OK, now

I have been playing with a ROM based mud or a while, and have defined some MXP tags as follows:
<!ELEMENT RName FLAG='RoomName'> (This is preceded by an MXP_SECURE_LINE)
<!ELEMENT RDesc FLAG='RoomDesc'>
<!ELEMENT RExits FLAG='RoomExit'>
<!ELEMENT RNum FLAG='RoomNum'>\n\r
As you can see the MXP SECURE LINE will only be reset after the RoomNum Tag (\n\r = newline) and Everything is essentially output on 1 line

I will then obviously use these tags when outputting the room details from the mud:
<RName>Room Name</RName> <RNum>123</RNum>\n\r
<RDesc>blah bla
blah blah blah</Rdesc>\n\r
<RExits>Exits are: North, East, South</RExits>\n\r

Now, here come the jackpot question:
When I "autoconfigure" the automapper it doesn't even prompt me to parse/check any details (you know the "Name = Blue, Desc = Green, Exits = Red" screen)
Which is kind of what I expected.

Everything seems to go pretty well, most of the time.

It seems like some rooms just have a problem...

80% if the rooms on the mud works like an absolute bomb.
The other 20% seems to be completely confused though.
<RName>Test Room</RName> <RNum>3000</RNum>\n\r
<RDesc>blah bla
blah blah blah</Rdesc>\n\r
<RExits>Exits are: North, East, South</RExits>\n\r
The mapper seems to pick the second line of the description, OR the room exits as the room name OR the middle of the first line.

Has anyone seen this before?
Thanx in advance
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Joined: 15 Dec 2004
Posts: 4
Location: South Africa

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:41 am   

Everyone on holiday, or do I have a unique situation :)
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 11:19 am   
You may have to use a prompt element too. The text from the example in

<!ELEMENT Prompt FLAG="Prompt">
<!ELEMENT Hp FLAG="Set hp">
<!ELEMENT MaxHp FLAG="Set maxhp">
<!ELEMENT Mana FLAG="Set mana">
<!ELEMENT MaxMana FLAG="Set maxmana">
<!-- now the MUD text -->
<RName>The Main Temple</RName>
<RDesc>This is the main hall of the MUD where everyone starts.
Marble arches lead south into the town, and there is a <i>lovely</i>
<send "drink &text;">fountain</send> in the center of the temple,</RDesc>
<RExits>Exits: <Ex>N</Ex>, <Ex>S</Ex>, <Ex>E</Ex>, <Ex>W</Ex></RExits>

<Prompt>[<Hp>100</Hp>/<MaxHp>120</MaxHp>hp <Mana>50</Mana>/<MaxMana>55</MaxMana>mana]</Prompt>

You don't necessarily have to set all the variable values as was done in the example, but I believe zMud internally uses #TAG commands to override the mapper when MXP is supplying the markers. It has always been strongly stated in the help that tagging the prompt as well is needed for the #TAGged data to capture properly. Whether this is the still the case it can not hurt.
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Joined: 15 Dec 2004
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Location: South Africa

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:23 pm   
Let's give it a bash then

Thanx a lot....
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Joined: 15 Dec 2004
Posts: 4
Location: South Africa

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:57 pm   
Looks very promising.

Will keep testing some more...
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