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Joined: 15 Aug 2004
Posts: 22

PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:49 am   

Control codes? ANSI code like..but not quite

I asked previous questions about capturing ANSI colors..and I got all that working! :) Thanks again.

Now, I had a question about something else...the mud I use sends out dummy control characters to signal the beginning and end of a map..and communication channels etc.

Now, for some reason, after Nodeka emulates everything, these don't show. If under Preferences I turn emulation off..i see everything <27> for escape etc. the ANSI color codes... and even the control codes that don't show up later. I'm guessing this is because the mud tries to fake an ANSI code..but its not a REAL ansi code, ie:

The problem could be that i'm trying to capture it as a I did ANSI codes..but they aren't REALLY ANSI codes.

ie. this i get from the mud w/ emulation off:

<27> being the escape as a trigger i would use: %e[0m to capture that code (which is like reset everything to normal I believe). (And this works if i test it)

But 2m and 4m aren't defined ... so if i have a trigger for: %e[2m it never fires...

When I do a log with ansi codes showing..the ^[[2m^[[4m^[[2m never shows...but the rest do but more like this: 

Anyways, I tried turning everything else off in that option box (General->Emulation) and all i have left is ANSI Color and Emulate Control Codes and Display Control Codes... (i see no difference at all if i leave display control codes on or off).

Any idea? Clues? Perhaps a more intimate understand of how zmud treats these "invalid" ansi codes? Other than it seems like it just blocks them out.


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Joined: 15 Aug 2004
Posts: 22

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:32 pm   
I guess nobody knows? [:roll:]

Perhaps Zugg will have a chance to reply when he's less busy w/ the server problem/visiting his father in law.


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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:36 pm   
I think you would have to turn ANSI emulation off, then capture and interpret all ANSI sequences yourself, converting those for color to MXP, making use of the ones you want, and stripping all the rest.

The way ANSI triggers are handled is by taking what was displayed and recreating the codes in a shorthand form. So when ANSI emulation emulation in on, it is doing all the interpretation, acting on those it knows how to handle, and then stripping the rest. This is why you can't trigger on the ones you want, because they are stripped before triggers even see the lines.
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