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Joined: 07 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:52 am   

Two Questions for Achaea

I have a pair of scripting problems I could use help with.

The first script I am trying to make is something that will show me who is defiling a shrine.
When somebody is defiling I will see the following:

(Order): Vastar's Herald says, "A shrine is being defiled at A lovely white-sand beach!"

Everything after at is the room name, so in this example the room name would be "A lovely white-sand beach"

When I have thirdeye up, I can check WHO and it will show me all the people in the realms and the room they are in, this would be an example of that:

Revenant Cyreph (Dirty Kobold sleeping chamber)
Zakariyya Atreide, Philosophical Panda (Chamber of Tubes)
Deshi Mafidius (Gymkhana)
Avery Storm, The Beautifool (Bed Chamber)
Cub Herbast (The Green Suite)
Kohai Nalira, Ashuran Initiate (Through the deep valley)
Lyntus, Squire of Alastor (Before the Medina)
Tanya, Aspirant of Light (The Wolves Den)
Hermit Quamen Aesculus, Senile Bonsai (Poplar wood)
Maldaathi Vasool Xanatov, Squire of Gail(Abomination road)
Sylvan Trevize Ar'thela, Vicki's Teddy B(Dirt road near plains)
Canderous (Foothills of the mountains)
Lady Aelyn Thalassa, the Prettiest Bonsa(Poplar wood)
Oblivia's Ronin Hipsana Hazel, Celestial(Kitten's Garden)
Sorceress Mycen Dawyn, the Neophyte (Among the exuberant wildflowers)
Miss Spammeh, Sertories Xanatov Nighthaw(Before a jungle clearing)
Kavin, Novitiate First (Banks of the splashing pond)
Squire to Lady Gerohold, Elerian Zalhand(Shallam road approaching the city)
Apprentice Druid, Lowland Kindfire (Road through a park)
Shearr Tigran, Initiate of Honour (A rocky shore along the lake)
Alynna's Vixen, Ryanna Le'dominae (A frozen peak)
Marchevisk, Squire of Trezchnik (The Royal Blacksmith's)
Neophyte of Earth, Sephius Glinderhome, (The Great Library)
Fayrdaws (Path north of the firepit)
Anansi (Hall of the masters)
Darlin' Walnut Jozlyn, Devourer of Novic(Lake Balaton)
Seranda Baleux Longshanks-Crystalstorm (Amid a vast garden of yellow tuli)
Tunesmith Aeva de Quenster-Snowhunter (Center Crossing)
Dr. Tenqual, Chemist at Heart (Shallam Road)
Type MORE to continue reading. (15% shown)

(There is an editing problem in the post, i'm not sure if it will make a difference. But in the game when you check WHO the names all are in a row, and then the rooms are all in a row, for some reason the spaces in between the names and the room names didn't copy over properly.)

I'm not sure how much of this is possible, but this is what I would like it to do. As soon as the defilement is being announced, have it go through WHO and keep doing MORE until all the rooms are shown, then if possible, gag everything except the people who are in the room that matches the defilement. If this is not possible then the second best alternative would be to run through WHO and MORE and grab the names of the people who were in the room, and put them in a seperate window like maybe the status window. The third best option would be to highlight the name and roomname of the people who are in the room, and then only do WHO, and let me do MORE manually, so that I can go slowly until I see somebody.

Right now my system is setup so that if I do t rat. It will target and highlight rat. So currently what I was trying to do was just t A lovely white-sand beach and then do WHO, and I would do more manually. This would highlight the roomname for me and do who so I could check it. I managed to set this up, and it works when i used #SHOW and duplicate the message about the defilement, but it doesn't seem to work for a real defilement.

Pattern = A shrine is being defiled at (*)!
Value = t %1;who

It works when I test it, but it doesn't seem to work for the real circumstances.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

My second question is probably much harder. Basically in Achaea there is an infamy system, where people who are infamous are open PK to other people who are infamous or people in the mark. However there is not a list of these infamous people. I'd like a script that would go through QWHO and HONORS each person on the list, then add that person to a list of names I could view later. My major concern is that since there are 300-400 people on the list, this would cause major lag to the server, so I was thinking of having like a 3 or 5 second delay in between each honors, to prevent causing lag.

When I do QWHO I see (I don't think this would work using the WHO that is shown above, because WHO shows titles which can be quite confusing):

3334h, 5832m cexkdb-qwho
Nephcir, Clover, Ysbaddaden, Anansi, Ankiseth, Ornamena, Tatankasa, Avery,
Empusas, Alastor, Cypra, Aelyn, Hipsana, Mindshell, Dalyia, Jargolyra,
Vardoulacha, Nijias, Laras, Muresh, Seranda, Leonon, Det, Tankara, Detho, Cyreph
, Katriina, Kyle, Aliyana, Lavinia, Pentalwek, Sylvia, Banon, Kederad, Mafidius,
Melchia, Daelok, Andaari, Zain, Jazin, Terangeal, Ryanna, Anoshia, Wiigh,
Arzosah, Tanya, Hideyoshi, Liceros, Caristione, Zardok, Najara, Nalira, Quamen,
Gwilacea, Hamon, Larali, Atticus, Sericron, Tsiana, Zircon, Kimreth, Juliet,
Xerxophon, Rensi, Jacren, Negid, Deidra, Alesio, Alynna, Laxinova, Enyd, Tanklar
, Herbast, Mulciber, Buhawi, Ariax, Sylia, Jago, Sertories, Elric, Lyntus, Attia
, Skye, Aethyco, Tamar, Eiku, Virtus, Veron, Tealthantos, Sola, Jozlyn, Azryel,
Antreus, Dirgmal, Shearr, Sypher, Hyano, Brigitte, Sorill, Tanloc, Malatesta,
Antares, Rendra, Khensu, Ashlog, Elerian, Natiesha, Karvax, Ibayn, Amina,
Sephius, Marchevisk, Josalyn, Fayrdaws, Kariana, Baldazar, Deeva, Tenqual,
Ceadarborn, Zakariyya, Klendathu, Warwick, Necheva, Aeryi, Gilraen, Antara,
Fendo, Joistee, Thuringien, Tascha, Solymr, Sethai, Khebh, Avriel, Dwto, Marcalo
, Mycen, Eisengel, Sander, Nubbins, Matika, Gaelyia, Glomar, Stu, Rafe, Jarcher,
Minrah, Khelben, Karlyle, Anastae, Credan, Ashum, Trevize, Beatrice, Winterhart,
Canderous, Imyrr, Saavik, Thildor, Tekk, Mariyah, Tyn, Devinichi, Tanor,
Avagadine, Goraidh, Rennyn, Ceten, Raynin, Lowland, Alimenta, Sgueg, Megrim,

When I honors somebody I see:

3334h, 5832m cekdb-honors cain
Hellrazor Cain Aristata, The Marked One (Male Mhun).
He is 106 years old, having been born on the 20th of Miraman, 267 years after
the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.
He is ranked 1152nd in Achaea.
He is the 9th ranked combatant with a rating of 337.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is one of the Infamous.
He is a member of the Quisalis Mark.
He is a Dominion in Mhaldor.
He is considered to be approximately 145% of your might.
He is a Vashnarian Climber in the Fellowship of Explorers.
He is the clan head of the clan called 'The Shadow Council.'
He is a member of the clan called 'House Aristata.'
He is a member of the clan called 'House Lichlord.'
He is a member of the clan called 'Achaea's Elders.'
He is a mentor and able to take on proteges.
His motto: 'Your about to have a real, bad, day'
He has been divorced once.

The line I am looking for here is the: He is one of the Infamous. I made it bold here, it normally is not.

Is there any way possible to create a script that would HONORS everybody on the QWHO list and then if they were infamous, add them to some other kind of list. I am aware of one person who has it already, but he won't give me any advice, and the one that he uses doesn't have a delay, so it causes some lag. I'm pretty stumped on this one, couldn't really think of anyplace to start here.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:55 pm   Re: Two Questions for Achaea
First problem, Shrine Defilers.
Third option first, since it sounds easiest. Change color to suit yourself or use #HI to simply highlight the lines.
#TR {A shrine is being defiled at (*)!} {#VAR ShrDef {%1};#T+ Shrines;who}
#CLASS Shrines disable
#TR {~(@ShrDef~)} {#COLOR hi,red}
#TR {Type MORE to continue reading} {MORE} {} {case}
#TR {pattern which indicates end of WHO listing} {#T- Shrines}

First option (WARNING: This may gag important information received in the middle of the WHO list).
#TR {A shrine is being defiled at (*)!} {#VAR ShrDef {%1};#T+ ShrineDefilers;#GAGON;who}
#CLASS ShrineDefilers disable
#TR {~(@ShrDef~)} {#UNGAG}
#TR {Type MORE to continue reading} {MORE} {} {case}
#TR {pattern which indicates end of WHO listing} {#GAGOFF;#T- ShrineDefilers}
Senior member

Most scripts in this forum are written for Command Line entry.
Don't even open the Settings Editor unless its use is specified or obvious.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:37 pm   
Second problem, Infamous list.
#AL ChkHon {#T+ CheckHonors;#T+ qwho;#T+ qdot;#VAR who1 {};qwho}
#CLASS CheckHonors disable
#TR qwho {(*)} {#VAR who1 {@{who1}%1}}
#TR qdot {.$} {#T- qwho;#T- qdot;#VAR who2 {%replace( %replace( %remove( qwho, %replace( {@who1}, ",", "|")), ., ""), " ", "")};#DELI Infamous {%item( @who2, 1)};Honours %item( @who2, 1);#T+ CHalarm}
#ALA CHalarm *5 {#DELN who2 1;#IF (%numitems( @who2)) {#DELI Infamous {%item( @who2, 1)};Honours %item( @who2, 1)} {#T- CHalarm;#T- CheckHonors}}
#TR {is one of the Infamous} {#ADDI Infamous {%item( @who2, 1)}}
Senior member

Most scripts in this forum are written for Command Line entry.
Don't even open the Settings Editor unless its use is specified or obvious.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:35 pm   
Quick hint... achaea doesn't really like it when you spam 400 commands in the space of a couple of seconds, so you will probably need to modify lightbulbs script slightly.. I -think- the following would work:

#DELI Infamous {%item( @who2, 1)};Honours %item( @who2, 1);#T+ CHalarm}
#ALA CHalarm *5 {#DELN who2 1;#IF (%numitems( @who2)) {#DELI Infamous {%item( @who2, 1)};#WAIT 150;Honours %item( @who2, 1)} {#T- CHalarm;#T- CheckHonors}}

Course.. I'm not entirely sure if the #wait is in the correct spot, it will be easier to find the correct spot with the code having been run through pretty printing.

Incidentally, Lightbulb.. you taught me something, isn't that cool? Hehe.
#TR qwho {(*)} {#VAR who1 {@{who1}%1}}
Previous to now, I'd have used #ADDI who1 %1, or a %concat. You way is nicer Wink
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 5:09 am   
I do want the delay in it. So I tried adding it there, and it seemed to do the same thing as the original one he posted. However in both of them when I enter the alias chkhon it will do a QWHO to show the names, but then all it enters is Honours, it doesn't put a name after it, so nothing happens, not sure if i'm doing something wrong or what. I just copied the script and placed it in the command bar, but nothing is happening. This is exactly what I see when I do it:

3334h, 5832m exkdb-qwho
Dreya, Shanna, Darklyre, Riley, Roias, Josalyn, Arawn, Ryanna, Elithen, Oenone,
Vortok, Noristae, Nogusta, Alynna, Bainz, Talkaze, Greyda, Nuro, Glomar,
Valaritar, Kazekaoru, Moraine, Thetawm, Calithandir, Eluned, Dragoon, Wardian,
Veron, Procellan, Romeo, Mircel, Miya, Kallisto, Kyle, Thorus, Isaiah, Ibayn,
Xumun, Jaka, Deidra, Oline, Aerandir, Raviel, Ankiseth, Alyosha, Khazard, Reghna
, Ishimoru, Sweefire, Alexandar, Antares, Thorshov, Noobler, Andarin, Zain,
Bella, Fantavian, Solnac, Malaphus, Sinahra, Maemi, Wolfofmibu, Ryukishi,
Goraidh, Shalane, Tekla, Midge, Braughleine, Makayoto, Tankara, Keles,
Montcrieff, Wisper, Tallin, Likundel, Tanaar, Siato, Sephrenia, Empusas, Halios,
Trel, Mordeanna, Antara, Anoshia, Dracmus, Virtus, Mortarion, Jargolyra, Caz,
Zorg, Kariana, Katriina, Hasun, Tsavonglah, Lynn, Hamon, Sciipe, Angaril, Vairn,
Nijias, Riannane, Aesir, Streawei, Chokal, Alimenta, Rife, Ariettie, Lowland,
Beneficia, Nachshon, Krosis, Thrasher, Boloth, Gaelyia, Arilina, Jora, Kairn,
Nea, Jasato, Aynael, Nolar, Krystin, Mindshell, Azador, Senira, Glandaar, Lagan,
Credan, Sola, Ceadarborn, Kiyuna, Magnuss, Taynted, Kierra, Glithoniel, Gallow,
Woodrow, Calinea, Lyndee, Zelos, Muteps, Zeon, Detho, Klaal, Askiva, Najara,
Laorir, Manuella, Sylia, Ixidor, Solarus, Darkstal, Revontulet, Alessandra,
Kizzy, Nubbins, Pentalwek, Feanor, Grslava, Gwynevere, Volcray, Cerejas,
Nightbird, Odjin, Amelia, Sawa, Ryu, Aeolien, Jenn, Saavik, Menengrath, Celestia
, Avery, Rognar, Shadax, Jivno, Enyd, Fendo, Pover, Meleagant, Valden, Jarcher,
Daitya, Kilmarn, Kodos, Muresh, Asara, Mafidius, Azjopas, Elsana, Aeryi,
Drummond, Eugenides, Qwarx, Anastae, Gaillardia, Khaz, Ashum, Sequona, Erhon,
Andaari, Kytira, Devinichi, Rianara, Ulrike, Sandriel, Raynin, Flerby, Ravai,
Bram, Sandrina, Bobert, Andord, Aera, Antreus, Kaelai, Shiro, Lyri, Worthington,
Marchevisk, Livana, Hooi, Xel, Allard, Kaelar, Syth, Xantorg, Sethai, Karvax,
Ceten, Johanna, Solostran, Lynienna, Dusty, Araevin, Seraphi, Garyn, Molotov,
Pazalu, Anansi, Beatrice, Dukval, Oddessa, Morthif, Skye, Xadzia, Dryst, Aliyana
, Pert, Quamen, Kimreth, Telemmaite, Leolas, Scaare, Zonko, Nephcir, Katalyst,
Shouryn, Talan, Matic.
3334h, 5832m exkdb-There is no such person, I'm afraid.

Thanks a bunch.


Hmm, I tried the defiling script, I tried the one that would gag the other stuff. I tested it just using #SHOW and then gave it the message about a defilement. It worked perfectly, showed me just the poeple who were in the room, my problem is that it didn't stop gagging things. There isn't anything that ends it when you are done with the MOREs. You don't get any message, this is just what the end would look like:

3334h, 5832m exkdb-
Ebony Shadows, She Wolf Mordeanna Windso(A thick copse of trees)
Kimreth Aristata (Before a bleak mausoleum)
Neran'thos Oceanus, Greyda Wildfang-Op'S(Entrance to the Prosperion Bazaar)
Venator Glandaar, Student of the Element(Fountain of Muck)
Magnuss, Novitiate Third (Artisan Plaza south of a fountain)
Lovebug in D-Flat Major, Nightbird "Birf(Ariettie and Nightbird's Corner)
Sin Spitfire, Dr. Tekla Aristata, Mhojav(Before the estates of the Merchan)
Ryukishi Hayabusa, Fist of Rage (A Mellow Lounge)
Fattener of the Fowl, Calithandir, Strea(A cozy beach house)
Chaote Virtus (Banks of the splashing pond)
Penguin Recruit Celestia, The Murderousl(Lurid hall)
Guardian Angel Katriina, Shimmer of Hope(A Candlelit Livingroom)
Metrist Talkaze D'jango (Hall of Senators)
Vicar Ravai Aristata, Demonic Princess (Road through dusty plains)
Daimone Thetawm (Valley deep in the Putoran hills)
Kohai Pentalwek, Ashuran Initiate (On the western beach)

And it just stops. It is pretty busy right now and it's only taking me like 10 MORE's to go through it all. Is there any way to just make it do WHO and then MORE 20 times to go through em all? That might be the only way to do it.

The first one works that highlights, but for that one I didn't want it to scroll through them all, I can't catch the name fast enough to see who it was, so I just deleted the lines about MORE and it works perfectly, I can do more manually fast enough. But the other option worked perfectly except for the continued gagging, so i'd like to use that if at all possible.

Thanks again

Last edited by gatorsss on Fri Sep 24, 2004 5:58 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 5:52 am   
Lightbulbs Honours alias Already HAS a delay and on top of that you DON'T want to use #WAIT in any trigger. And I tested his script and it DOES work it just has a problem with also capturing the prompt. Which I have fixed by reordering the alias and I also changed the delay to 2 seconds. Please do not mangle scripts with #WAIT. #WAIT is for use inside LOOPS (forall,loop,loopdb etc).

#AL ChkHon {#T+ CheckHonors;#VAR who1 {};qwho;#T+ qwho;#T+ qdot;}
#CLASS CheckHonors disable
#TR qwho {(*)} {#VAR who1 {@{who1}%1}}
#TR qdot {.$} {#T- qwho;#T- qdot;#VAR who2 {%replace( %replace( %remove( qwho, %replace( {@who1}, ",", "|")), ., ""), " ", "")};#DELI Infamous {%item( @who2, 1)};Honours %item( @who2, 1);#T+ CHalarm}
#ALA CHalarm *2 {#DELN who2 1;#IF (%numitems( @who2)) {#DELI Infamous {%item( @who2, 1)};Honours %item( @who2, 1)} {#T- CHalarm;#T- CheckHonors}}
#TR {is one of the Infamous} {#ADDI Infamous {%item( @who2, 1)}}
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:00 am   
As for the second problem I havn't tested it but I can guess that your problem comes from the fact that you didnt edit this

#TR {pattern which indicates end of WHO listing} {#GAGOFF;#T- ShrineDefilers}

to match the end of your who list., The correct trigger would be a PROMPT trigger based on you guessed it, your prompt.

#TR "whoprompt" {^%dh, %dm} {#GAGOFF;#T- ShrineDefilers} "" {prompt|nocr}
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:01 am   
hmm, I am trying exactly what you gave me, but it's still not working. When I run CHKHON it will do QWHO and then just do Honours at the end.

My prompt is:

3334h, 5832m exkdb-

I'm not sure if that will help or not.

Here is exactly what I see when I try it, with prompts and all:

3334h, 5832m exkdb-qwho

Kimberly, Kaelar, Oline, Dreya, Noristae, Drummond, Johanna, Xenosphere, Dema,
Khazard, Wylie, Askiva, Saryn, Tachyon, Ixidor, Braughleine, Tascha, Merion,
Cetus, Lowland, Valaritar, Vortok, Heltamorg, Meleagant, Lyri, Daitya,
Calithandir, Hamon, Azryel, Ankiseth, Xadzia, Worthington, Toya, Gamdian, Saavik
, Celestia, Reghna, Josalyn, Tanaar, Katriina, Kallisto, Sephrenia, Arithorn,
Ryanna, Solarus, Taryin, Nephcir, Ishimoru, Karvax, Jora, Romeo, Fantavian,
Tenqual, Beatrice, Shadax, Enya, Sola, Ryukishi, Thuringien, Zair, Jamethiel,
Sinahra, Dracmus, Mircel, Astria, Cenadrak, Beneficia, Callar, Hinaelark,
Kazekaoru, Andord, Ashlier, Sullenmoon, Tekla, Ulrike, Andarin, Flerby, Antares,
Zeon, Caz, Syth, Caristione, Sieghard, Ashum, Brennus, Aithon, Erhon, Rianara,
Ibayn, Kyle, Jasato, Hasun, Procellan, Gaillardia, Vasool, Goraidh, Ravai,
Morthif, Jago, Krosis, Bram, Gwynevere, Mindshell, Lufius, Sorill, Nightbird,
Ceadarborn, Rukimoro, Shalane, Reznik, Shouryn, Kishpa, Greyda, Mordeanna, Zzxx,
Aeryi, Nimby, Skye, Naia, Berol, Tahirah, Genth, Endall, Saidie, Aesir, Peridot,
Avery, Seramos, Isaiah, Seraphi, Kimreth, Woodrow, Anastae, Nalira, Alimenta,
Leo, Jarcher, Magnuss, Marion, Galenhloke, Ashlog, Elsana, Dragoon, Sequona,
Jenn, Arilina, Halios, Kierra, Talkaze, Sylia, Sawa, Enyd, Marchevisk, Jorran,
Aista, Elithen, Marcalo, Tasera, Glithoniel, Eiku, Antara, Stormcrow, Rognar,
Silimaur, Mafidius, Thetawm, Larali, Veron, Raviel, Kilmarn, Ariettie, Klaal,
Muresh, Glomar, Jivno, Zain, Schisstae, Baughb, Savras, Earionduil, Thorus,
Devinichi, Oenone, Araevin, Manuella, Baptiste, Andaari, Nubbins, Hooi, Streawei
, Boloth, Sandrina, Eugenides, Artimous, Zakariyya, Virtus, Empusas, Gelo, Midge
, Solymr, Intergral, Pentalwek, Caine, Katalyst, Bajazet, Wardian, Xel, Likundel
, Zelos, Odjin, Nijias, Matic.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:08 am   
Got the defiling script fixed, one of my friends looked at it and figured out how to do the MOREs. He just used a "#loop 20 {more}" command and it worked fine. Thanks for all the help.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 3:08 am   
Ah yes... I see the delay now, with the #ALA. The whole 5 second thing threw me.

I assume you're still having problems with the 'infamous' script. I managed to get it to work in a test form, just by copying nexela's code over to a blank file. Run the chkhon alias, enter "who1={ caled, nexela, lightbulb, gatorsss.}" then manually execute the ".$" trig... it honours everyone.

THe problem with the whole script though.. Even reduced to *1 (1 second intervals) it would take 5 mins to complete with 300 people online - which is common for Achaea. While I was testing today, there were 430 people.. Since you might want to run it every half hour or so of playtime.. to catch any new infamous people that have logged on, it is quite simply, not feasible.

I'm thinking that it needs to be tackled from a different angle. This seems to work..

#CLASS {CheckHonors|QuickChkHon}
#ALIAS minewho {
#T+ quickhonours
#T+ doublename
#FORALL @who2 {
honours %i
#WAIT 150
#T- quickhonours
#T- doublename
#ALIAS chkwho {
#T+ qdot
#T+ qwho
#TRIGGER "doublename" {({@who2})*({@who2})*~(} {
} "" {disable}
#CONDITION {%dh,} {
} {prompt|disable}
#TRIGGER "quickhonours" {({@who2})*~(} {#IF (!@doublename) {currenthonours=%1}} "" {disable}
#CONDITION {%dh,} {#IF (!@doublename) {currenthonours=%null}} {prompt|disable}
#TRIGGER "qwho" {(*)} {#VARIABLE who1 {@{who1}%1}} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER "qdot" {.$} {
#T- qwho
#T- qdot
#VARIABLE who2 {%replace( %replace( %remove( qwho, %replace( {@who1}, ",", "|")), ., ""), " ", "")}
#ECHO Who2: @who2
} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {one of the infamous} {
#ADDITEM infamous @currenthonours
#IF (@doublename) {#ADDITEM infamous @current2honours}

There's still a couple of testing #ECHOs in there, and some of the naming doesn't make sense.. its cos I tried several different things before it developed to this. Anyhoo...

It creates the list in the same way as Lightbulb's script (as you can see, I used two of his trigs), when you type "chkwho".
You then need to type "minewho" - but you could of course put these commands into the 'qdot' trig, I just had them separate cos its useful to do so when testing things.
Minewho uses a #WAIT - in the correct way Razz 150ms is the time I've found in the past to be necessary. Sometimes.. not often, but sometimes, 100ms isnt enough.
It honours everyone in the @who2 list, and there are two trigs which match names in the first line of honours. There are two trigs, cos sometimes annoying people like to put other people's names in their titles. The order here is important - the doublename one has to fire first.

If the 'one of the infamous' line is in the person's honours, then the name is added... if not, then it isn't. It worked when I did it.. though there were surprisingly few infamous people (4 names out of 431 people). I used the edit>find function to search for "one of the infamous" in scrollback, and found that it didn't miss any names.

If there were lots of doublename titled infamous people, you would then run Lightbulbs script over your new infamous list, to remove the odd non-infamous name that snuck onto the list by means of being in an infamous person's title. This would not take long, cos instead of cycling through 400 names at one per second.. it would be under 20 names.. perhaps even a lot under.
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Joined: 07 Sep 2004
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 7:59 am   
I think i'm doing something wrong, I'm still having problems. I delete the old stuff, and put in just your new class, just entered it into the command bar.

Then I run chkwho and I see the following:

3334h, 5832m cexkdb-qwho
Lorderon, Diamondesce, Kierra, Katriina, Solymr, Hamon, Yan, Ryanna, Malaphus, Fru,
Halios, Empusas, Kyene, Luggs, Alynna, Transk, Morthif, Quamen, Karvax, Aeryi, Sabiru
, Glaurungg, Tanaar, Khoraji, Aelyn, Larutan, Deafharp, Jeasaw, Ashleen, Jivno, Orga,
Kdalt, Throckmorton, Evadne, Matika, Grindill, Kagetora, Anysin, Manuella, Jenn,
Ishimoru, Nijari, Tsaavik, Neith, Retori, Lam, Mircel, Nephcir, Cyrille, Imyrr,
Zakainen, Aethyco, Kazekaoru, Kalax, Vortok, Sandman, Laurus, Gaillardia, Dahkuri,
Rendra, Sylphia, Ladydeath, Acorna, Berenene, Kalseru, Bajazet, Igno, Caine, Toya,
Alene, Aliyana, Mannorath, Reghna, Kazen, Romeo, Destridas, Procellan, Martok, Kyrra,
Zeios, Isaiah, Nadya, Oblib, Shien, Greyda, Liu, Andarin, Galenhloke, Daara, Thaal,
Urgonn, Jounin, Astrasia, Sephius, Kiet, Nubbins, Aanq, Enyd, Anastae, Erdac,
Lonshaou, Grimsblade, Negid, Kishpa, Delehyla, Ankiseth, Ryukishi, Eiku, Dethea,
Glithoniel, Idempotent, Kakrin, Woodrow, Celestia, Beatrice, Danowar, Meri, Daahg,
Skye, Thorvald, Credan, Bainz, Caz, Draqoom, Xanraal, Alastor, Domin, Artrevent,
Schisstae, Lokata, Kusaragama, Kamika, Marchevisk, Starrsong, Teresina, Tanloc, Chiya
, Moli, Alayna, Ashari, Lujan, Ashlog, Marcalo, Mariyah, Carnoth, Braughleine, Erith,
Torra, Elsana, Raxis, Tanklar, Karloptimux, Mavros, Arithorn, Credas, Rife, Detho,
Mulciber, Delliah, Zeto, Sypher, Ceadarborn, Katalyst, Xyrtex, Shanna, Ceten,
Devinichi, Sabathius, Dominius, Cadia, Megrim, Caiharn, Sinclair, Cypra, Solostran,
Ashum, Ashlier, Accipiter, Nalira, Avriel, Gaelyia, Khelben, Anansi, Solarus, Liakela
, Rafe, Delbert, Abelard, Shadax, Kyishi, Majin, Wiigh, Matic.

So for some reason it isn't adding anybody to the Who2 variable. I have tried adding names manually, but when I run minwho it will only do the first name I add. I tried adding them with a comma in between names, or putting each name on a new line, but nothing happens.

Any clue what I might be doing wrong?

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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
Posts: 1644
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 12:00 pm   
I logged into Achaea Pasted in my modified version of LightBulbs Script and it worked flawlessly Try setting your Achaea configs back to default Starting with Screen width or wrap or whatever its called and retrying it.
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