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Joined: 20 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:39 pm   

Aardwolf Spellup problem *UNSOLVED/UNCARING**
Was using this spellup script with zmud 6.15 and it worked great. But now that I have the new version it don't work, which depends on which version of zmud you have.
There are 2 different triggers that can be used for it to work
1) *%e[36m%1%s%e[0m Mana: %e[36m%s%d%e[0m   Learned:%e[36m%s%2~%
2) *%e[36m%1%s%e[37m%sMana:%s%e[36m%s%d%e[37m%sLearned:%e[36m%s%2~%

#CLASS {Spellupper} {enable}

#CLASS {Spellupper} {enable}
#ALIAS checkspell {#UNVAR spellsmissing;#VAR spellsmissing {};#CLASS mytrigs 1;spell spellup}
#ALIAS rr {checkspell}
#VAR allmyspells {true seeing|ectoplasmic form|accelerate|champions strength|wraith form|aid|self harmony|party harmony|call upon faith|prayer of fortune|calculation|enlightenment|revelation|intellect fortress|awakening|perception|godly embrace|harden body|mystic might|magical rush|divine swiftness|power of faith|energy ball|adrenaline control|rally|energy containment|giant strength|enhanced strength|lightspeed|combat mind|bless|divine faith|wolf spirits|channel energy|globe of invulnerabili|globe of invulnerability|absorb|antimagic shell|underwater breathing|protection good|inertial barrier|holy aura|indestructible aura|party shield|magic circle|compression|stone skin|avoidance|displacement|flesh armor|darkness|barkskin|armor|blur|shield|thought shield|line of protection|fly|biofeedback|mental barrier|grey aura|frenzy|sense anger|infravision|sustenance|protection from fire|willpower|warmth|vaccinate|acidproof|energy shield|shockproof|holy mirror|toxic resistance|spirit shield}
#VAR spellsmissing {[1;32mInfravision|[1;32mShield|[1;32mAdrenaline control|[1;32mEnhanced strength|[1;32mMental barrier|[1;32mThought shield|[1;32mAvoidance|[1;32mBlur|Underwater breathing|[1;32mMystic might|Invis|Level:   6 Inertial barrier|Level:  11 Accelerate|Level:  12 Displacement|[1;32mHarden body|Level:  17 Flesh armor|Level:  21 Energy containment|[1;32mMagical rush|Level:  26 Intellect fortress|Absorb|Level:  30 Ectoplasmic form|[1;32mPerception|Level:  33 Combat mind|Level:  35 True seeing|Level:  40 Stone skin|Level:  41 Calculation}
#TRIGGER {You lost your concentration while trying to cast %1.} {#IF %ismember( %1, @allmyspells) { cast '%1'}}

#CLASS {Spellupper|mytrigs} {disable}
#TRIGGER {To see all the skills/spells your class can gain use} {#CLASS mytrigs 0;#VAR spellcounter 0;#FORALL @allmyspells {#VAR spellcurrent %i;#FORALL @spellsmissing { #IF (%lower( %i) == %lower( @spellcurrent)) {#ADD spellcounter 1;cast '%i';#IF (@spellcounter > 10) {#WAIT (7000);#VAR spellcounter 0}}}}}
#TRIGGER {*%e[36m%1%e[0m Mana: %e[36m%s%d%e[0m   Learned:%e[36m%s%2~%} {#IF (%2 > 1) { #VAR spellsmissing %additem( %trim( %1), @spellsmissing)}} "" {color}
I've tried both triggers and all the 1st one does is create 6 folders called faith, fortune, invulnerabili, invulnerability, protection, fire. and the 2nd one, makes every spell in my @allmyspells go off 11 times in a row each and resets the spellsmissing var to non-colored hence making it unuseable as well.
Here is a small example of what the spell spellup screen looks like:

Level:   8 Thought shield         Mana:   25   Learned: 100% (135) <--will cast
Level:  12 Levitation             Mana:   20   Learned:   1% (125) <--not cast
Level:  16 Inertial barrier       Mana:   40   Learned:  79% (121) <--will cast
It will not cast those that you are currently affected by, which are shown in another shade of color and will cast those that you are affected by and that you have at least practiced.
Anyone have any ideas?

Last edited by DeathDealer on Tue Apr 05, 2005 1:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 20 Nov 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 5:03 am   
in the new zmuds %i does not work the same as before
You Must Change ALL %i to %repeatnum
This will hopefully solve your problem.
megamog75 Smile
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 9:59 am   
The %i's are one part of the problem. Lack of delimeters can cause further problems. A few corrections here. The use of #WAIT in this trigger is another definite problem, I don't really have time right now to rewrite that portion.
#TRIGGER {To see all the skills/spells your class can gain use} {#CLASS mytrigs 0;#VAR spellcounter 0;#FORALL @allmyspells {#VAR spellcurrent {%i};#FORALL @spellsmissing { #IF (%lower( %j) == %lower( @spellcurrent)) {#ADD spellcounter 1;cast '%i';#IF (@spellcounter > 10) {#WAIT (7000);#VAR spellcounter 0}}}}}

Again delimeters are important. Also %xx is not reccommended or supported as a pattern matching method, although it has worked it is unreliable. It would also appear that the ansi sequence is not quite right.
#TRIGGER {You lost your concentration while trying to cast (*).} {#IF %ismember( "%1", @allmyspells) { cast '%1'}}
#TRIGGER {*%e[1;32m(*)%e[0m Mana: %e[36m%s%d%e[0m Learned:%e[36m%s(%d)~%} {#IF (%2 > 1) { #VAR spellsmissing %additem( %trim( "%1"), @spellsmissing)}} "" {color}
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Joined: 20 Jul 2004
Posts: 268

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:46 pm   
K, changed everything to %repeatnum

#TRIGGER {You lost your concentration while trying to cast %1.} {#IF %ismember( %1, @allmyspells) { cast '%1'}} always worked, but I changed that (even tho that isn't really part of the prob.)

Not sure what ya meant by %xx cause there isn't any in the script....

As for the "#TRIGGER {*%e[1;32m(*)%e[0m Mana:" part, I created a trigger with the ansi trigger enabled, and copied and pasted a non-casted spell and I got:
%e[36mLevel: %e[37m  1 %e[36mEnhanced strength     %e[37m Mana: %e[36m  20%e[37m   Learned:%e[36m 100% (118)

So not sure about the 1;32 thing, even tho i know it's in the "#VAR spellsmissing" section.
Still don't work.

But to be honest, it don't matter much now anyways. I started using another script that checks your saff rather than spell spellup. the advantage it has is that it also takes into account skills like clan skills and sneak, whereas the other one didnt.
But the down side of it is that if you gain a new spellup spell you have to add it in by re-running the setup script.
I would still like to get this one working tho, cause I can just have it send a clan skill and sneak everytime it's called up. spammy, but not to much.
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