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Joined: 01 Sep 2002
Posts: 15
Location: Miami

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:23 pm   

coloring with this trigger
Hello, well I am working on this script so that it colors the mastery of my spells and skills, but only when i type (know, knowledge, know skill, know spells, etc) here is what I have so far
#ONINPUT "knowledge1" {^know$} {
  #TEMP {$} {#STATE knowledge1 0}
#COND {(&14) (&09) (&14) (&09) (&14) (*)} {
  #LOOP 9 {
    #IF %trim( %2)=%arrget( skillmtext, %i) {#CW %arrget( skillmcolor, %i)}
    #IF %trim( %4)=%arrget( skillmtext, %i) {#CW %arrget( skillmcolor, %i)}
    #IF %trim( %6)=%arrget( skillmtext, %i) {#CW %arrget( skillmcolor, %i)}
  } {looplines|param=99}

the two variables are these:
#VAR skillmcolor {<Array>|null|yellow|blue|bold,green|cyan|red|brown|magenta|bold,red|white}
#VAR skillmtext {<Array>|null|slight|skilled|master|fair|expert|basic|average|advanced|sliver}

and here is an example of the output from the mud if that can help you guys drill this into my head
Name           Mastery   Name           Mastery   Name           Mastery
Sewing         skilled   Alchemy        sliver    Brew           sliver   
Dodge          slight    Smoking        sliver    Draco biology  sliver   
Hand to hand   advanced  Scribe         sliver    Haggle         sliver   
Link           skilled   Lore           basic     Peek           fair     
Pottery        sliver    Spellcraft     master    Scrolls        sliver   
Staves         sliver    Teaching       skilled   Wands          sliver   

Name           Mastery   Name           Mastery   Name           Mastery
Reveal shadows master    Acid blast     master    Mana charge    sliver   
Anchor gate    sliver    Animate golem  sliver    Magic armor    master   
Bind golem     sliver    Blink          sliver    Blindness      sliver   
Blur           master    Burning hands  sliver    Call lightning sliver   
Calm           sliver    Cancellation   master    Chain lightnin sliver   
Charm person   master    Chill touch    master    Cloud kill     sliver   
Colour spray   sliver    Common cold    sliver    Cone of cold   sliver   
Animate shadow average   Cloak of shado master    Confusion      sliver   
Continual ligh slight    Control weathe sliver    Create food    fair     
Create ioun    sliver    Create rabbit  sliver    Create rose    sliver   
Create spring  fair      Cryogenesis    sliver    Dark sight     master   
Deafen         average   Detect evil    master    Detect good    master   
Detect invis   master    Detect magic   master    Detect poison  sliver   
Detect undead  master    Trueform       master    Shadow form    master   
Dispel magic   master    Shadow travel  master    Enduring light sliver   
Empower staff  sliver    Revealing bolt sliver    Hallucination  master   
Encase fibers  sliver    Ward of decept average   Impersonate    master   
Enchant accura sliver    Mislead        master    Mirror image   average   
Invincibility  master    Stature        master    Mask alignment master   
Living mirage  expert    Forest mask    master    Enchant armor  sliver   
Starve spring  fair      Life to mana   master    Ghoulish touch sliver   
Enchant damage sliver    Endurance      master    Faerie fog     slight   
Faerie fire    master    Energy drain   sliver    Farsight       sliver   
Seal gate      average   Levitate       sliver    Random return  master   
Knock          master    Fear           sliver    Fireball       master   
Mass fly       master    Teleport       sliver    Pass door      master   
Gate           master    Fly            master    Suppress magic basic     
Mass armor     master    Resist paralys sliver    Globe of force master   
Stone skin     sliver    Magic shield   fair      Fireproof      sliver   
Floating disc  average   Giant strength master    Soften defense sliver   
Guardian       sliver    Minor malison  sliver    Weaken         sliver   
Slow           sliver    Poison         sliver    Haste          average   
Pose weakness  sliver    Pose strength  sliver    Pose old       sliver   
Pose youth     sliver    Phase          master    Ventriloquate  sliver   
Mass invis     sliver    Invisibility   master    Mass haste     sliver   
Permanency     master    Talons         master    Water breathin sliver   
Ice sphere     sliver    Refresh        master    Infravision    sliver   
Identify       sliver    Invisible stal sliver    Know alignment sliver   
Lightning bolt sliver    Locate object  sliver    Locate person  sliver   
Magic missile  sliver    Needle strike  sliver    Nightmares     sliver   
Prismatic wall sliver    Replenishment  sliver    Recharge       sliver   
Ring of shield sliver    Shocking grasp sliver    Sleep          sliver   
Sonic boom     sliver    Web            sliver    Witch light    average   

Beguiling       Combat          Conjuration     Detection       
Enchantment     Enhancement     Illusion        Maladictions   
Protective      Transportation  Weather         Masking         
Masquerade      Reality warps   Necrolyte       Shadow mastery 

Common        Gnomish       

This has been bothering me for almost a week and having been able to get it to work properly the colors go insane and not all of them are colored. Thanks in advanced for the help.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2003
Posts: 358
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:39 pm   
First off, a couple apparent errors. Your #TEMP statement will (should) fire at the end of the next line, resetting your trigger to state 0 at the onset. Why is the first element of your variables "<Array>"?

My suggestion:

#VAR skillmcolor {null|yellow|blue|bold,green|cyan|red|brown|magenta|bold,red|white}
#VAR skillmtext {null|slight|skilled|master|fair|expert|basic|average|advanced|sliver}
#ONINPUT "knowledge1" {^know$} {~knowledge; #T+ highlightskills}
#COND {^ Groups $} {#T- highlightskills}
#TR "highlightskills" {({@skillmtext})} {#CW %item(@skillmcolor,%ismember(%1,@skillmtext))} "" {disable}

This does away with the #LOOP 9 by checking for any instance of any member of the skillmtext list, then the combination of %item and %ismember will call the correct element from the skillmcolor list.
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Joined: 01 Sep 2002
Posts: 15
Location: Miami

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:09 pm   
Sadly it didnt work. And the reason i am using something like that is because of the reply LightBlub gave here, this managed to inspire me to rewrite the script instead of the way i had it which wasnt helping because it would fail most of the time and stay active the whole time so every word on the list would change color, anyway here is the post i am refering to
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
Posts: 698

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:03 pm   
Here is what I would do:

#ALIAS know {#T+ knowledge1;#TEMP {^Common *$} {#T- knowldege1};~know}

#VAR skillmcolor {yellow|blue|bold,green|cyan|red|brown|magenta|bold,red|white}
#VAR skillmtext {slight|skilled|master|fair|expert|basic|average|advanced|sliver}

#TRIGGER "knowledge1" {^*%s({@skillmtext})%s*%s({@skillmtext})%s*%s({@skillmtext})$} {#CW %1 {%item( @skillmcolor, %ismember( %1, @skillmtext))};#CW %2 {%item( @skillmcolor, %ismember( %2, @skillmtext))};#CW %3 {%item( @skillmcolor, %ismember( %3 @skillmtext))}}

You might have to create two more triggers for when there aren't three columns on the last line.

Edited based on replies.
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Joined: 01 Sep 2002
Posts: 15
Location: Miami

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:49 pm   
as nice as all the code you all have given me neither seems to work, it just doesnt do the coloring, the one i had at least colored the words before but it just used to go insane and pick which ones it would color and send the rest to hell, the ones that have been posted so far just do nothing, Ive tested both of them out, and from what i see what i might have to end up doing is going back to having to get that entire list, cause the problem for me is that if you type knowledge by itself it gives you every spell and skill, and I want to be able to type knowledge skill, and it just gives me the skills, or knowledge spells and it gives me the spells so the ending with groups, or ending with common just doesnt help. plain and simple they just dont work. thanks anyway i am just going to continue trying till i blow a whole in someones head, or wait till someone can show me something else other then what you two have given me, that doesnt include making a class and having a bunch of trigers that change the color, be enabled when i type know, and disabled when it sees the word group... thanks anyway guys.
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Joined: 25 Jul 2004
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Location: aka Falan

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:18 am   
Will simply creating some color triggers and putting them in a separate class work? It may be crude, but if it works Very Happy

#AL kn {know %1;#T+ KnowColors;#ALA +1 {#T- KnowColors}}
#CLA KnowColors disable
#TR {%sslight} {#CW yellow}
#TR {%sskilled} {#CW blue}
#TR {%smaster} {#CW %eval(%color(bold)+%color(green))}
#TR {%sfair} {#CW cyan}
#TR {%sexpert} {#CW red}
#TR {%sbasic} {#CW brown}
#TR {%saverage} {#CW magenta}
#TR {%sadvanced} {#CW %eval(%color(bold)+%color(red))}
#TR {%ssliver} {#CW white}
#CLA 0

I went with an Alias so as not to conflict with your MUD's "know" command. I used %s to avoid coloring any skills that may contain similar words. I didn't see a standard "finish" line, hence the ALARM. Would something like that work?
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