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Play RetroMUD
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Joined: 20 Nov 2002
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 3:16 am   

HangMan !! 1.0Ver Bata
Yes This is the game of Hangman!!
You do know how to play? Well I made it for Zmud.

How It Works:
To use this program you must have a word list in TXT
My word list for my spell checker will work just fine and below you will find links and instructons on how to get your own copy.
You must Have this file placed in the same folder as the Zmud.exe or it will not work

The HangMan Program will open the STW window and draw a Gallow
The HangMan program will create a row of buttons used to play the game
The HangMan program will create a speed menue for playing the game.

Upon Installing HangMan You will notice it comes up to a game in progress, This is to alow you to get orientated with the program.

The Z Is the power button if you use this button it will close HangMan but before closing the STW window you will get the credits I am giving for this game. Each name is a link to a web site. Close will close it.
The Other way to turn it off through the speed menu will not give you the credits.

The Next button is the new game button.

HMhelp will give you these Instructions again.

Ok I am givin you Two types to cut and past the First is for pasting to the command line and the second is for the people who like to import. The links for the word list in English are at the bottom.
If you want a different language you will have to find a listand save it as "spck.txt"

First List for cutting and pasting to the command line
get every thing between the red lines.

#CLASS {HangMan}
#ALIAS hangman {#if @HMOF=0 {HMOF=1;#t+ HMBu;HMNG;#stw on;#menu NewGame {HMNG} "HMmenu"} {HMOF=0;#T- HMBu;#stw off;#UNM NewGame "HMmenu";#gag}}
#CLASS {HangMan|HMBu}
#VAR HMAlpha {A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z}
#BUTTON 1 {Power} {#t+ HMCredits;HMcreds} {} {} {} {} {Z} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {1} {124} {} {} {} "" {} {} {Power}
#BUTTON 2 {reset} {#loop 1,26 {#noop %btnenable(HMBT%i,1)};#loop 1,6 {#var HMP%i ""};HMNG} {} {} {} {} {CLEAR} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {20} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {reset}
#BUTTON 3 {A} {HMLetter=A;HMLcheck} {A} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {39} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT1}
#BUTTON 4 {B} {HMLetter=B;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {58} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT2}
#BUTTON 5 {C} {HMLetter=C;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {77} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT3}
#BUTTON 6 {D} {HMLetter=D;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {96} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT4}
#BUTTON 7 {E} {HMLetter=E;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {115} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT5}
#BUTTON 8 {F} {HMLetter=F;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {134} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT6}
#BUTTON 9 {G} {HMLetter=G;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {153} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT7}
#BUTTON 10 {H} {HMLetter=H;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {172} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT8}
#BUTTON 11 {I} {HMLetter=I;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {191} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT9}
#BUTTON 12 {J} {HMLetter=J;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {210} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT10}
#BUTTON 13 {K} {HMLetter=K;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {229} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT11}
#BUTTON 14 {L} {HMLetter=L;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {248} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT12}
#BUTTON 15 {M} {HMLetter=M;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {267} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT13}
#BUTTON 16 {N} {HMLetter=N;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {286} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT14}
#BUTTON 17 {O} {HMLetter=O;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {305} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT15}
#BUTTON 18 {P} {HMLetter=P;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {324} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT16}
#BUTTON 19 {Q} {HMLetter=Q;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {343} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT17}
#BUTTON 20 {R} {HMLetter=R;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {362} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT18}
#BUTTON 21 {S} {HMLetter=S;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {381} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT19}
#BUTTON 22 {T} {HMLetter=T;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {400} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT20}
#BUTTON 23 {U} {HMLetter=U;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {419} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT21}
#BUTTON 24 {V} {HMLetter=V;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {438} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT22}
#BUTTON 25 {W} {HMLetter=W;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {457} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT23}
#BUTTON 26 {X} {HMLetter=X;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {476} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT24}
#BUTTON 27 {Y} {HMLetter=Y;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {495} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT25}
#BUTTON 28 {Z} {HMLetter=Z;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {514} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT26}
#VAR TempOutput {|ŻŻŻŻ|@hmp1|@hmp2@hmp3@hmp4|@hmp5@hmp6|______|@HMword}
#VAR StatusElements {(IDhm1Row1Column5Content"|")|IDhm2Row1Column6Content"ŻŻŻŻ"|(IDhm3Row1Column10Content"|")|IDhm4Row2Column5Content"@hmp1"|(IDhm5Row2Column10Content"|")|IDhm6Row3Column4Content"@hmp2"|IDhm7Row3Column5Content"@hmp3"|IDhm8Row3Column6Content"@hmp4"|(IDhm9Row3Column10Content"|")|IDhm10Row4Column4Content"@hmp5"|IDhm11Row4Column6Content"@hmp6"|(IDhm12Row4Column10Content"|")|(IDhm13Row5Column4Content"______|")|IDHMwRow6Column2Content"@HMword"}
#STAT {}
#STW {|ŻŻŻŻ|@hmp1|@hmp2@hmp3@hmp4|@hmp5@hmp6|______|@HMword}
#CLASS {HangMan|HMPic}
#VAR HMP {O|/|%char(16)||/|}
#VAR HMP1 {} {HMmenu}
#VAR HMP2 {} {HMmenu}
#VAR HMP3 {} {HMmenu}
#VAR HMP4 {} {HMmenu}
#VAR HMP5 {} {HMmenu}
#VAR HMP6 {} {HMmenu}
#CLASS {HangMan|HMwords}
#VAR HMword1 {H|A|N|G|M|A|N}
#VAR HMword2 {||||||}
#VAR HMword {}
#CLASS {HangMan|HMmenu} {menu}
#MENU {Power} {hangman} ""
#MENU {NewGame} {HMNG} ""
#CLASS {HangMan|HMCredits}
#ALIAS HMCreds {#t- HMBu;#var HMCreds {%ansi(high,blue)Zmud ~<a ""~>%ansi(high,red)ZuggSoft~</a~> %ansi(high,blue)Charabel ~<a ""~>%ansi(high,red)StatusWindowExtender~</a~> %ansi(high,blue)MegaMog ~<a ""~>%ansi(high,red)Finished Scripts~</a~> ~<send "HMclose"~>%ansi(high,yellow)Close~</send~>}}
#VAR HMCreds {Zmud <a "">ZuggSoft</a> Charabel <a "">StatusWindowExtender</a> MegaMog <a "">Finished Scripts</a> <send "HMclose">Close</send>}
#VAR TempOutput {@HMCreds}
#VAR StatusElements {IDHMCredsRow1Column1Content"@HMCreds"}
#STAT {}
#STW {@HMCreds}
#CLASS {HangMan|HMworks}
#ALIAS HMNG {#loop 1,26 {#noop %btnenable(HMBT%i,1)};#loop 1,6 {#var HMP%i ""};HMlevel=0;Hmlevel;HMword1="";HMword2="";HMword="";HMFtotal=0;HMwon=0;HMNW}
#ALIAS HMclose {HMOF=0;#T- HMCredits;#stw off;#UNM NewGame "HMmenu";#gag}
#ALIAS HMNW {#file 1 @HMFile;#gag;#var HMword1 %read(1,%random(1,%filesize(1)));#close 1;#gag;#if @Hmlevel=0 {#var Hmword1 %upper(@HMword1);#loop %len(@HMword1),2 {#var HMword1 %insert("|",@HMword1,%repeatnum)};#loop 1,%numitems(@HMword1) {#var HMword2 %additem(%char(2),@HMword2)};#var HMword %replace(@HMword2,"|","")} {#if %len(@HMword1)=@HMlevel {#var Hmword1 %upper(@HMword1);#loop %len(@HMword1),2 {#var HMword1 %insert("|",@HMword1,%repeatnum)};#loop 1,%numitems(@HMword1) {#var HMword2 %additem(%char(2),@HMword2)};#var HMword %replace(@HMword2,"|","")} {HMNW}}}
#ALIAS HMlevel {#yesno "Pick Your Skill level" {Beginer:HMlevel=3} {*Easy:HMlevel=4} {Moderate:HMlevel=5} {Hard:HMlevel=6} {Advanced:HMlevel=7} {All:HMlevel=0}}
#ALIAS HMProceed {#if @HMfound=0 {#add HMFtotal 1;#var HMP@HMFtotal %item(@HMP,@HMFtotal);#beep 16} {#loop 1,%numitems(@HMFpos) {#var HMword2 %replaceitem(@HMfound,%item(@HMFpos,%repeatnum),@HMword2)};#var HMword %replace(@HMword2,"|","");#add HMwon %numitems(@HMFpos);#if @HMwon=%numitems(@HMword1) {#mess 4 "Congrats You Beet HangMan";#wa 4000;#yesno "Do You Want To Play Again?" {Yes:HMNG} {No:#if @HMOF=0 {HMOF=1;#t+ HMBu;HMNG;#stw on;#menu NewGame {#loop 1,26 {#noop %btnenable(HMBT%i,1)};#loop 1,6 {#var HMP%i ""}} "HMmenu"} {HMOF=0;#T- HMBu;#stw off;#UNM NewGame "HMmenu";#gag}}}};#if @HMFtotal>5 {#yesno {%replace(@HMword1,"|",""), Do You Want To Play Again?} {Yes:HMNG} {No:#if @HMOF=0 {HMOF=1;#t+ HMBu;HMNG;#stw on;#menu NewGame {#loop 1,26 {#noop %btnenable(HMBT%i,1)};#loop 1,6 {#var HMP%i ""}} "HMmenu"} {HMOF=0;#T- HMBu;#stw off;#UNM NewGame "HMmenu";#gag}}}}
#ALIAS HMLcheck {#noop %btnenable(HMBT%ismember(@HMLetter,@HMAlpha),0);#var HMfound 0;#var HMFpos "";#loop 1,%numitems(@HMword1) {#if @HMLetter=%item(@HMword1,%repeatnum) {#var HMfound @HMLetter;#Addi HMFpos %repeatnum}};HMProceed}
#ALIAS HMHelp {#clr
#show ~<font size 20 red>Instructions:~</font>
#show ~<font size 15 blue>Instalation:~</font>
#show ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %ansi(high,green)Before Hangman will work, You will need to have a list of words in the zmud folder saved as a TXT document. Checks to see if you have the required word file needed for HangMan to operate correctly.
#show ~<font size 15 blue>Links:~</font>
#mxp ~ %ansi(high,green)This link will let you download a <a "" "Hangman Word list"><font size 10 aquamarine>Zip</font></a> file containing the word list. Download, Unzip, cut and past to the directory containing the %ansi(high,blue)Zmud.exe %crlf
#mxp ~ %ansi(high,green)This link will let you open a <a "" "Hangman Word list"><font size 10 aquamarine>Web</font></a> page containing the word list. After the page opens use the edit menu to selct all, copy and past to a text file or TXT. Name this file %ansi(high,blue)"spck" %ansi(high,green)and save the text to the directory containing the %ansi(high,blue)Zmud.exe
#show ~<font size 15 blue>Power:~</font>
#show ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %ansi(high,green)Besides the button to turn off hangman you have a speed menu item, If you right click you will see this. Unlike the button the speed menu will always be there so you can turn HangMan back on.
#mxp ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %ansi(high,green)The word <send hangman "Power on and off"><font size 10 aquamarine>hangman</font></send> will also turn Hangman on and off
#show ~<font size 15 blue>Playing:~</font>
#show %ansi(high,green)Hopefully you know how to play hangman, pushing the button with the letter you want to choose, If your right you keep picking untill you win or if your wrong a piece of hangman is drawn untill you lose.
#show %ansi(high,green)Whether you win or lose at the end of each game you will be asked to play the game again,
#show %ansi(high,green)Chosing %ansi(high,blue)yes %ansi(high,green)will reset the game and ask you the level of your experience.
#show %ansi(high,green)Chosing %ansi(high,blue)no %ansi(high,green)will turn the game off.
#show %ansi(high,green)The second button the one next to the %ansi(high,blue)Z %ansi(high,green)button is the new game button.
#show ~<font size 30 red>MEGAMOG~</font>~<font size 30 blue>75~</font>}
#VAR HMfound {0}
#VAR HMlevel {7}
#VAR HMFpos {}
#VAR HMFtotal {0}
#VAR HMwon {0} {}
#VAR HMLetter {E}
#VAR HMFile {spck.txt}
#MENU {Hangman} {} "" {HMmenu}
#t- HMCredits
#stw on


This is for importing
copy and past to a TXT document and import to your favorite character settings.


#CLASS {HangMan}
#ALIAS hangman {#if @HMOF=0 {HMOF=1;#t+ HMBu;HMNG;#stw on;#menu NewGame {HMNG} "HMmenu"} {HMOF=0;#T- HMBu;#stw off;#UNM NewGame "HMmenu";#gag}}

#CLASS {HangMan|HMBu}
#VAR HMAlpha {A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z}
#BUTTON 1 {Power} {#t+ HMCredits;HMcreds} {} {} {} {} {Z} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {1} {124} {} {} {} "" {} {} {Power}
#BUTTON 2 {reset} {#loop 1,26 {#noop %btnenable(HMBT%i,1)};#loop 1,6 {#var HMP%i ""};HMNG} {} {} {} {} {CLEAR} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {20} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {reset}
#BUTTON 3 {A} {HMLetter=A;HMLcheck} {A} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {39} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT1}
#BUTTON 4 {B} {HMLetter=B;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {58} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT2}
#BUTTON 5 {C} {HMLetter=C;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {77} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT3}
#BUTTON 6 {D} {HMLetter=D;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {96} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT4}
#BUTTON 7 {E} {HMLetter=E;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {115} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT5}
#BUTTON 8 {F} {HMLetter=F;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {134} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT6}
#BUTTON 9 {G} {HMLetter=G;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {153} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT7}
#BUTTON 10 {H} {HMLetter=H;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {172} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT8}
#BUTTON 11 {I} {HMLetter=I;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {191} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT9}
#BUTTON 12 {J} {HMLetter=J;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {210} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT10}
#BUTTON 13 {K} {HMLetter=K;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {229} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT11}
#BUTTON 14 {L} {HMLetter=L;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {248} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT12}
#BUTTON 15 {M} {HMLetter=M;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {267} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT13}
#BUTTON 16 {N} {HMLetter=N;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {286} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT14}
#BUTTON 17 {O} {HMLetter=O;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {305} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT15}
#BUTTON 18 {P} {HMLetter=P;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {324} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT16}
#BUTTON 19 {Q} {HMLetter=Q;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {343} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT17}
#BUTTON 20 {R} {HMLetter=R;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {362} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT18}
#BUTTON 21 {S} {HMLetter=S;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {381} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT19}
#BUTTON 22 {T} {HMLetter=T;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {400} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT20}
#BUTTON 23 {U} {HMLetter=U;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {419} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT21}
#BUTTON 24 {V} {HMLetter=V;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {438} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT22}
#BUTTON 25 {W} {HMLetter=W;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {457} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT23}
#BUTTON 26 {X} {HMLetter=X;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {476} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT24}
#BUTTON 27 {Y} {HMLetter=Y;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {495} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT25}
#BUTTON 28 {Z} {HMLetter=Z;HMLcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {514} {121} {} {} {} "" {} {} {HMBT26}

#VAR TempOutput {|ŻŻŻŻ|@hmp1|@hmp2@hmp3@hmp4|@hmp5@hmp6|______|@HMword}
#VAR StatusElements {(IDhm1Row1Column5Content"|")|IDhm2Row1Column6Content"ŻŻŻŻ"|(IDhm3Row1Column10Content"|")|IDhm4Row2Column5Content"@hmp1"|(IDhm5Row2Column10Content"|")|IDhm6Row3Column4Content"@hmp2"|IDhm7Row3Column5Content"@hmp3"|IDhm8Row3Column6Content"@hmp4"|(IDhm9Row3Column10Content"|")|IDhm10Row4Column4Content"@hmp5"|IDhm11Row4Column6Content"@hmp6"|(IDhm12Row4Column10Content"|")|(IDhm13Row5Column4Content"______|")|IDHMwRow6Column2Content"@HMword"}
#STAT {}
#STW {|ŻŻŻŻ|@hmp1|@hmp2@hmp3@hmp4|@hmp5@hmp6|______|@HMword}

#CLASS {HangMan|HMPic}
#VAR HMP {O|/|%char(16)||/|}
#VAR HMP1 {} {HMmenu}
#VAR HMP2 {} {HMmenu}
#VAR HMP3 {} {HMmenu}
#VAR HMP4 {} {HMmenu}
#VAR HMP5 {} {HMmenu}
#VAR HMP6 {} {HMmenu}

#CLASS {HangMan|HMwords}
#VAR HMword1 {H|A|N|G|M|A|N}
#VAR HMword2 {||||||}
#VAR HMword {}

#CLASS {HangMan|HMmenu} {menu}
#MENU {Power} {hangman} ""
#MENU {NewGame} {HMNG} ""

#CLASS {HangMan|HMCredits}
#ALIAS HMCreds {#t- HMBu;#var HMCreds {%ansi(high,blue)Zmud ~<a ""~>%ansi(high,red)ZuggSoft~</a~> %ansi(high,blue)Charabel ~<a ""~>%ansi(high,red)StatusWindowExtender~</a~> %ansi(high,blue)MegaMog ~<a ""~>%ansi(high,red)Finished Scripts~</a~> ~<send "HMclose"~>%ansi(high,yellow)Close~</send~>}}
#VAR HMCreds {Zmud <a "">ZuggSoft</a> Charabel <a "">StatusWindowExtender</a> MegaMog <a "">Finished Scripts</a> <send "HMclose">Close</send>}
#VAR TempOutput {@HMCreds}
#VAR StatusElements {IDHMCredsRow1Column1Content"@HMCreds"}
#STAT {}
#STW {@HMCreds}

#CLASS {HangMan|HMworks}
#ALIAS HMNG {#loop 1,26 {#noop %btnenable(HMBT%i,1)};#loop 1,6 {#var HMP%i ""};HMlevel=0;Hmlevel;HMword1="";HMword2="";HMword="";HMFtotal=0;HMwon=0;HMNW}
#ALIAS HMclose {HMOF=0;#T- HMCredits;#stw off;#UNM NewGame "HMmenu";#gag}
#ALIAS HMNW {#file 1 @HMFile;#gag;#var HMword1 %read(1,%random(1,%filesize(1)));#close 1;#gag;#if @Hmlevel=0 {#var Hmword1 %upper(@HMword1);#loop %len(@HMword1),2 {#var HMword1 %insert("|",@HMword1,%repeatnum)};#loop 1,%numitems(@HMword1) {#var HMword2 %additem(%char(2),@HMword2)};#var HMword %replace(@HMword2,"|","")} {#if %len(@HMword1)=@HMlevel {#var Hmword1 %upper(@HMword1);#loop %len(@HMword1),2 {#var HMword1 %insert("|",@HMword1,%repeatnum)};#loop 1,%numitems(@HMword1) {#var HMword2 %additem(%char(2),@HMword2)};#var HMword %replace(@HMword2,"|","")} {HMNW}}}
#ALIAS HMlevel {#yesno "Pick Your Skill level" {Beginer:HMlevel=3} {*Easy:HMlevel=4} {Moderate:HMlevel=5} {Hard:HMlevel=6} {Advanced:HMlevel=7} {All:HMlevel=0}}
#ALIAS HMProceed {#if @HMfound=0 {#add HMFtotal 1;#var HMP@HMFtotal %item(@HMP,@HMFtotal);#beep 16} {#loop 1,%numitems(@HMFpos) {#var HMword2 %replaceitem(@HMfound,%item(@HMFpos,%repeatnum),@HMword2)};#var HMword %replace(@HMword2,"|","");#add HMwon %numitems(@HMFpos);#if @HMwon=%numitems(@HMword1) {#mess 4 "Congrats You Beet HangMan";#wa 4000;#yesno "Do You Want To Play Again?" {Yes:HMNG} {No:#if @HMOF=0 {HMOF=1;#t+ HMBu;HMNG;#stw on;#menu NewGame {#loop 1,26 {#noop %btnenable(HMBT%i,1)};#loop 1,6 {#var HMP%i ""}} "HMmenu"} {HMOF=0;#T- HMBu;#stw off;#UNM NewGame "HMmenu";#gag}}}};#if @HMFtotal>5 {#yesno {%replace(@HMword1,"|",""), Do You Want To Play Again?} {Yes:HMNG} {No:#if @HMOF=0 {HMOF=1;#t+ HMBu;HMNG;#stw on;#menu NewGame {#loop 1,26 {#noop %btnenable(HMBT%i,1)};#loop 1,6 {#var HMP%i ""}} "HMmenu"} {HMOF=0;#T- HMBu;#stw off;#UNM NewGame "HMmenu";#gag}}}}
#ALIAS HMLcheck {#noop %btnenable(HMBT%ismember(@HMLetter,@HMAlpha),0);#var HMfound 0;#var HMFpos "";#loop 1,%numitems(@HMword1) {#if @HMLetter=%item(@HMword1,%repeatnum) {#var HMfound @HMLetter;#Addi HMFpos %repeatnum}};HMProceed}
#ALIAS HMHelp {#clr
#show ~<font size 20 red>Instructions:~</font>
#show ~<font size 15 blue>Instalation:~</font>
#show ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %ansi(high,green)Before Hangman will work, You will need to have a list of words in the zmud folder saved as a TXT document. Checks to see if you have the required word file needed for HangMan to operate correctly.
#show ~<font size 15 blue>Links:~</font>
#mxp ~ %ansi(high,green)This link will let you download a <a "" "Hangman Word list"><font size 10 aquamarine>Zip</font></a> file containing the word list. Download, Unzip, cut and past to the directory containing the %ansi(high,blue)Zmud.exe %crlf
#mxp ~ %ansi(high,green)This link will let you open a <a "" "Hangman Word list"><font size 10 aquamarine>Web</font></a> page containing the word list. After the page opens use the edit menu to selct all, copy and past to a text file or TXT. Name this file %ansi(high,blue)"spck" %ansi(high,green)and save the text to the directory containing the %ansi(high,blue)Zmud.exe
#show ~<font size 15 blue>Power:~</font>
#show ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %ansi(high,green)Besides the button to turn off hangman you have a speed menu item, If you right click you will see this. Unlike the button the speed menu will always be there so you can turn HangMan back on.
#mxp ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %ansi(high,green)The word <send hangman "Power on and off"><font size 10 aquamarine>hangman</font></send> will also turn Hangman on and off
#show ~<font size 15 blue>Playing:~</font>
#show %ansi(high,green)Hopefully you know how to play hangman, pushing the button with the letter you want to choose, If your right you keep picking untill you win or if your wrong a piece of hangman is drawn untill you lose.
#show %ansi(high,green)Whether you win or lose at the end of each game you will be asked to play the game again,
#show %ansi(high,green)Chosing %ansi(high,blue)yes %ansi(high,green)will reset the game and ask you the level of your experience.
#show %ansi(high,green)Chosing %ansi(high,blue)no %ansi(high,green)will turn the game off.
#show %ansi(high,green)The second button the one next to the %ansi(high,blue)Z %ansi(high,green)button is the new game button.
#show ~<font size 30 red>MEGAMOG~</font>~<font size 30 blue>75~</font>}
#VAR HMfound {0}
#VAR HMlevel {7}
#VAR HMFpos {}
#VAR HMFtotal {0}
#VAR HMwon {0} {}
#VAR HMLetter {E}
#VAR HMFile {spck.txt}
#MENU {Hangman} {} "" {HMmenu}
#t- HMCredits
#stw on



List for cutting and pasting, save as "spck.txt"

Zip for downloading and unzipping

either way you must put the "spck.txt" file in the same placed as the Zmud.exe file or it will not work

Side note I sometimes had to install this twice to get it to work, but I think I worked theat out.

Hope you like and If you have anyproblem just post or email me.
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