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Joined: 12 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 11:09 pm   

Need Help Mapping Accursed Lands
Hey all. I needed a hand figuring out how to map the MUD Accursed Lands. Basically a room is fairly normal, but the outdoors are ANSI mapped, by symbol and color coded. I saw there was another thread on this, but I can't access it for some reason.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 4:19 am   
Something I spit out long time ago.
#CLASS {AccursedLandsMappingProofOfConcept}
#ALIAS st {#ST Star:@SurveyCountStarX,@SurveyCountStarY Travel:@Map_Desired_X,@Map_Desired_Y Old: @Map_Absolute_Xold,@Map_Absolute_Yold New: @Map_Absolute_X,@Map_Absolute_Y Partial: @MapPartial_X,@MapPartial_Y SC: @SurveyCount 1}
#ALIAS logread {#CLR;#CAP Map;:MAP:#CLR;#CAP Check;:Check:#CLR;#VAR MapPartial_Y 200;#VAR MapPartial_X 200;#VAR Map_Desired_X 0;#VAR Map_Desired_Y 0;#VAR Map_Absolute_Y 200;#VAR Map_Absolute_X 200;#VAR Map_Absolute_Xold 200;#VAR Map_Absolute_Yold 200;#VAR Map_Lower_X 2500;#VAR Map_Lower_Y 2500;#VAR Map_Higher_X 0;#VAR Map_Higher_Y 0;#VAR MapPartialCurrent @MapPartial400x400;#T- TriggerMapCapture;#T- TriggerWatchForSurveyBlank2;#T- TriggerWatchForSurveyBlank;#noop FILE 1 C:crapzmud661pubalmaplog.txt;#noop FILE 1 c:crapzmud662defmap.txt;#noop FILE 1 c:crapzmud662AL1107032202.txt;#noop FILE 1 c:crapzmud662AL1207030243p.txt done;#noop FILE 1 c:crapzmud662AL1207031014p.txt;#noop FILE 1 c:crapzmud662AL1207031553.txt;#noop FILE 1 1 c:crapzmud662AL1207032045.txt;#VAR File1Pos 1;#NOOP doread}
#ALIAS Process_Map {#ST PROCESS MAP;#IF ((@MapPartial_Y-@SurveyCountStarY) < @Map_Lower_Y) {#MATH Map_Lower_Y @MapPartial_Y-@SurveyCountStarY};#IF ((@MapPartial_Y-@SurveyCountStarY+@SurveyCount) > @Map_Higher_Y) {#MATH Map_Higher_Y @MapPartial_Y-@SurveyCountStarY+@SurveyCount};#T- doreadtrig;#LOOP %eval( @SurveyCount-1) {#VAR LineOfInterest %item( @MapPartialCurrent, %eval( @MapPartial_Y-@SurveyCountStarY+%i));#VAR SurveyLineOfInterest %trimright( @{MapSurvey_Line%i});#IF (@SurveyLineOfInterest != %null) {#noop ST Process Map @surveylineofinterest;#IF ((@MapPartial_X-@SurveyCountStarX-1) < @Map_Lower_X) {#MATH Map_Lower_X @MapPartial_X-@SurveyCountStarX-1};#IF ((@MapPartial_X-@SurveyCountStarX-1+%len( @SurveyLineOfInterest)) > @Map_Higher_X) {#MATH Map_Higher_X @MapPartial_X-@SurveyCountStarX-1+%len( @SurveyLineOfInterest)};#LOOP %len( @SurveyLineOfInterest) {#IF (%copy( %expand( @SurveyLineOfInterest, 1), %j, 1)!=" ") {#VAR LineOfInterest %concat( %copy( %expand( @LineOfInterest, 1), 1, %eval( @MapPartial_X-@SurveyCountStarX+%j-1)), %copy( %expand( @SurveyLineOfInterest, 1), %j, 1), %copy( %expand( @LineOfInterest, 1), %eval( @MapPartial_X-@SurveyCountStarX+%j+1), %len( %expand( @LineOfInterest, 1))))}};#VAR MapPartialCurrent %replaceitem( %expand( @LineOfInterest, 1), %eval( @MapPartial_Y-@SurveyCountStarY+%i), %expand( @MapPartialCurrent, 1))}};#VAR SurveyCountStarX 0;#VAR SurveyCountStarY 0;#VAR SurveyCount 0;#NOOP show_map;st;#T+ doreadtrig}
#ALIAS Show_Map {:Map:#CLR;#noop VAR ShowMapLine1 "yyy ";#noop LOOP 1,250 {~#VAR ShowMapLine1 %concat( @ShowMapLine1, %if( %i<100, " ", %eval( %i/100)))};#noop WIN MAP @ShowMapLine1;#noop VAR ShowMapLine2 "yyy ";#noop LOOP 1,250 {~#VAR ShowMapLine2 %concat( @ShowMapLine2, %copy( %format( "&3.0n", %i), 2, 1))};#noop WIN MAP @ShowMapLine2;#noop VAR ShowMapLine3 "yyy ";#noop LOOP 1,250 {~#VAR ShowMapLine3 %concat( @ShowMapLine3, %eval( %i10))};#noop WIN MAP @ShowMapLine3;#LOOP @Map_Lower_Y,@Map_Higher_Y {#IF %trimright( %item( %expand( @MapPartialCurrent, 1), %i)) {#WIN Map %format( "&3.0n", %i) %copy( %trimright( %item( %expand( @MapPartialCurrent, 1), %i)), @Map_Lower_X, %len( %trimright( %item( %expand( @MapPartialCurrent, 1), %i))))}}}
#ALIAS doread {#noop if;#if (@File1Pos <= %filesize( 1)) {#SH %read( 1, @File1Pos);#ADD File1Pos 1;#T+ doreadtrig};#IF (@File1Pos > %filesize( 1)) {#T- doreadtrig;#CLOSE 1}}
#TRIGGER "TriggerMapCapture" {^&%*{surveyline}$} {#IF (((@SurveyCount == 1) AND (%copy( %expand( @surveyline, 1), 1, 1) == " ")) OR (@SurveyCount > 1)) {#noop SUB {%format( "&2.0n", @SurveyCount): %expand( @SurveyLine, 1)};#NOOP VAR MapSurvey_Line@SurveyCount %expand( @surveyline, 1);#VAR MapSurvey_Line@SurveyCount %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %expand( @SurveyLine, 1), %char( 42), " "), %char( 61), "R"), %char( 35), "X"), ~~, "W");#IF ((@SurveyCount > 1) AND (%len( @{MapSurvey_Line%eval( @SurveyCount-1)}) = %len( @{MapSurvey_Line@SurveyCount}))) {#IF (%pos( "*", %expand( @SurveyLine, 1))>0) {#VAR SurveyCountStarX %pos( "*", %expand( @SurveyLine, 1));#VAR SurveyCountStarY @SurveyCount;#VAR Map_Absolute_Xold @Map_Absolute_X;#VAR Map_Absolute_Yold @Map_Absolute_Y;#ADD Map_Absolute_X @Map_Desired_X;#ADD Map_Absolute_Y @Map_Desired_Y;#ADD MapPartial_X @Map_Desired_X;#ADD MapPartial_Y @Map_Desired_Y;#CO 110} {#CO 110};#add SurveyCount 1} { #IF ((@SurveyCountStarX > 0)) {#CO 78;:check:From @Map_Absolute_Xold,@Map_Absolute_Yold Heading:@Map_Desired_X,@Map_Desired_Y To @Map_Absolute_X,@Map_Absolute_Y;#NOOP Need sometimes another to catch;#T- TriggerMapCapture;Process_Map} { #IF (@SurveyCount == 1) {#CO 46;#add SurveyCount 1} {#VAR SurveyCount 1;#ECHO False positive}}}}} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER "TriggerWatchForSurveyBlank" {^$} {#IF (!@Map_BlankSpace_False) {#T+ TriggerMapCapture;#T- TriggerWatchForSurveyBlank;#T- TriggerWatchForSurveyBlank2;#VAR SurveyCount 1}} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {You glance (%w).} {#VAR Map_BlankSpace_False 1}
#COND {^$} {#VAR Map_BlankSpace_False 1}
#COND {^$} {#VAR Map_BlankSpace_False 1}
#COND {^*$} {#VAR Map_BlankSpace_False 0}
#TRIGGER {You {begin to swim off|begin to jog off|begin to walk off|jog|walk|swim} to the (%w)} {#CO 31;#VAR Map_Desired_X @Map_Convert_X(%1);#VAR Map_Desired_Y @Map_Convert_Y(%1);st;#NOOP There seem to be cases where the prompt forwarns of the survey.;#T+ TriggerWatchForSurveyBlank;#T+ TriggerWatchForSurveyBlank2;#T- TriggerMapCapture;#VAR Map_BlankSpace_False 0;:check:@Map_Desired_X,@Map_Desired_Y} "" {prompt}
#TRIGGER "TriggerWatchForSurveyBlank2" { > $} {#IF (!@Map_BlankSpace_False) {#T+ TriggerMapCapture;#T- TriggerWatchForSurveyBlank2;#T- TriggerWatchForSurveyBlank;#VAR SurveyCount 1}} "" {disable}
#ALARM "doreadtrig" {*1} {doread} "" {disable}
#ALARM {*10:00} {#SAVE}
#BUTTON 1 {show_map} {show_map} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 2 {FRAG} {#VAR Map_Desired_X 0;#VAR Map_Desired_Y 0;:check:FRAG 0 0} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 3 {Map_Desired_Y} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {100} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 4 {Map_Desired_X} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {100} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#STAT {Star:@SurveyCountStarX,@SurveyCountStarY Travel:@Map_Desired_X,@Map_Desired_Y Old: @Map_Absolute_Xold,@Map_Absolute_Yold New: @Map_Absolute_X,@Map_Absolute_Y Partial: @MapPartial_X,@MapPartial_Y SC: @SurveyCount 1}

#CLASS {AccursedLandsMappingProofOfConcept|MapVariables}
#ALIAS SetPopulateMapPartial {#VAR MapPartial400x400 "";#LOOP 400 {#VAR MapPartial400x400 %additem( %format( "&400s", " ") , @MapPartial400x400)};#VAR MapPartialCurrent @MapPartial400x400}
#VAR Map_Desired_X {2}
#VAR Map_Desired_Y {-1}
#VAR Map_Convert_Y {%if( %pos( north, %1), -1, %if( %pos( south, %1), 1, 0))}
#VAR Map_Size {250}
#VAR Map_Convert_X {%if( %pos( east, %1), 2, %if( %pos( west, %1), -2, 0))}
#VAR Map_BlankSpace_False {0}
#VAR File1Pos {1}
#VAR SurveyCount {0}
#VAR MapSurvey_Line1 { :: }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line2 { :::::: }
#VAR SurveyCountStarY {0} {0}
#VAR MapSurvey_Line3 {::::: ::++}
#VAR MapSurvey_Line4 { ::::++ }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line5 { ++ }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line6 {| > sit}
#VAR MapSurvey_Line7 { ::::::::::::++++ }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line8 { ::::::::::::::++++ }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line9 { //::::::::::++++ }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line10 { ::::::::::::++ }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line11 { :: }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line12 {------------------------------------------------------------------}
#VAR MapSurvey_Line13 { ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::WW:: }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line14 { ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::WW:: }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line15 { ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::WW::WW:: }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line16 { ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::WWWW:: }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line17 { ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::WWWW:: }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line18 { ::::::::::::::::::::::::::WWWW }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line19 { :::::::::::::::::::::::::: }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line20 { :::::::::::::::::: }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line21 { :: }
#VAR MapSurvey_Line22 {| > You begin to jog off to the northeast.}
#VAR MapPartial400x400 {}
#VAR Map_Absolute_X {150}
#VAR Map_Absolute_Y {157}
#VAR MapAbsoluteXYtoMapRecord {%eval(%2*2500+%1)}
#VAR MapPartial_X {150}
#VAR MapPartial_Y {157}
#VAR MapPartialCurrent {}
#VAR Map_Absolute_Xold {148}
#VAR Map_Absolute_Yold {158}
#VAR SurveyCountStarX {0} {0}
#VAR LineOfInterest { /::::::::::::++++ }
#VAR SurveyLineOfInterest { ++}
#VAR Map_Higher_Y {208}
#VAR Map_lower_Y {154}
#VAR Map_lower_x {123}
#VAR Map_higher_x {209}
#VAR ShowMapLine1 {yyy 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222}
#VAR ShowMapLine2 {yyy 1111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888888888899999999990000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999999000000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445}
#VAR ShowMapLine3 {yyy 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890}
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Joined: 26 Jul 2001
Posts: 1958
Location: Canada

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 4:21 am   
Use at own risk.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2005
Posts: 31

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 3:58 am   
I could not get some of the triggers to work, and some of the files weren't created like "c:crapzmud662AL1207030243p.txt"..

Tom if you see this, perhaps you could kindly debug it for us?

Thank you
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Joined: 26 Jul 2001
Posts: 1958
Location: Canada

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:12 pm   
I wonder if I still have my scripts that converted the c:crapzmud662AL1207030243p.txt into .gif files so you could use a paint program to put them together.

I'll add it my list of things to do, Saplingg.
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Joined: 26 Jul 2001
Posts: 1958
Location: Canada

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:34 am   
Its functional but brutal, bad code as it is above.

~30seconds each survey to splice it into the map
~3min 30seconds to show the map below:

An example of moving north 1 tile and merging the two surveys.

yyy 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111122222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
yyy 555555555666666666677777777778888888888999999999900000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888888
yyy 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345
185                                               :: 185
186                                         ::::::::::WWWW 186
187                                       ::::::::::::WWWWWW 187
188                                     ::::::::::::::WWWWWWWW 188
189                                     ::::::::::::WWWWWWWWWW 189
190                                     ::::::::::::WWWWWWWW:: 190
191                                   ::::::::::::::WWWWWWWW:::: 191
192                                   ::++++++::::::WWWWWWWW:::: 192
193                                   WW++WW++::::::WWWWWWWW:::: 193
194                                   ++++WW++::::::WWWWWWWWWW:: 194
195                                   ++WW++++::WW::WWWWWWWWWWWW 195
196                                     WW++++::WW::WWWWWWWWWW 196
197                                     ++++WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 197
198                                     WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW++++WW 198
199                                       ::WWWWWWWWWWWW++:: 199
200                                         WWWWWWWWWWWWWW 200
201                                               WW 201

This probably would better serve as a log reader and log processor during off cycle times.
Not sure if its worth putting time into it.
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