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Joined: 12 Feb 2003
Posts: 93
Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 3:30 pm   

Coloring text
Is there a way to make a trigger color something entirely of a color
I want? Because you go along thinking I have lost my brain, let me go
into a little more detail. Ok, say I have this string here:
#TR {^%e[1;37m(%w) tells you '} {#CO Blue,bright}
ok, that trigger basically means the trigger must start the beginning
of the line and be white, otherwise it won't fire, and if it does,
turns the entire line (or more than one line, if it goes that far),
bright blue.
Now, I see a ton of different colornames in the %colorname section,
and zmud can display these colors using for example
#TR {^%e[1;37m(%w) tells you '} {#CO dodgerblue}
and hey that's all good and whatnot. but as soon as the line wraps
around, it turns a different color. Is there a reason it will not
display the entire thing as one of these 'other' colors, when it will
do so happily if I use one of the plain colors? If so, how am I doing
this wrong, and what can I do to fix it?

Edit: I should specify when I say 'it turns a different color'.
The text that SHOULD be dodger blue, on the initial line and all
subsequent lines EXCEPT the last, turns black on black background.
The last line will be dodgerblue
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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
Posts: 4817
Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 3:44 pm   
"Is there a reason it will not
display the entire thing as one of these 'other' colors?"
Yes. It's a minor bug. It's been reported already and I believe it's been fixed.
"(W)hat can I do to fix it?"
Upgrade when the next public version is released. Or, install the current beta version if you are prepared to accept the risks of being a beta tester.
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