typhonjr Beginner
Joined: 12 Jul 2002 Posts: 11
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 5:24 am
capturing text from a mud |
ok im tryin to capture text from a mud i imm on im tryin to set up a simple db for myself but ive run into a problem.. the script/db works for copying all the the major info.. but im tring to capture the rest into a variable so that any extra info gets stored also.. only thing is i dont know how to capture multiple lines of text into a variable not into another window.. is that possible or would i have to redo what i have so far..
#CLASS {identify}
#TRIGGER {Name&tmp: &Item.Name} {}
#TRIGGER {Vnum: &item.vnum Type: &item.type Resets:} {}
#TRIGGER { Vnum: &item.vnum Format: &tmp Type: &item.type Resets: } {}
#TRIGGER {Short description: &item.short} {}
#TRIGGER {Long description: &item.long} {}
#TRIGGER {Wear bits: &item.wear Owner:} {}
#TRIGGER {Wear bits: &item.type Material: &tmp Extra bits: &item.extrabits} {}
#TRIGGER {Extra bits: &item.extrabits} {}
#TRIGGER {Level: &item.level Cost: &item.cost Condition:} {}
#TRIGGER {Values: &item.values} {
#c+ info
#t+ linecapture
#TRIGGER {-=} {
#T- identify
#DBLOAD items
#NEW All @item
#DBSAVE items
#DBCLOSE items
#CLASS {linecapture}
#TRIGGER {~-=*=-} { ;my prompt fits in here just use it as a breaker
#t- linecapture
it captures all the info after the values line but it stores it in a window.. any way to convert that over to text or copy it into the db from there?
thanks - typ |