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Joined: 20 Nov 2002
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 2:11 am   

Direction pad showing exits ver 2
This is an Idea I got from acouple of different people.
It is a direction pad that shows you the exits in the room
And can also follow you and hitting the buttons will make you go in that direction.

Ver.1 a)Added exit trig's for Achaea
b)Added keypad and manual exit trig's
c)Rewrote buttons and added Variables

ver.2 A)Remade all the buttons to have id's
b)remove the long process of coloring all the buttons
c)set all begging colors the same.

Things to consider:
1) It triggers from MY exit string (change it to match yours)
2) It was written with no other buttons on the screen
Meaning you need to bring this in first then your other buttons
or figure out the number of the buttons and rewirte this whole script.

3) It uses standerd exits, I.E. if you use abbreviations you will have to change this script alittle.
4) YOU need to take into consideration things like this:
"you have been pushed out of this room"
"you flee south(anydirection)"
"etc., etc...."

This being said have fun, and soon I will add a compass(tus the name of the class)The true north will probably be your home town or starting point.


#CLASS {compass}
#ALIAS DTexit {#forall @exit {#NOOP %btncol(%i,red,white)}}
#VAR exit {northwest|north|northeast|west|up|down|east|southwest|south|southeast}
#VAR exits {%lower(SOUTH)}
#VAR contexits {3}
#VAR colexit {9}
#TRIGGER {You see exits leading (*).} {#var exits %replace("%lower(%1)"," ","|");#if @exits=none {DTexit} {};#if @exits="" {#noop} {#var colexit "";#forall @exits {#additem colexit %ismember(%i,@exit)};#forall @colexit {#NOOP %btncol(%item(@exit,%i),grey)}}}
#TRIGGER {You see a single exit leading (%w).} {#var exits "%lower(%1)";#if @exits=none {DTexit} {};#if @exits="" {#noop} {#var colexit "";#forall @exits {#additem colexit %ismember(%i,@exit)};#forall @colexit {#NOOP %btncol(%item(@exit,%i),grey)}}}
#TRIGGER {^Exits~: (*)} {#var exits %replace("%lower(%1)"," ","|");#if @exits=none {DTexit} {};#if @exits="" {#noop} {#var colexit "";#forall @exits {#additem colexit %ismember(%i,@exit)};#forall @colexit {#NOOP %btncol(%item(@exit,%i),grey)}}}
#BUTTON 1 {nw} {NORTHWEST} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {16} {} {} {} {33} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {} {northwest}
#BUTTON 2 {n} {NORTH} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {16} {} {} {} {33} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {} {north}
#BUTTON 3 {ne} {northeast} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {16} {} {} {} {33} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {} {northeast}
#BUTTON 4 {w} {WEST} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {16} {Pos} {17} {1} {33} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {} {west}
#BUTTON 5 {u} {UP} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {10} {16} {} {} {} {33} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {} {up}
#BUTTON 6 {d} {DOWN} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {10} {16} {} {} {} {33} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {} {down}
#BUTTON 7 {e} {EAST} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {16} {} {} {} {33} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {} {east}
#BUTTON 8 {sw} {SOUTHWEST} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {16} {Pos} {33} {1} {33} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {} {southwest}
#BUTTON 9 {s} {SOUTH} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {16} {} {} {} {33} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {} {south}
#BUTTON 10 {se} {SOUTHEAST} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {16} {} {} {} {33} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {} {southeast}

#CLASS {compass|CompTrigs}
#VAR north {n|N|north|NORTH}
#VAR northwest {nw|NW|northwest|NORTHWEST}
#VAR northeast {ne|northeast|NE|NORTHEAST}
#VAR east {e|east|E|EAST}
#VAR west {w|west|W|WEST}
#VAR south {s|south|S|SOUTH}
#VAR southeast {se|sotheast|SE|SOUTHEAST}
#VAR southwest {sw|southwest|SW|SOUTHWEST}
#VAR up {u|up|U|UP}
#VAR down {d|down|D|DOWN}
#TRIGGER {^{@north}$} {#forall @exit {#NOOP %btncol(%i,green,blue)};#NOOP %btncol(north,green,yellow)}
#TRIGGER {^{@northwest}$} {#forall @exit {#NOOP %btncol(%i,green,blue)};#NOOP %btncol(northwest,green,yellow)}
#TRIGGER {^{@northeast}$} {#forall @exit {#NOOP %btncol(%i,green,blue)};#NOOP %btncol(northeast,green,yellow)}
#TRIGGER {^{@east}$} {#forall @exit {#NOOP %btncol(%i,green,blue)};#NOOP %btncol(east,green,yellow)}
#TRIGGER {^{@west}$} {#forall @exit {#NOOP %btncol(%i,green,blue)};#NOOP %btncol(west,green,yellow)}
#TRIGGER {^{@up}$} {#forall @exit {#NOOP %btncol(%i,green,blue)};#NOOP %btncol(up,green,yellow)}
#TRIGGER {^{@down}$} {#forall @exit {#NOOP %btncol(%i,green,blue)};#NOOP %btncol(down,green,yellow)}
#TRIGGER {^{@south}$} {#forall @exit {#NOOP %btncol(%i,green,blue)};#NOOP %btncol(south,green,yellow);)}
#TRIGGER {^{@southeast}$} {#forall @exit {#NOOP %btncol(%i,green,blue)};#NOOP %btncol(southeast,green,yellow)}
#TRIGGER {^{@southwest}$} {#forall @exit {#NOOP %btncol(%i,green,blue)};#NOOP %btncol(southwest,green,yellow)}

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