gedron Beginner
Joined: 01 Feb 2003 Posts: 15
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2003 4:52 pm
Beta Question |
I know this should probably be posted in the beta forum, however I don't seem to have acess to it so I can't find out about this issue, I thought I'd try here instead.
I'm having a problem with the automapper. When I start a new connection to a mud, I'm able to configure it, and it works wonderfully. After a little while though, it gets confused, It appears to stop triggering properly and starts adding exits impropperly when in map creation mode, and in follow mode the map won't follow anymore.
Does anyone know if this is a known issue? Or how I can look at the actual triggers the automapper is using? I can't find them in the settings anywhere (not even in the automapper class folder where it looks like they should be).
Gedron |
Evangelist Adept
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 224 Location: USA
Talahaski Enchanter
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 656 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2003 8:30 pm |
how is it adding exits improperly? What exactly is it doing?
has the room description for that room changed in anyway? For example, if your mud shows the light level in the room and you first maped the room during bright noon-time light, and then try to map it at night when its dark, this could cause the mapper to think you are moving to a new room. It also will stop the map from following like you mentioned. If this is the case you need to set up some special triggers to handle the light level.
Processor PIII 1000
Memory 265MB
Windows XP
Zmud Version 6.53
Zmapper Version 1.14
http://www.dartmud.com |
gedron Beginner
Joined: 01 Feb 2003 Posts: 15
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2003 9:53 pm |
I bet your right about the the light issue, there is a line about the sun going down occasionally and i'm sure thats where the extra downs in the map are coming from.
I get the impression there is no way to see directly what the triggers look like that the auto-mapper uses besides the check box type settings. I can understand why that's benificial for upgrades etc. but having more precise method of defining the triggers would be better.
Perhaps if the auto configuration allowed you to insert flags of some kind into the sample data identifying the different sections.
I saw some hints in the help file about ways you might be able to use zMUD to modify the output of your mud into something the automapper could work with. However I'm having trouble finding it again, and as I recall it didn't have alot of info in it. Anyone know were more detailed info about how the automapper works (or how to get around how it work) is located? |
Talahaski Enchanter
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 656 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2003 10:59 pm |
If your getting extra ups or downs from stuff like..the sun goes down, or a glowing blub lights up the room, then you need to configure your map to see the exit line better.
I really need some mud output to help you more here
Here is something that may help. If your mud displays the exits on a seperate line looking something like:
Exits: N,S,E
Then you want to go into the mapper config to the exit settings and put "Exits:" in the exit keywork box and make sure the "exits after keyword" option is checked.
[edit] remember to re-configure the mapper after making these changes
Processor PIII 1000
Memory 265MB
Windows XP
Zmud Version 6.53
Zmapper Version 1.14
http://www.dartmud.com |
Talahaski Enchanter
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 656 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2003 11:34 pm |
Also, another trick that may apply to your mud.
In my mud, the exit line is like:
The is one obvious exit: North
There are two obvious exits: North, South
There are many exits here: North, South, East, West.
Since the exit line is not consistant, I had a hard time getting the mapper to see the exits correctly.
What I ended up doing is using #sub triggers to change the exit line so that it always shows the same thing. So using zmud with my #sub triggers, I now see the following exit line.
[Exits]: North, South
I then put the [Exits]: in the exit keyword field of the mapper config. This works very nicely.
Processor PIII 1000
Memory 265MB
Windows XP
Zmud Version 6.53
Zmapper Version 1.14
http://www.dartmud.com |