Hi, I'm playing a starwars mud that includes hyperspacing(Star Wars Reach of the Empire), the only problem is you have to manually drop out of hyperspace. I was wondering if it would be possible ot create a trigger to setup an alarm to drop me out of hyperspace, based off this output
| (Current Position) | Alderaan | Bearing: 94/-12 |
| X: -2033398 | X: -251847 | Distance: 1827841 |
| Y: 501235 | Y: 385915 | Speed: 9000 Jump |
| Z: 761284 | Z: 369134 | ETA: 8m 7s |
Edit: I want it to drop me out at 0 seconds, or if that's not possible beep me at like 10 seconds. Thanks for the help!
Jerle Minara,
zMUD 6.37a
Win 2k Advanced Server