Articnal Apprentice
Joined: 19 Jan 2002 Posts: 107
Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2002 9:25 pm
More autospelling =) |
Well,after making the spell tigger,now i would like something to go recording the spells which go getting of (there is always a phrase for each spell,when the spell effect getts off) so i think it would be easy,so when y want to have all the spells again,i can spell them and just them... perhaps its a little difficult to make zmud check if they work or not for repeating em,as we did with the last tigger...
Greetings,and thanks for ur help...
Articnal =) |
Vijilante SubAdmin
Joined: 18 Nov 2001 Posts: 5182
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2002 4:04 am |
As this would integrate to a current script you have setup and running we will need to have the details of your current script. Plus you will need triggers, on the wear off message, for each spells you want to keep track of. Then you would have to decide if you want to have a command or button to respell everything needed, or it automatically respells.
Articnal Apprentice
Joined: 19 Jan 2002 Posts: 107
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2002 12:43 pm |
well,the actual script i have is the next:
#AL spellup {#T+ Spellup;#VAR spell {'escudo hielo'};cast @spell}
#CLASS Spellup
#TR {Un picor en la nariz te impide mantener la concentracion} {cast @spell}
#TR {Has tenido una laguna mental mientras invocabas el hechizo} {cast @spell}
#TR {Has perdido la concentracion} {cast @spell}
#TR {Pierdes la concentracion} {cast @spell}
#TR {Has tenido una laguna mental mientras invocabas el hechizo} {cast @spell}
#TR {Has fallado} {cast @spell}
#TR {Un pinchazo en tu pierna te impide lanzar el conjuro adecuadamente.} {cast @spell}
#TR {Algo en tu garganta impide que recites bien la frase} {cast @spell}
#TR {Un torbellino de granizo te envuelve protectivamente} {#VAR spell {'piel petrea'};cast @spell}
#TR {Tu piel se vuelve dura como la piedra, aunque flexible} {#VAR spell {'piel demonio'};cast @spell}
#TR {Tu piel se vuelve gruesa y rugosa, parecida a la de los demonios.} {#VAR spell {'piel dragon'};cast @spell}
#TR {Tu carne cambia para emular la piel escamosa de un dragon.} {#VAR spell {'proteccion fuego'};cast @spell}
#TR {Un escudo traslucido amarillo te rodea, protegiendote del calor intenso.} {#VAR spell 'invisibilidad';cast @spell}
#TR {Te desvaneces en el aire.} {#VAR spell 'escudo';cast @spell}
#TR {Un escudo de fuerza azul te rodea.} {#VAR spell 'detectar';cast @spell}
#TR {Tus ojos brillan, siendo capaces ahora de ver lo invisible.} {#VAR spell {armadura};cast @spell}
#TR {Tu armadura brilla suavemente al ser mejorada por un conjuro.} {#ECHO Spellup finished!;#T- Spellup}
#TR {out of mana message} {#ECHO Que no tienes MANA cabron!}
i would like to have a button for spelling the spells i dont have so when i want to have the spells which have gone out,i can spell em
Tnx again
Articnal =) |
Articnal Apprentice
Joined: 19 Jan 2002 Posts: 107
Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 11:29 am |
Well i got an idea,i dont know how to put it on zmud lenguage,but ill try to explain
there are,for example,2 spells i want to have always; spell1 and spell2
then i make 2 tiggers with 2 variables:
tigger {spell1 work phrase} {variable for spell1=1}
tigger {spell2 work phrase} {variable for spell2 =1}
tigger {spell1 finish phrase(when its effects stop of working)} {var for spell1=0}
tigger {spell2 finish phrase(when its effects stop of working)} {var for spell2=0}
alias spellup:
if variable of spell1=1 cast spell1
if variable of spell2=1 cast spell2
and,for when u get out all the spells by the dispell one,a tigger:
tigger {u wear off all spells}{variable for spell1= 0}{variable for spell2=0}
Well hope this helps someone,greetings Articnal |
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