If you are getting (pattern)(pattern)..
Then the way that I've found that works the
best is to grab the entire line then parse
it out.
Off the top of my head here is something
which you might consider:
Trigger: ^(%*)$
ie 008ABCDEFGH003ABC..
When should this trigger be on? Always
or just when you are to receive such
#VAR ToParse %1
#WHILE (@ToParse( <> "") {
#NOOP Is that while statement correct?
#NOOP will the copy make it go to ""?
#VAR SequenceSize %copy(@ToParse,1,3)
#VAR Sequence %copy(@ToParse,3,@SequenceSize)
#VAR Parsed %additem(@Sequence)
#VAR ToParse %copy(@ToParse,[3+@SequenceSize],%len(@ToParse))
Uses 6.16