einar Wanderer
Joined: 06 Nov 2000 Posts: 80 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2001 11:33 pm
Bot through the map |
Ok, I've already mapped out my area, how would I be able to run a bot that will walk around and kill a certain thing?
Like have my char walk around, following my map, and everytime I see a "Huge Monkey-Man" I would "k monkey".
But if I encountered a "Berserk Monkey" or "Monkey Chieftain" I would just leave the room and go searching for the normal monkey-men to kill.
Also, is there a way to "quaff heal" whenever I dip below 150 hp, and when I have 1 healing potion left, have my char run to the start of the zone, follow paths to a shop (with special dirs like path, trail and such), buy more potions, then backtrack along the paths, enter the zone, and run in to finish the mob?
Like run to start of zone, then I would "trail;..monkey;path;.wtoe;path;.totown;.path;.shop" then buy like 20 potions, and go back using something like "..shop;sw;..totown;path;..wtoe;path;.monkey;ruins" and run back to the room where I left the mob.
Please excuse my run-on sentances, and incoherent explanations, ask me if you need something clarified ;)
Master, seventh circle of idling |
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 873 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2001 5:18 am |
We're probably going to need some more details and sample output.
Do you just want to attack if you see a 'Huge Monkey-Man', or do you mean that you need to check to see if a berserk or chieftan is also in the room before attacking?
If the former in a DIKU-style mud, it's easy enough (just trigger on "^You see a Huge Monkey-Man here." or whatever your mud says to indicate the presence of one). If the latter, we'll need to know a little more about how the mud shows the other beings present in a room to tell you how to put together a list of present mobs and then check for victims.
The sequential walking of a specified path is also easy enough if you supply a few more details about the mud. I like arrays to specify each step to take, similar to the 'paper route' example I posted in the completed scripts section. Others prefer string lists like "e|n|e|ne|nw" and then removing one item from the list each step.
zMud also provides some very nice 'slow-walking' through a map; once you give some more details we can probably be of more help.
-Tarn |
einar Wanderer
Joined: 06 Nov 2000 Posts: 80 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2001 9:09 am |
It shows it as just:
Huge Monkey-Man
No standing here, sitting, or any description what he is doing, just his name.
What exact info do you need about how I move around? I only need to use basic dir's (n ne e se s sw w nw)
Also is there a way to bookmark the room so everything that needs me to run to start of zone, do something and come back, I'll be able to go to the room I left.
Master, seventh circle of idling |
einar Wanderer
Joined: 06 Nov 2000 Posts: 80 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2001 8:59 am |
Is there any way to bring a topic back up to the top of the board, its hard to notice if it's at the bottom. Hopefully posting on it brings it to the top...
Master, seventh circle of idling |
Thunderbuster Novice
Joined: 07 Nov 2001 Posts: 45 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2001 6:21 am |
You know I have been busting my head on this one. I looked for your post but didn't see any past December. In my opinion slow walk leaves one wanting. I would like to use slow walk myself because it is suppose to be an element of the Zmud client, but it goes crazy on me. It would be nice if there was a pace command. The mud I play likes to deture speed walking so I have encorporated a #wait statement before the #ok. I only have to slow down a few steps, but this seems to only add to the chaos. I walk for a bit then the all the sudden the code seems to dump the entire path to the prompt. The crazy thing is that the path is a simple square 20 rooms on each side that closes in on itself with the inner streets 2 rooms away from the other streets. I have fought this so long I am ready to use an array, but I keep asking the simple question: Why should I have too? One would think that slow walk would be sufficient to do the task.
2nd place just means your a 1st place loser. |
Darker GURU
Joined: 24 Sep 2000 Posts: 1237 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2001 2:07 pm |
Look at "Sendline delay" in the preferences. It controls the amount of time between commands zMUD sends to the mud, without using #wait (#wait isn't a good thing to use and will eventually be unsupported).
With this property set up for your mud, you may not need slow walks at all.
zMUD 6 Online Help: All the power you'll ever need. |
Thunderbuster Novice
Joined: 07 Nov 2001 Posts: 45 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 5:37 am |
Well, I have tried the "Send Delay" and it has no affect. I tried 10, 100, 1000, and 10000. No difference.
Rainchild Wizard

Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 1551 Location: Australia
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 7:25 am |
I've recently been playing with slow-walking and all that fun stuff. I actually used #WALK <dest> inside #ALARM triggers with mixed success. Sometimes it'd work, sometimes it'd throw a fit and re-issue another direction, sometimes it wouldn't #OK when it moved into the next room.
Maybe we need to pester Zugg for some features like slow-walk delay (so it'd delay the issuing of the next path direction by a user-specified time).
I'm not sure, though, if he'd put them into this round of beta's, or wait until his new mapper technology comes out.
-- Rainchild |
JerleMin Novice
Joined: 17 Oct 2000 Posts: 38
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 8:40 pm |
Sendline works just fine for me.. Like Aetolia needs a 3 second every two rooms or something.. so just set it to 3000 and off you go..
Jerle Minara,
zMUD 6.22 Win98
Aetolia and Achaea Addict! |
Rainchild Wizard

Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 1551 Location: Australia
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 11:32 pm |
Won't that affect everything though?
Like triggers won't go off for 3 seconds too?
What I want is my triggers to fire before my next step in the path, so I have a chance to do in-room stuff like picking up reagents for spells, etc.
-- Rainchild |
Thunderbuster Novice
Joined: 07 Nov 2001 Posts: 45 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 6:13 am |
Ok so I am thinking, perhaps something is broken within a zmud system file, so I install into a different directory. I import nothing and test out #slow on a simple line. I set my "sendline delay" at 4000. And boom, I don't get any delay. It just dumps out the path just as fast as it can get a responce back from the #Ok. Now I have 2 bald spots.
2nd place just means your a 1st place loser. |
Thunderbuster Novice
Joined: 07 Nov 2001 Posts: 45 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 6:44 am |
Hey, May hair grew back. I figured it out. It was a combination of wrong code attempts and the corruption of a system file. Don't use the #ok. Just set the "sendline delay" to desire and uncheck "timeout aborts walk". Now it works like a charm.
Thanks to all who pushed me to resolve this conflict. I feel like a new person. Now maybe I can sleep. |
Mudder Dude Beginner
Joined: 23 Oct 2000 Posts: 23 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2001 6:27 pm |
The trick to using slow walk is turn off the map.
Make a path you want to walk.
Use your exit prompt to turn on a trigger class to look for mobs.
When the mob dies, look again.
When no mobs, use a trigger to send #ok to the mud.
Mudder Dude! |
rhombur Beginner
Joined: 13 Oct 2005 Posts: 24 Location: Illinois
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:28 am |
slow should work with the map. seems silly to work with static paths, but not dynamic pathing the zmap has to offer. I hope there are more threads concerning this. :/
_________________ Niax Rhasu |
Fang Xianfu GURU

Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:06 pm |
This thread is from eight years ago, of course it's going to be outdated. There were over 50 versions of zMUD in the four years following this thread.
So yeah, this is quite easy now. You can use #walk to walk to a specific room and then use the other speedwalking commands as you progress. The disadvantage of this, though, is that you can't easily set up a patrol route or something - you'd have to rig a number of points you want to walk between, which for complex routes (say, snaking through a large grid of rooms to catch every room in the grid, while avoiding three certain spaces that contain monsters that're too big, and also exploring five alcoves off the edges of the grid that're single rooms with only one exit)) can be quite a chore. Really, static routes are probably the best solution since room layouts don't change much, and if they did then the mapper would be wrong anyway.
You could use the mapper to calculate the shortest route between a certain two points if you really wanted, and then include that route in your static path, but they're still probably the best thing to try. |
rhombur Beginner
Joined: 13 Oct 2005 Posts: 24 Location: Illinois
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:45 pm |
I still think the #slow should work with the zmap on, and not just with .path command.
I've been using the zmapper for about 4 or 5 years now, and it just shows how awesome zmud is that i'm still learning about it. I don't want to start using .path's again if I can help it, since i would much rather #walk 36217 to a specific room or its waypoint name instead of having to go back and make a path from point a to point b. MUCH more interested in making a path from point X to point B and be able to use the #slow functions which to me look exciting.
that said i was messing around with it for a long while last night, and the only movement i could get was 1 room then the path would delay and cancel itself, so I'm wondering if maybe there is some functionality to this after all, and I'm just not figuring it out. |
_________________ Niax Rhasu |
rhombur Beginner
Joined: 13 Oct 2005 Posts: 24 Location: Illinois
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:31 pm |
so, after much tinkering and comprimising with the .path inside the map, i finally got it to work. switch the map from FAST to SLOW, the slow command works with all the other things, inside the zmap. since this is where i started with pathing about 9 years ago i feel comfortable i'll be able to evolve this into my waypoints if i need or want to.
as always thanks. hopefully somebody else will find this thread helpful. |
_________________ Niax Rhasu |