Duindain Novice
Joined: 14 Feb 2003 Posts: 31 Location: Perth, Australia
Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 12:18 pm
couple of problems |
hey just a couple of problems im running 7.05 and i have the 2 settings in settings for displaying varible values when u hover over them but they dont display anything enable mouse over expression/ varible eval are both checked is this a bug with this version that they dont display? i noticed it was the same with 7.04 as well
also i have a multistate button which minus's or plus's of a varible number different amounts depending on what u click however after awhile it starts not working 3/4 of the time and u have to keep clicking and reclicking until it finally accepts the changes
this is the button exported
#BUTTON 14 {Chg Vnum} {} {Add 2|Add 3|Add 4|Add 5|Add 10|Add 15|Take 2|Take 3|Take 4|Take 5|Take 10|Take 15} {#add vnum 2|#add vnum 3|#add vnum 4|#add vnum 5|#add vnum 10|#add vnum 15|#add vnum -2|#add vnum -3|#add vnum -4|#add vnum -5|#add vnum -10|#add vnum -15} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {382} {0} {95} {0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {}
i have 2 triggers in different classes that are exactly the same
You join the fight {do whatever} is there a way for me to check whether one of the classes is enabled because one of them is excuting out of order when i have both classes enabled i am looking for something like
#if (void.class==1) {do something}
i know it wont be in that syntax but it demonstrates what i am looking for heh
grateful for any help thankyou everyone who reads :) |
LightBulb MASTER
Joined: 28 Nov 2000 Posts: 4817 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:33 pm |
Help Balloons in General prefs.
I don't see a problem. The button works. That means that "after awhile" something else is slowing this button down. I have no idea what, and have no access to your computer to find out what. You'll have to do the troubleshooting yourself to see what is slowing things down "after awhile" when you start having this problem. Pay special attention to anything that happens right before the first time you notice a problem.
The %trigger and %class functions check whether a class is enabled. They are identical except for the name. |
Duindain Novice
Joined: 14 Feb 2003 Posts: 31 Location: Perth, Australia
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 9:26 am |
sorry thankyou for the %class stuff thats what i need :) the button isnt being slowed down however the effect dont delay and they go through they just stop completely then after repeated clickings about the 10-15th time it might excute the commands anyway i will try and get some better info for you but it is almost a clean slate for that window barely any triggers or anything and no loops or something that could be causeing a delay that i can see i was thinking it might be a problem with multistate buttons