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Joined: 02 Feb 2004
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Location: Canada

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 4:07 pm   

Looking to use spell affects in trigger making

I'm not sure if this has been posted before and it's too early in the morning for me to pour through the hundreds of posting on any portion of the forum. But after I post this, if I'm awake by then, I'll try searching. For now, I would like some assistance :)

I'm looking to advance my triggers to where they check my affected (typing af) to see if I'm already imbued with the spell. For instance, the wearoff message for my trigger goes and automatically, I cast the spell to re-wear the spell. Sometimes they fail and as a result, I end up having to put the casting twice in the trigger. I'd like to be able to cast once, check my af to see if it worked (because there's more than one failure message at a casting) and if it's not there, I'd like to recast it. However, I only want to do this when the spell doesn't work (like I said, I don't want to put the same casting twice in the trigger). Is it possible that zMUD support SMAUG-based ifchecks?

Thanks :)
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Joined: 31 May 2004
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 2:29 pm   
This one is easy. :)

Here goes

Add the following line to the top of all your wear off messages.
#VAR lasttrig SpellKeyword
Example: #VAR lasttrig sanct

This part may take a bit, but make a trigger for all the fail messages you can get, some may be as follows.

#TRIGGER {A tickle in your nose} {cast @lasttrig}
#TRIGGER {An itch on your leg} {cast @lasttrig}
#TRIGGER {You lost your concentration} {cast @lasttrig}
#TRIGGER {Something distracts you} {cast @lasttrig}
#TRIGGER {A twitch in your eye} {cast @lasttrig}
#TRIGGER {You get a mental block} {cast @lasttrig}

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Joined: 02 Feb 2004
Posts: 10
Location: Canada

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:34 pm   
Yay, that rules! Now I can go about making the triggers the right way. Thank you much :)
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Joined: 08 Jun 2004
Posts: 26
Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:15 pm   
just for shats in gaggles, is there a msg for a sucsessful cast? maybe there are less variations of that... just for future reference. some muds provide more fail msgs then success (wow i cant spell right now)..
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