slicertool Magician

Joined: 09 Oct 2003 Posts: 459 Location: USA
Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 6:32 pm
OT: Star Gate, Star Trek, And Babylon 5 |
"One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just does not belong." (sorry, way too much child in me for a 23 yr old programmer)
I opened this topic, because I thought it best for the status of emobius to keep that thread and out of topic stuff be tossed into this one.
I always loved Babylon 5, because the characters were much more lively and rich than Star Trek or TNG. There was some actual depth to the storyline in each episode unlike Trek where the storyline happened usually in the first and last episodes of the season.
Anyways, I'm sad that we lost B5 and that there really hasn't been a show of that scope to swoop in and replace it in the futuristic space sci-fi genre. |
Vijilante SubAdmin

Joined: 18 Nov 2001 Posts: 5182
Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 12:11 am |
Of course you make no mention of SG1. They have maintained an almost X-Files format to episode plots. A few around the main theme, one or two 'creature/planet of the week', a few more core plots; repeat. It definitely keeps things interesting when you have a few lighter episodes mixed in, and they can have some cute ties to little events in other core episodes. Having a core plot that episodes progress is very important for serial shows.
My basic assessment across all those mentioned so far:
Star Trek (original): no real core plot; everything was uncharted territory, even making TV shows.
Star Trek (TNG): some core plot; a few recurring characters is enough to make this, they really started having an ongoing thing when the Borg were introduced thanks to the best character ever Q.
Star Trek (DS9): almost the right mix, heavy on core though; overall the best the Star Trek franchise has produced. They did a very good job of having episodes that were about 'mundane' day to day operations while focusing on core things. Some years were actually too 'mundane', but most went the other way.
Star Trek (Voyager): I didn't even like the premise; every episode I saw had some core ties and it was excessive. One person was suggestive about watching it since it was quite progressive to have a black Vulcan, but that just echoed to much back to Ohuru to me. I felt they were trying to dust off an old trick, that had its place, and make it mean something else. Never could and just was lame.
Star Trek (Enterprise): first seasons were rocky, last season was heavy on core; overall has been a decent showing. I actually have to give them points for not trampling over the things established in every other ST series. They have made a very nebulous core plot of time travel and thinking about it the first few seasons served that core without being specifically so. The basic premise of peering into the history of ST is served in every episode, but they went overboard this past season trying to hook the show for another season.
Babylon 5: I never watched this show enough, it had a time conflict with something else; the few episode I caught did show a deep character development. This actually was detrimental to further viewing, I could meet the characters, but they kept referring to things that had gone before. Perhaps they went a little to much on the core side. I couldn't dreg any interest when the base captain changed, the little bit I saw was enough to invest me in the last captain.
I am sure a few other shows have been mentioned. From what I recall none even classed with SG1, B5, or anything in the ST world. I tried to be blunt in all my opinions and also clear in how much information I had to base those opinions on. Feel free to flame me.
In all cases this topic is not truly the point of this forum, but it is better it be here then in the Status thread. Probably the greatest single benefit of Zuggsoft products is that they cross all sorts of boundaries and invite everyone to use them. It is a joy to have a few similar minds in the world to go off topic with. |
Chiara Site Admin
Joined: 29 Sep 2000 Posts: 389 Location: USA
Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 3:49 am |
I would just like to state up front that there are to be
on this forum, anywhere. Not hidden, not highlighted, not anywhere.
SG-Atlantis spoilers are also discouraged.
Chiara has spoken. |
Carabas GURU

Joined: 28 Sep 2000 Posts: 434 Location: USA
Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 8:34 pm |
I would almost have to agree 100% with Vijilante's opinions.
To address the last couple replies to the Status thread. I believe it was seamer that stated something about SG-Atlantis and the second 'decomissioned' earth gate. Atlantis takes place in another galaxy on another world, so the conflict of gates would not be an issue. As we found out in the last couple of episodes in season 7, atlantis was merely an off-world base for the ancients. Also, SG-1 has address a lot of mythology, not only Egyptian.
I think it was Jerran that stated something about japanese mythology in the upcoming season 8. If you were refering to Yu, 1) he's been around for a while, and 2) I believe he was a chinese emperor, not japanese.
We need a Sci-Fi forum!  |
Rainchild Wizard

Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 1551 Location: Australia
Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 12:47 am |
I agree with Vijilante except about Voyager -- if you watched every episode from the start and through, it was a great adventure. I think that might be why some people didn't get it -- because they didn't watch every episode in order.
It might be the Bab-5 problem, where the series doesn't make sense unless you've seen everything else?
Personally I prefer a series with a core story, rather than the X-Files approach. I guess that's why I'm glued to my seat every monday watching 24. |
IceChild Magician

Joined: 11 Oct 2000 Posts: 419 Location: Post Falls, ID, USA
Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 8:24 pm |
I always loved Babylon 5, though I had the fortune of seeing the episodes in order, and like SG1, it REALLY helps. Course, my favourite sci-fi shows to date are probably (in no peticular order):
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Babylon 5
Stargate SG1
Star Trek: DS9 (though, I never saw the full series, still working on the collection)
Of the list, I'm really sad that Firefly didn't stick around, it had a great theme going, and it was actually a really good show again, if you saw it in order. It had a lot of potential to be a really excellent series.... Course, there have been many that would qualify under that to me. Heck, I loved Twin Peaks in the same way. |
Jerran Apprentice

Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 157 Location: USA
Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 11:36 pm |
quote: Originally posted by Carabas
I think it was Jerran that stated something about japanese mythology in the upcoming season 8. If you were refering to Yu, 1) he's been around for a while, and 2) I believe he was a chinese emperor, not japanese.
We need a Sci-Fi forum!
No, not Yu. I know he's been around a while (and yes, he is Chinese.). I'm talking about the Japanese Sun Goddess (and new Goa'uld System Lord) Amaterasu.
Carabas GURU

Joined: 28 Sep 2000 Posts: 434 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 1:55 am |
quote: Originally posted by Jerran
I'm talking about the Japanese Sun Goddess (and new Goa'uld System Lord) Amaterasu.
Oh, okay. [:I] |
seamer Magician
Joined: 26 Feb 2001 Posts: 358 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:03 am |
AFter thinking about it (I refuse to specifically search for information because I havent even seen series 6/7 of SG-1 yet) I've come to decide that Atlantis will be based on Greek legends, that of Zeus, Apollo, Athena, Hercules etc etc. Anyone with even a passing knowledge of these figures will be able to see the relevannce in the two major ancient civilisations :)
Carabas GURU

Joined: 28 Sep 2000 Posts: 434 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 3:03 pm |
quote: Originally posted by seamer
AFter thinking about it (I refuse to specifically search for information because I havent even seen series 6/7 of SG-1 yet) I've come to decide that Atlantis will be based on Greek legends, that of Zeus, Apollo, Athena, Hercules etc etc. Anyone with even a passing knowledge of these figures will be able to see the relevannce in the two major ancient civilisations :)
Oops, then I sincerely apologize for spoiling the end of season 7 for you.  |
Belmyrddyn Magician
Joined: 17 Oct 2001 Posts: 371 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 3:19 pm |
Ahh, deep Trekie fan here. I LOVED just about all of the series. TNG was fantastic, as was Voyager (I agree w/ Rainchild here, it does take watching the whole series). I initially disliked DS9, because the cast didn't grow on me as much; but now that the reruns are starting up, I like it considerably more (although Sisko is nowhere near the captain that Jean Luc Picard or Kathryn Janeway were). The major problem I have with Enterprise is this over-fixation with time-travel and the Xindi. The entire season has been dedicated to it, with the exception of possibly one or two episodes for some small diversions. And then, there is this Archer captain. He just isn't the noble and honorable character that endeared Janeway and Picard to me. This new series seems to lack the.... moral strength that was one of the bedrocks of the Star Trek franchise during the 90s.
Since I wasn't alive when TOS was on, I can't comment to much on it. I like some of the movies, dislike others. I like shows depending on the how much I understand/like the characters, and I just have never gotten much out of that cast. It just can't compare to me with the casts of The West Wing, Voyager, TNG, etc. While alot of people tell me they like Kirk the best because he was like a space-cowboy; I was raised on Picard and the dutiful starship captain. Ah, well.
Did anybody watch Andromeda much? I see reruns fairly often, but I can't understand ANY of the plot, other than that Earth has been conquered or destroyed and that Andromeda is like the last major Earth vessel trying to free Earth? |
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