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Joined: 30 Dec 2003
Posts: 226

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2004 7:19 am   

Mapper doors
I'm trying to do something, and I'm having trouble getting it to work. I really like the feature in zmud's mapper that automatically opens doors when i'm going somewhere quickly, but in a PK situation, it can be very dangerous. What I really want is a way to turn on/off the auto door-opening zmud does with the mapper. Is there any way to do this?

Also, something related to that, I'd like to make an alias for when I AM in PK that would open doors for me. Such as "oup" would open the door that is "up" from my position on the map. But i'm not sure how I'd transfer the door info from the mapper to my alias.

Any help on either of these would be appreciated. :D
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Joined: 30 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2004 7:29 am   
Hrmm... so i assume there is no way?
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2004 5:16 pm   
I don't know about toggling the automatic door-opening. An alias is easy, it doesn't make any difference whether you are using the map or not.
#AL oup {open up}
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Joined: 30 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2004 6:21 pm   
For the door alias, I need the doorname in the alias, not just "open up". I'd need "open barndoor east" for example. That's why I wanted to be able to transfer the doornames from the mapper to a variable that i could use in my alias. So when i enter the room, the variables for the doors in all the directions are updated from what the map has stored for that room. Otherwise I'm going to have to make a BUNCH of individual aliases for the most common doors :P
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2004 8:44 pm   
Syntax: %doorname([id], direction)
Return the name of the door in the specified direction.
doorname Example
#SHOW %doorname(,n)
Display the name of the door for the North exit of the room
#SHOW %doorname(,portal)
Display the name of the door for the exit of the room called "portal"

#AL odoor {open %doorname(,%1) %1}


odoor n

will send Open nameofdoorforNORTHexit north
but why do you need that if your using the mapper is what I don't get :P

EDIT: fixed helpfile typo
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2004 8:52 pm   
Automaticly Update doors when enterering in a room into Data Record

#ALIAS onroomenter {doors="";#FORALL %roomexit {doors.%i=%doorname(,%i)}}

And one for individual variables, N S E W U D dirs
#ALIAS onroomenter {n="";w="";s="";e="";u="";d="";#forall %roomexit{%i=%doorname(,%i)}}

EDIT: updated with correct syntax
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Joined: 30 Dec 2003
Posts: 226

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:16 am   
Hrmm... this is strange... I tried using the %doorname, even the exact wording in the help file, and it doesn't seem to work at all. I've checked that the link to the direction i'm trying does have a door on the map, even one with a name. It just returns a blank line.

What i'm trying:

#SHOW %doorname(w)

(Btw, nexala, what exactly do the onroomenter things above do?)

PS: The reason I need something like this is that when you use the mapper's door-opening thing, it automatically sends the command to open the door, even if the door is already open, or if the map lost track of where I was and thinks there's a door in that direction. This extra command going through can be critical when speed is needed.
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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 11:26 am   
It seems we have a typo in the help file the ACTUAL syntax should be (fixed previous posts)

Syntax: %doorname([id], direction)

So this will work(add coma before direction)

#SHOW %doorname(,w)

onroomenter is a special ALIAS that is executed everytime you enter a room

Since there is no way to disable automatic door opening here is a workaround Remove the doors from your map and just fill in the doorname field

and use this alias to autoopen doors when you enter a room (also ones in previous post are fixed for updating variables
#ALIAS onroomenter {#FORALL %roomexit {#IF (!%null(%doorname(,"%i")) {open %doorname(,"%i" %i})}}

EDIT: after all that testing to get the correct syntax I managed to forget it here fixed now:P
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Joined: 30 Dec 2003
Posts: 226

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 11:22 pm   
Thanks for the help on the doorname thing, I found a way to turn off the auto-opening of doors. If you go to the configuration settings on the mapper and go to "Strings and Doors", then delete the entries in the top two fields, it will no longer open doors automatically. (Just for anyone else that's curious).
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