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Joined: 07 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 6:13 pm   

#Find Prob and Mapper Q's
Hey How's it going.

I just recently switched from Telnet to Zmud to play Mud's so am kinda new to Mud clients :) A mate (no not a partner/lover/second half...but a friend :p ) has been helping me out by supplying me maps and an alias to find myself on the maps he has given me. The prob is the alias does not work 95% of the time :(

Here's the Alias in question

Name : Findme
Value : #MENU {Mapper|Actions|Find location on MUD}

Now the alias works 5% of the time, and the Find command on the Map menu works hmmm bout 40% give or take. I was wondering if that alias is buggered or i have having a run of badluck :)

Now for my mapper Questions

I found out that the blue dot that signifies me on the map continues to move in any direction i input no matter if my character was stopped by an aggro mob or my horse decided to take a break. The map will continue to think i am moving. I even tried it by locking myself in a room and input directions. Lo and behold the Dot was moving around with no problems.

I was wondering if that could be stopped. Is it possible to force the dot to maintain itself in the room where my character was stopped? Creating a trigger to grab certain mud outputs that would force the Dot to go back to the last room it was in.

Examples of Mud output

  • Your mount is hagged
  • You cannot go the direction
  • You are fighting for your life

Also. I have a magic user who likes to teleport around and the Map does not follow me to the place i teleport to. My find Alias is buggered and seeing as the mud i play has room titles which are the same, the Find command gets confused i think :D

The closest thing i could find for the above problem was this topic

And yes i did go through all 12 pages in this forum :) I could replace the fleeing output and placed a teleporting output but wasn't sure if it would work....Me still newbie after all [:p]

Thanks for reading the post [8D]


Edit :

Just to show i am reading the rest of the posts here a post with a similar problem as mine

*Goes back to reading*

Found this for the NoDir one

*reading is fun i tells ya*
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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 7:45 pm   
First: a quicker shortcut for your alias would be #FIND
Second: #FIND is possibly not working correctly because your mapper config file is not set up correctly Make a New config.

Third: Use a WALK mode Other then FAST i.e SLOW, SAFE but make sure you have a working config as neither of those to will work correctly if it doesn't get the correct output.

Fourth: Yes I could possibly adapt my script to work with teleports:p Yet would require a working map config and also you posting some mud output of you teleperting around a few rooms.

PLEASE Read completly the Automapper section of the help files. The automapper is really easy to use if a might bit confusing to get it working correctly at first (Took me a 3 days to get a fully working config).
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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 7:46 pm   
I was wondering if that could be stopped. Is it possible to force the dot to maintain itself in the room where my character was stopped? Creating a trigger to grab certain mud outputs that would force the Dot to go back to the last room it was in.

Examples of Mud output

* Your mount is hagged
* You cannot go the direction
* You are fighting for your life

#TRIGGER {^You cannot go that direction$} {#nodir}
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Joined: 07 May 2004
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Location: Australia

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 7:52 pm   
*chuckle* confusing is not the half of it. From simple Telnet to a program that does practically everything. It's like one day you are milking the cows by hand and the next a machine does it all for you. That is if you know how to instruct the machine to work for you *grin*

So far the machine is resisting my probes and my inability to let go of my old telnet days are causing me unamountable woes. But the enjoyment gotten from such hardships is worth teh effort :)


Ok messed about in the map Config and i know how to get the find command working. Only prob now is the mud is Dead atm :) As for the Dot moving thing. Figured out how to do that as well.

The only prob now is the teleporting :) Seeing as the Mud is dead i can't grab an exact output the mud will give when i teleport but i can give you a vague idea. Smile

Blah Blah (room Name)
Obvious exits [n,s.e]
Bleh bah bleh booey chubacca (room description)

Hp: Healthy Mv : Fresh

You begin conjuring the spell

Darkness envelopes you as you slide to the new demision.

Doh Dowa Dee (new room name)
exits [u,d,w]
Gooey gooey gum drops (room description.

That is me teleporting Very Happy

Now when i group port i do teh same but the mud output is something liek this

A Warp Gate flashes into existance.

You lead your group into the Warp Gate

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall (new room name)
escape routes [e, w, s]

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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 8:48 pm   
SIMPLE CHANGES untested might be typos or missing braces

#CLASS {FleeScript}
#VAR Flee ""
#TRIGGER "FleeTrig" {^{Darkness envelopes you as you slide to the new demision|You lead your group into the Warp Gate}.$} {Flee=""}
#COND {^$} {} {within|param=1}
#COND {^(*)$} {Flee.RoomName=%replace( "%1", "'", "''")} {within|param=1}
#COND {^*$} {} {within|param=1}
#COND {^(*)$} {Flee.Found="";Flee.RoomDesc=%replace( "%1", "'", "''");flee.found=%mapquery( {[Name] = '@Flee.RoomName' and [Desc] LIKE '@Flee.RoomDesc%'});#IF (%numitems( @Flee.Found)=1) {#sayRoom Found Teleporting;#TELEPORT @Flee.Found} {#IF (%numitems( @Flee.Found)>1) {#SAY Multi Rooms Found Teleporting to First;#TELEPORT %item( @Flee.Found, 1)} {#SAY No Rooms Found}}} {within|param=1}
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Joined: 07 May 2004
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Location: Australia

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 9:01 pm   
*chuckle* Guess i will change the flee trigs and variables to port trigs and variables, and call it a port script not a flee script :) So basically i change the output i gave to the exact output the mud gives and if it worked, it will continue to work :)

Will test it when the Mud comes back to life

Thanks heaps Nexela for ya help. Don't know how anyone can come up with such scripts let alone memorise the commands and what they do. You da Bomb!


Note to self : Up to page 22 in forums, continue reading when you arise from slumber. Signing off at 5.36am

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Joined: 07 May 2004
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Location: Australia

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 2:51 pm   
I found out why my #find alias didn't work for me.

For some reason the #find function does not work properly if Commands are not echoed. I don't like my commands popping up all over the place so have it turned off. I turned it back on and the #find works like a charm. Seeing as it won't work without the command echo on is there anyway to toggle it on and off via an alias?


Alias : Fme
Value : (input something here to turn on command echo)
(Input something here to turn off command echo)

Many Thanks
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