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Joined: 23 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 2:44 am   

Time capture
Hello Everyone...

Now i hate to bombard you with a bunch of code... But I have this script, that I borrowed from someone who plays the same mud as me. And I was wondering if you could help me debug it, as it doesent work for me...

#CLASS {myfanwycode|time}
#VAR currentTime {17:00}
#VAR currentDay {the Moon}
#VAR currentDayNum {6}
#VAR timeVal {17}
#VAR timeAMPM {pm}
#VAR descTime {this is a test}
#VAR currentDate {28}
#VAR currentYear {711}
#VAR lstDays {the Bull|Deception|Thunder|Freedom|the Great Gods|the Sun|the Moon }
#VAR lstMonths {Winter Wolf|Frost Giant|Old Forces|Grand Struggle|Spring|Nature|Sun|Heat|Dark Shades|Long Shadows|Ancient Darkness|Great Evil}
#VAR currentMonth {Old Forces}
#VAR currentMonthNum {3}
#VAR tmpDateNum {4}
#VAR tmpDateText {Moon}
#TRIGGER {} {#tset (70)
#timer (1) {#gag 5;time} (False)} "" {manual}
#TRIGGER "timeTrap" {It is &timeVal o'clock &timeAMPM, Day of �tDay, �tMonth (%d)*, (%d) *.} {currentTime = "";currentDate = %5;currentYear = %6;#loop 1,%numitems( @lstDays) {#if @currentDay=%item( @lstDays, %i) {currentDayNum=%i}};#loop 1,%numitems( @lstMonths) {#if @currentMonth=%item( @lstMonths, %i) {currentMonthNum=%i}};#if (@timeVal=12) {#if (@timeAMPM="am") {timeVal = 0}} {#if @timeAMPM="pm" {#math timeVal ( %number( @timeVal)+12)}};#if @timeVal<10 {currentTime = %concat( "0", @timeVal, ":00")} {currentTime = %concat( @timeVal, ":00")};#t- TimeTrap} "" {disable}
#BUTTON 74 {} {#t+ TimeTrap;#gag 4;time;#wait;tmpDateText = %replace( @currentDay, "the ", "");#echo "";#echo "";#echo %ansi( white)Calendar:;#echo "";#if (@currentMonthNum=1) {tmpDateNum=12} {#math tmpDateNum @currentMonthNum-1)};#echo %ansi( yellow)%item( @lstMonths, @tmpDateNum);#echo "B D T F G S M";#loop 1,7 {#echoprompt %ansi( cyan)%i;#echoprompt %repeat( " ", 3-%len( %i))};#echo " "%ansi( cyan, hi)"B - "%if( @tmpDateText="Bull", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Bull "%ansi( cyan, hi)"D - "%if( @tmpDateText="Deception", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Deception "%ansi( cyan, hi)"T - "%if( @tmpDateText="Thunder", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Thunder ";#loop 8,14 {#echoprompt %ansi( cyan)%i;#echoprompt %repeat( " ", 3-%len( %i))};#echo " "%ansi( cyan, hi)"F - "%if( @tmpDateText="Freedom", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Freedom "%ansi( cyan, hi)"G - "%if( @tmpDateText="Great Gods", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Great Gods "%ansi( cyan, hi)"S - "%if( @tmpDateText="Sun", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Sun ";#loop 15,21 {#echoprompt %ansi( cyan)%i;#echoprompt %repeat( " ", 3-%len( %i))};#echo " "%ansi( cyan, hi)"M - "%if( @tmpDateText="Moon", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Moon ";#loop 22,28 {#echoprompt %ansi( cyan)%i;#echoprompt %repeat( " ", 3-%len( %i))};#echo "";#echo " "%if( @currentMonth="Winter Wolf", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Winter Wolf (1) "%if( @currentMonth="Sun", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Sun (7)";#echoprompt %ansi( yellow)%item( @lstMonths, @currentMonthNum);#echo %repeat( " ", 26-%len( %item( @lstMonths, @currentMonthNum)))""%if( @currentMonth="Frost Giant", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Frost Giant (2) "%if( @currentMonth="Heat", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Heat (8)";#echo "B D T F G S M "%if( @currentMonth="Old Forces", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Old Forces (3) "%if( @currentMonth="Dark Shades", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Dark Shades (9)";#loop 1,7 {#echoprompt %if( %i=@currentDate, %ansi( white, red)%i, %ansi( cyan)%i);#echoprompt %repeat( " ", 3-%len( %i))};#echo " "%if( @currentMonth="Grand Struggle", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Grand Struggle (4) "%if( @currentMonth="Long Shadows", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Long Shadows (10)";#loop 8,14 {#echoprompt %if( %i=@currentDate, %ansi( white, red)%i, %ansi( cyan)%i);#echoprompt %repeat( " ", 3-%len( %i))};#echo " "%if( @currentMonth="Spring", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Spring (5) "%if( @currentMonth="Ancient Darkness", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Ancient Darkness (11)";#loop 22,28 {#echoprompt %if( %i=@currentDate, %ansi( white, red)%i, %ansi( cyan)%i);#echoprompt %repeat( " ", 3-%len( %i))};#echo " "%if( @currentMonth="Nature", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Nature (6) "%if( @currentMonth="Great Evil", %ansi( white, red), %ansi( cyan))"Great Evil (12)";#echo "";#if (@currentMonthNum=12) {tmpDateNum=1} {#math tmpDateNum @currentMonthNum+1)};#echoprompt %ansi( yellow)%item( @lstMonths, @tmpDateNum);#echo "";#echo "B D T F G S M "%ansi( white)"Current Date and Time:";#loop 1,7 {#echoprompt %ansi( cyan)%i;#echoprompt %repeat( " ", 3-%len( %i))};#echo "";#loop 8,14 {#echoprompt %ansi( cyan)%i;#echoprompt %repeat( " ", 3-%len( %i))};#echo " "%ansi( white)"Time: "%ansi( yellow)@currentTime" "%ansi( white)"Day: "%ansi( yellow)Day of @currentDay;#loop 15,21 {#echoprompt %ansi( cyan)%i;#echoprompt %repeat( " ", 3-%len( %i))};#echo " "%ansi( white)Date: %ansi( yellow)@currentDate %ansi( white) Month: %ansi( yellow)@currentMonth %ansi( white) Year: %ansi( yellow)@currentYear;#loop 22,28 {#echoprompt %ansi( cyan)%i;#echoprompt %repeat( " ", 3-%len( %i))};#echo "";#send %crlf} {} {} {} {} {CLOCK} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {122} {} {31} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}

And the output i get on the time command is...

It is 1 o'clock am, Day of Thunder, Grand Struggle 17th, 767 T.A.

What I really dont understand, is how the trigger uses the "�" symbol in its pattern. Perhaps someone could help me with explaining that.

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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
Posts: 4817
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 4:38 am   
You could save us time by telling us what you expect the script to do and what it's doing that's different from what you expect.

I have no idea how the trigger uses the "�" symbol. It's probably supposed to be a "&".
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Joined: 23 Apr 2004
Posts: 8
Location: Denmark

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 8:56 am   
Hehe, that worked. What it does , is that you push the button, it runs the time command on my mud, and displays the current time in a cool calendar form. It looks really good actually.


Btw. Thanks Lightbulb
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Joined: 23 Apr 2004
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Location: Denmark

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 8:07 pm   
Hmm, no wait, clear my last statement, it now works...partly.

The trigger obviously fires now, but it only seems to manage to capture the time, and not the date...

The output that i get from the mud, you can see in my first post, and the output that I get from the script is as follows:


Frost Giant
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B - Bull D - Deception T - Thunder
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 F - Freedom G - Great Gods S - Sun
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 M - Moon
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Winter Wolf (1) Sun (7)
Old Forces Frost Giant (2) Heat (8)
B D T F G S M Old Forces (3) Dark Shades (9)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Grand Struggle (4) Long Shadows (10)
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Spring (5) Ancient Darkness (11)
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Nature (6) Great Evil (12)

Grand Struggle
B D T F G S M Current Date and Time:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Time: 07:00 Day: Day of the Moon
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Date: 26 Month: Old Forces Year: 767
22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Note: In this, the time of day is alright, also the numeric date is fine... But the Day: Day of the Moon has not been captured correctly... When I fired the script it was in fact Day of the Great Gods...

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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
Posts: 4817
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 8:47 pm   
Your initial variable statements set @currentDay to the Moon.
You never change it.
Since you don't change @currentDay, your calendar display will always say it's the Day of the Moon.

Change your trigger pattern to:
It is &timeVal o'clock &timeAMPM, Day of &currentDay, &currentMonth (%d)*, (%d) *.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2004
Posts: 8
Location: Denmark

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 9:07 pm   
Heyy, that works. Thank you very much LightBulb...

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